This interface provides a method for converting a String into some destination class type. This interface was designed as an extensible method of converting Strings into arbitrary target classes when parsing scripted arguments to methods. When a script is run and a method is resolved, the String arguments are converted to the classes required for the method invocation. Built-in conversions are provided for component references and all the basic types, including arrays. You might, for instance, write a Parser that takes some ID code and converts it to some data internal to your application.
class Parser
@author : Jani Lehtim�ki
Parser for Coco/R Grammer that builds an Abstract Syntax Tree
@author Martin Preinfalk
@author Christian Wressnegger
@author Andreas Woess
The Parser
class can be used to parse some input using a set of given ParserRule
One of the possible uses of this class maybe to parse informations from a web page with minor efforts.
@author Daniele Rapagnani
Private parser class which handles doing the parsing of the JSON string into tokens.
the node, etc. (See bsh.BSH* classes) }
Parses HL7 message Strings into HL7 Message objects and encodes HL7 Message objects into HL7 message Strings.
@author Bryan Tripp (bryan_tripp@sourceforge.net)
@author Christian Ohr
@author Dmitry Bolotin
@author Stanislav Poslavsky
@author Christophe Pollet
@author hu
Assumptions: 1. The supplied expected output shouldn't (can't) be 100% emulated since its currency formatting is inconsistent. (Sometimes the format is Rands and Cents, other times just Rands) Below is the output from the unit test written to drive my development -------------------------------------------------------------- line 3: actualLine not equal to expectedLine line 3: actualLine:'3,Bag of ice,5,R10.00,R1.40,R57.00' line 3: expectedLine:'3,Bag of ice,5,R10,R1.40,R57' line 4: actualLine not equal to expectedLine line 4: actualLine:'4,2l Coke,2,R20.00,R2.80,R45.60' line 4: expectedLine:'4,2l Coke,2,R20,R2.80,R45.60' -------------------------------------------------------------- However, on line 2, the expected unit price is R5.00, not R5, so there seems to me to be no consistent rule for this that I can implement. 2. Although use of an external CSV-parsing library is a better idea for a production system, I've deemed this just a distraction for the purposes of this exercise. 3. For error handling, I've just coded up some simple messages to stdout. Without more information about the production environment in which this would run it doesn't feel like I can do much more.
@author andrew
igure the path to search for *.js files MergePath scriptPath = new MergePath(); scriptPath.addMergePath(Vfs.lookup("/home/ferg/js")); ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader(); scriptPath.addClassPath(loader); parser.setScriptPath(scriptPath); // configure the directory storing compiled scripts Path workPath = Vfs.lookup("/tmp/caucho/work"); parser.setWorkDir(workPath); Script script = parser.parse("test.js");
@brief Parser for integer, string, and more.Boolean, Integer, Integer with unit (like 1K, 3M), Basic string, Normal string, Quated string, Group, Entry, Comment.
e/lairdnelson"target="_parent">Laird Nelson
Name: Parser
Description: Simple Java arithmetic expression parser and ELL(1) grammar syntactical analizer and evaluator. Parser supports detection of implicit multiplication when a constant is followed by a variable or function.
S -> E (('+' | '-') E)*
E -> G ('*' G)*
G -> H ('/' H)*
H -> T ('%' T)*
T -> F | '-' F
F -> U ('^' U)*
U -> function '(' S ')' | number | '(' S ')' | variable
Date: 08/dic/06 Time: 13:58:28
@author Bertoli Marco
@version 1.0
A parser that extracts #include statements from a Reader.
@author Curt Arnold
Parses command line arguments.
inal productions Program=>
? Statement=> | Expression=> // Non-terminal productions. Indentation indicates that a nonterminal is // used only by the unindented nonterminal above it. DirectivePrologue=> ? Directive=> ';' TerminatedStatement=> | StatementTerminator=> ';' | BlockStatement=> ? SimpleStatement=> ? InsertedSemicolon=> ε // abort if disallowed in context StatementLabel=> ':' BlockStatementAtom=> | | // Noop is a block statement atom since it's // guaranteed to end with a semicolon. If it were // a simple statement epsilon, then it could be // inserted anywhere that semicolon insertion is // allowed. | | | | | SimpleStatementAtom=> | | // Do-While loops are simple because, unlike other // loops their body isn't last, so they aren't // guaranteed to end with a right-curly or semi. | | | | | | Identifier != | Body=> Block=> '{' * '}' Conditional=> 'if' '(' ')' Else=> 'else' | ε For=> 'for' '(' ';' ? ')' | 'for' '(' 'in' ')' | 'for' '(' 'in' ')' | 'for' '(' ';' ? ')' | 'for' '(' ';' ? ')' Noop=> ';' Switch=> 'switch' '(' ')' '{' '}' Cases=> * ? DefaultAndCases=> Case=> 'case' ':' Default=> 'default' ':' Try=> 'try' TryClauses=> ? | Catch=> 'catch' '(' ')' Finally=> 'finally' While=> 'while' '(' ')' With=> 'with' '(' ')' Do=> 'do' 'while' '(' ')' Break=> 'break' [no LineTerminator] ? Continue=> 'continue' [no LineTerminator] ? Debugger=> 'debugger' Return=> 'return' [no LineTerminator] ? Throw=> 'throw' [no LineTerminator] ExprStatement=> ExpressionOrNoop=> ? DeclarationStart=> Declaration=> DeclarationKeyword=> 'var' | 'const' DeclarationBodyList=> DeclarationBodyTail=> ',' | ε DeclarationBody=> ? InitialValue=> '=' FunctionDeclaration=> FunctionConstructor=> | AnonymousFunction=> 'function' NamedFunction=> 'function' FunctionBody=> '{' '}' Formals=> '(' ? ')' IdentifierList=> IdentifierListTail=> ',' // All of the operators have an associated precedence defined in the Operator // enum. The p variable on the right of the productions is the precedence // of the most recently consumed operator. CommaOperator=> | ',' Operator(prec) => OperatorHead(prec) => | OperatorTail(prec) => [no LineTerminator] | | // below only match if p < prec | '[' ']' | '(' ? ')' | '?' ':' | // ActualList uses Operator(MAX) to prevent parsing actuals from being // treated as operands to the comma operator. Since the parentheses // recurse to Expression under ExpressionAtom, the result of a comma // operator can be passed to a function by nesting in parens. ActualList => ? ActualListTail => ',' | ε ExpressionAtom => | | | 'null' | 'true' | 'false' | 'this' | | // error and treat as identifier | | '(' ')' | | | ε // in error-tolerant mode ArrayConstructor => '[' ? ']' ArrayElements => * | ε ArrayElementsHead => ? ',' ObjectConstructor => '{' '}' ObjPropertyList => * ? ObjProperties => ',' ObjProperty => | | ValueProperty => ':' GetterProperty => 'get' SetterProperty => 'set' ObjPropertyKey => | | | // set allowed interpreter dependent TrailingComma => ',' // warn See also {@link Keyword} for definitions of keywords, {@link Operator} foroperator precedences and associativity, and {@link JsTokenType} fordefinitions of Word, NumberLiteral, and StringLiteral. Questions as to whether a semicolon should be inserted can only be answered at the lexical level. A lexer can emit a comment-like-token where semicolons can be inserted though this is not the approach taken in this implementation.
@author mikesamuel@gmail.com
Parses data in HierachicalDataFormat (HDF), generating callbacks for data encountered in the stream.
Class for the interface for the parsers
@author Arthur Khusnutdinov
Interface that represents CodeMirror parser.
Instances of the class {@code Parser} are used to parse tokens into an AST structure.
@coverage dart.engine.parser
This class implements the JavaScript parser. It is based on the C source files jsparse.c and jsparse.h in the jsref package.
@see TokenStream
@author Mike McCabe
@author Brendan Eich
GXP parser. Instances of this class are reusable (and reentrant) so a single instance may be used to parse multiple source files.
Parses a javascript file. The various parseX() methods never return null - even when parse errors are encountered. Typically parseX() will return a XTree ParseTree. Each ParseTree that is created includes its source location. The typical pattern for a parseX() method is: XTree parseX() { SourcePosition start = getTreeStartLocation(); parse X grammar element and its children return new XTree(getTreeLocation(start), children); } parseX() methods must consume at least 1 token - even in error cases. This prevents infinite loops in the parser. Many parseX() methods are matched by a 'boolean peekX()' method which will return true if the beginning of an X appears at the current location. There are also peek() methods which examine the next token. peek() methods must not consume any tokens. The eat() method consumes a token and reports an error if the consumed token is not of the expected type. The eatOpt() methods consume the next token iff the next token is of the expected type and return the consumed token or null if no token was consumed. When parse errors are encountered, an error should be reported and the parse should return a best guess at the current parse tree. When parsing lists, the preferred pattern is: eat(LIST_START); ImmutableList.Builder
elements = ImmutableList.builder(); while (peekListElement()) { elements.add(parseListElement()); } eat(LIST_END);
Page parser. Parsers should have default constructors.
@author ameshkov
Private parser class which handles doing the parsing of the JSON string into tokens.
This class provides the root of lower level access to all the parsers. Each subclass hides the details of the per-language exception handlers and other javacc details to provide a methods that deal with setting up Query objects and using QueryException exceptions for problems.
An XML Parser.
@see Application
@see EntityManager
@version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 1998/05/08 06:38:36 $
@author Joe Stelmach
@author Luis Arias
Parses a file (or other type of stream) into an instruction set
@author kampernj. Created Oct 30, 2010.
Interface for the jADT description file parsers.
@author jiry
The parser is used to convert a SQL statement string to an command object.
The Parser
object is used to parse the command line and verify that the command line is CLIP compliant.
@author Thomas Wuerthinger
The parser maps a token sequence into an abstract syntax tree. It operates by recursive descent, with code derived systematically from an LL(1) grammar. For efficiency reasons, an operator precedence scheme is used for parsing binary operation expressions.
This is NOT part of any supported API. If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or deletion without notice.
This implements a fast non-validating SAX parser. This one always processes external parsed entities, strictly adheres to the XML 1.0 specification, and provides useful diagnostics. It supports an optimization allowing faster processing of valid standalone XML documents. For multi-language applications (such as web servers using XML processing to create dynamic content), a method supports choosing a locale for parser diagnostics which is both understood by the message recipient and supported by the parser.
This conforms to the XML 1.0 specification. To configure an XML processor which tests document conformance against XML Namespaces, provide a DtdEventListener which examines declarations of entities and notations, and have your document listener check other constraints such as ensuring xmlns* attribute values properly declare all namespace prefixes. (Only element and attribute names may contain colons, and even then the name prefix before the colon must be properly declared.)
SAX parsers produce a stream of parse events, which applications process to create an object model which is specific to their tasks. Applications which do not want to process event streams in that way should use an API producing a standardized object model, such as the W3C's Document Object Model (DOM). This parser supports building fully conformant DOM Document objects, through use of DtdEventListener extensions to SAX in conjunction with an appropriate implementation of a SAX DocumentHandler. In addition, it supports some features (exposing comments, CDATA sections, and entity references) which are allowed by DOM but not required to be reported by conformant XML processors. (As usual, the default handler for parsing events other than fatal errors ignores them.)
@see ValidatingParser
@author David Brownell
@version $Revision: 1.13 $
Title: The interface of the XML parser
Description: The interface of the XML DTON parser, parser is to encode the DTO Object to XML Notation.
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010 Thousand Origami Cranes Corp.
Create Time: 17 Feb 2010 00:44:19
@author Kevin.Zhou
@version 1.0
A CSS2 parser
@author Philippe Le H�garet
@version $Revision: 1.15 $
@author ndw
@author nikhillo
@author Yasser Ganjisaffar
Parses strings representing mathematical formulas with variables. The following operators, in descending order of precedence, are defined:
- ^ (raise to a power)
- * /
- Unary minus (-x)
- + -
- < <= = <> >= >
- and
- or
^ associates right-to-left; other operators associate left-to-right.
These unary functions are defined: abs, acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos, exp, floor, log, round, sin, sqrt, tan. Each requires one argument enclosed in parentheses.
There are also binary functions: atan2, min, max; and a ternary conditional function: if(test, then, else).
Whitespace outside identifiers is ignored.
- 42
- 2-3
- cos(x^2) + sin(x^2)
@author llegrand
Un noeud terminal est un Nombre, ou une expression entre parenthèses Un noeud non terminal est un opérateur +, -, *, / . Les noeuds non terminaux possèdent une priorité, par ex * possède une priorité plus forte que +, et ^ possède une priorité plus forte que *. Chaque noeud possède un fils gauche et un fils droit Un fils gauche est toujours créé seul, c'est le début d'une expression. Un opérateur est ajouté comme père d'un fils gauche. On ajoute donc toujours un noeud terminal comme fils droit. Les nombres sont codés en double (4.9e-324 à 1.7e308). Les valeurs sont données à 1e-15 près.
The universal bottom-up parser algorithm. Runs with a Lexer (containing the input), ParserTables (containing the syntax), and a Semantic (optional).
private static final String [][] syntax = { { "Start", "\"Hello\"", "\"World\"" }, { Token.IGNORED, "`whitespaces`" }, }; SyntaxSeparation separation = new SyntaxSeparation(new Syntax(syntax)); LexerBuilder builder = new LexerBuilder(separation.getLexerSyntax(), separation.getIgnoredSymbols()); Lexer lexer = builder.getLexer(); lexer.setInput("\tHello \r\n\tWorld\n"); ParserTables parserTables = new SLRParserTables(separation.getParserSyntax()); Parser parser = new Parser(parserTables); parser.parse(lexer, new PrintSemantic());
TODO: implement error recovery: method recover()
@author (c) 2000, Fritz Ritzberger
Interface to wrap parsers.
@author Carlos Uribe
Takes an input file and returns a parse tree.
Template Parser. (SPI, Singleton, ThreadSafe)
@see httl.spi.engines.DefaultEngine#setTemplateParser(Parser)
@author Liang Fei (liangfei0201 AT gmail DOT com)
kipedia.org/wiki/Operator-precedence_parser">Operator-precedence parser for the idea, how to parse the operators depending on their precedence.
Parser for mvn: protocol.
@since August 10, 2007
Parser - 03/set/2011 E' il risultato della compilazione di una Regex, detta genitrice.
L'operazione fondamentale svolta da un Parser e' quella di 'leggere' una stringa ed estrapolare da essa le componenti di interesse (segnalate mediante la Regex genitrice).
@author Andrea
CUP v0.10k generated parser.
@version Sun Jul 25 13:36:02 EDT 1999
Name: Parser
Description: Simple Java arithmetic expression parser and ELL(1) grammar syntactical analizer and evaluator. Parser supports detection of implicit multiplication when a constant is followed by a variable or function.
S -> E (('+' | '-') E)*
E -> G ('*' G)*
G -> H ('/' H)*
H -> T ('%' T)*
T -> F | '-' F
F -> U ('^' U)*
U -> function '(' S ')' | number | '(' S ')' | variable
Date: 08/dic/06 Time: 13:58:28
@author Bertoli Marco
@version 1.0
This is meant to be a library for solving equations. Add this class to your project in the form Parser parser = new Parser(); Call parser.parse(String equations), which will return the answer as a *String*.
@author Joshua Lipstone
Parse ECMAScript programs.
@author Jeff Dyer
Implementation of a simplified compiler for the Java
TM programming language. The following elements of the Java programming language are implemented:
- package declaration
- import declaration
- class declaration
- interface declaration
- Inheritance (extends and implements)
- Static member type declaration
- Inner classes (member classes, local classes, anonymous classes)
- Class initializer
- Instance initializer
- Field declaration
- Method declaration
- Local variable declaration
- Class variable initializer
- Instance variable initializer
- Block statement ({ ... })
- if ... else statement
- for statement
- while statement
- do ... while statement
- try ... catch ... finally statement
- throw statement
- return statement
- break statement
- continue statement
- switch statement
- synchronized statement
- All primitive types (boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double)
- Assignment operator =
- Assignment operators +=, -=, *=, /=, &=, |=, ^=, %=, <<=, >>=, >>>=
- Conditional operators ?...:, &&, ||
- Boolean logical operators &, ^, |
- Integer bitwise operators &, ^, |
- Numeric operators *, /, %, +, -, <<, >>, >>>
- String concatenation operator +
- Operators ++ and --
- Type comparison operator instanceof
- Unary operators +, -, ~, !
- Parenthesized expression
- Field access (like System.out)
- Superclass member access (super.meth();, super.field = x;
- this (reference to current instance)
- Alternate constructor invocation (like this(a, b, c))
- Superclass constructor invocation (like super(a, b, c))
- Method invocation (like System.out.println("Hello")) (partially)
- Class instance creation (like new Foo())
- Primitive array creation(like new int[10][5][])
- Class or interface array creation(like new Foo[10][5][])
- Array access (like args[0]) (currently read-only)
- Local variable access
- Integer, floating-point, boolean, character, string literal
- null literal
- Unary numeric conversion
- Binary numeric conversion
- Widening numeric conversion
- Narrowing numeric conversion
- Widening reference conversion
- Narrowing reference conversion
- Cast
- Assignment conversion
- String conversion (for string concatenation)
- Constant expression
- Block scope, method scope, class scope, global scope
- throws clause
- Array initializer (like String[] a = { "x", "y", "z" })
- Primitive class literals, e.g. "int.class"
- Non-primitive class literals, e.g. "String.class"
- References between uncompiled compilation units
- Line number tables a la "-g:lines"
- Source file information a la "-g:source"
- Access control (
, protected
and private
) is not checked at compile-time; you will get JVM errors at run-time instead if you call a method that you should not - Local variable information information for debugging is not yet implemented (i.e. "-g:vars" is ignored)
- Wrapping of private fields and methods of inner classes into "acces$...()" methods is not yet implemented; you must change private methods to non-private (e.g. to "package access", or, for documentation purposes, to "/*private*/"), otherwise you get ugly errors from the JVM when it loads the calling class
(a JDK 1.4 language feature) is not yet implemented - The upcoming JDK 1.5 language features are not yet implemented
The parser takes a String expression in the OData query format ($filter URL parameter) and builds a Tridion Content Delivery Criteria object model from it.
The OData $filter parameter Publication eq 123 and (SchemaTitle like 'Artic%' or CustomKeyValue eq 'Press Release')
becomes an AndCriteria between a PublicationCriteria(123) and an OrCriteria object betwen SchemaTitleCriteria("Artic%", FieldOperator.Like) and CustomKeyValueCriteria("Press Release")
@author Mihai Cadariu
@see http://cogitolearning.co.uk/?p=523
@see http://cogitolearning.co.uk/?p=573
A parser for mathematical and logical expressions. The parser class defines a method parseExpression() which takes a string and returns an ExpressionNode that holds a representation of the mathematical expression. The method parseCondition() parses a logical expression to a 'true' or 'false' value. Parsing is implemented in the form of a recursive descent parser.
A parser for content generated by a {@link net.nutch.protocol.Protocol}implementation. This interface is implemented by extensions. Nutch's core contains no page parsing code.
A base parser class. This class provides the standard parser interface, as well as token handling.
@author Per Cederberg,
@version 1.5
A parser that extracts #include statements from a Reader.
@author Curt Arnold
A parser for {@link MatchTemplate}s. Each parser can be used for parsing exactly one file/input stream; the templates can be reused for parsing more than one file.
Simplified Prolog parser: Synatax supported: a0:-a1,...,an. - no operators ( except toplevel :- and ,) - use quotes to create special symbol names, i.e. compute('+',1,2, Result) and write(':-'(a,','(b,c)))
@author Luis Arias
Represents input text(s) parser that creates alignment list. Input file or files are configured in constructor of a concrete parser implementation.
@author loomchild
A LR Parser, which implements a stack maschine
@author Stephan Michels
@version CVS $Id: Parser.java,v 1.11 2002/05/07 11:01:49 benedikta Exp $
This class implements the JavaScript parser.
It is based on the SpiderMonkey C source files jsparse.c and jsparse.h in the jsref package.
The parser generates an {@link AstRoot} parse tree representing the sourcecode. No tree rewriting is permitted at this stage, so that the parse tree is a faithful representation of the source for frontend processing tools and IDEs.
This parser implementation is not intended to be reused after a parse finishes, and will throw an IllegalStateException() if invoked again.
@see TokenStream
@author Mike McCabe
@author Brendan Eich
Interface implemented by text stream parsers.
The parser is a CKY chart parser for CCG, optionally with iterative beta-best supertagging and n-best output.
@author Jason Baldridge
@author Gann Bierner
@author Michael White
@version $Revision: 1.38 $, $Date: 2011/08/27 19:27:00 $
Interface for full-syntactic parsers.
Class for a shift reduce style parser based on Adwait Ratnaparkhi's 1998 thesis.
Represents the parser. Implements runtime state of the parsing of a series of tokens.
@author egoff
A parser for TokenStreams. "parser grammars" result in a subclass of this.
This is all the parsing support code essentially; most of it is error recovery stuff.
TODO: javadoc
@version $Rev: 979454 $, $Date: 2010-07-26 22:38:25 +0100 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010) $
TODO: javadoc
@version $Rev: 1135256 $, $Date: 2011-06-13 21:09:27 +0100 (Mon, 13 Jun 2011) $
Parser is the class that maintains the stack for parsing. This class is used by encoders, which are not required to skip.
This is a class with no documentation.
This class implements the {@link org.w3c.css.sac.Parser} interface.
Stephane Hillion
@version $Id: Parser.java,v 1.21 2002/04/04 12:04:04 hillion Exp $
This singleton class provides a method parse
to transform serialized RDF forms into {@link Graph}s. Functionality is delegated to registered {@link ParsingProvider}s. Such ParsingProvider
s can be registered and unregistered, later registered ParsingProvider
s shadow previously registered providers for the same format. Note on synchronization: ParsingProvider
s must be able to handle concurrent requests.
@author reto
@scr.service interface="org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.serializedform.Parser"
@scr.reference name="parsingProvider"cardinality="0..n" policy="dynamic" interface="org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.serializedform.ParsingProvider"
Pierpaolo Fumagalli(Apache Software Foundation, Exoffice Technologies)
@version CVS $Revision: $ $Date: 2001/10/11 08:56:08 $
creates {@link CommandLine}s.
@author John Keyes (john at integralsource.com)
@see Parser
@version $Revision: 551815 $
A class that implements the Parser
interface can parse a String array according to the {@link Group}specified and return a {@link CommandLine}.
@author John Keyes (john at integralsource.com)
The Parser interface is intended to work with Jack-generated parsers (now JavaCC). We will specify "STATIC=false" when building Jack parsers - this specifies that the generated classes will not be static, which will allow there to be more than one parser (this is necessary in a multi-threaded server). Non-static parsers do not have to be re-initialized every time they are used (unlike static parsers, for which one must call ReInit() between calls to the parser).
@author Jeff Lichtman
Simple parser that is only forcing to return a parse object.
@see Parse
@version 1.0
creates {@link CommandLine}s.
@author John Keyes (john at integralsource.com)
@version $Revision: 680644 $, $Date: 2008-07-29 01:13:48 -0700 (Tue, 29 Jul 2008) $
This class implements the {@link org.w3c.flex.forks.css.sac.Parser} interface.
Stephane Hillion
@version $Id: Parser.java,v 1.28 2005/03/27 08:58:31 cam Exp $
This class is responsible for parsing a Velocity template. This class was generated by JavaCC using the JJTree extension to produce an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the template. Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class.
Jason van Zyl
Geir Magnusson Jr.
@version $Id: Parser.java,v 1.74 2002/04/27 19:33:30 geirm Exp $
xperimentalstuff.com/Technologies/JavaCC">JavaCC generated parser for
Garbage templates.
This class is automatically generated, so, it might be non-obvious to determine how to use it. To create a new parser and parse a document, do the following:
InputSource source = new InputSource(...);
Parser parser = new Parser();
Events events = parser.parse(source);
Note that instances of this class are NOT THREAD SAFE, meaning that two threads cannot concurrently parse two documents using the same instance, but at the same time, one thread can safely call the parse(...)
method several times (the parser will automatically re-initialize its state once the method is invoked).
Pier Fumagalli, February 2003
Parsing command line.
Parser for conditional expressions. This class is not threadsafe; it is inexpensive to create, however, and can be discarded after parsing one or more expressions.
@author Howard M. Lewis Ship
@since 1.1
ndmoney.sourceforge.net/Time-and-Money} there is no ability to write
title() methods orannotated with {@link TypicalLength}; so this is the main reason that this interface has to deal with titles and lengths.
This interface is used in two complementary ways:
- As one option, it allows objects to take control of their own parsing, by implementing directly. However, the instance is used as a factory for itself. The framework will instantiate an instance, invoke the appropriate method method, and use the returned object. The instantiated instance itself will be discarded.
- Alternatively, an implementor of this interface can be nominated in the {@link org.apache.isis.applib.annotation.Parseable} annotation, allowing aclass that needs to be parseable to indicate how it can be parsed.
Whatever the class that implements this interface, it must also expose either a public no-arg constructor, or (for implementations that also are Facets) a public constructor that accepts a single FacetHolder. This constructor allows the framework to instantiate the object reflectively.
@see DefaultsProvider
@see EncoderDecoder
@see ValueSemanticsProvider
The SQL2 parser can convert a JCR-SQL2 query to a QueryObjectModel.
The SQL2 parser can convert a JCR-SQL2 query to a QueryObjectModel.
Parser for mvn: protocol.
@author Alin Dreghiciu
@author Toni Menzel
@since August 10, 2007
A Parser is responsible for parsing any document in a supported front-end format, and emitting the standard Doxia events, which can then be consumed by any Doxia Sink.
Jason van Zyl
@version $Id: Parser.java 746978 2009-02-23 12:20:33Z vsiveton $
@since 1.0
A parser for content generated by a {@link org.apache.nutch.protocol.Protocol}implementation. This interface is implemented by extensions. Nutch's core contains no page parsing code.
@author bfoster
@version $Revision$
Describe your class here
Parses the document into a tree of nodes using the {@link NodeTokenizer}. Nodes are defined by a token or offset range in the document, {@link Token}. Attributes in beginning nodes are also parsed into token offsets by the {@link AttributeTokenizer}.
A document tree is built representing nodes in the target document. The document can be a HTML fragment that is not well-formed or an XML fragment of a XHTML document.
This class is used to parse a Given HTTP request against a set of rules.
A Rule has a priority. If a HTTP request matches the Rule, parser returns the priority corresponding to that rule.
Here is the syntax of the configuration used to building the parser
<conditions [defualtPriority = "int"]> <condition priority = ""> <and/> | <or> | <not> | <match> | <equal> </condition> </conditions>
Tika parser interface.
This class is responsible for parsing a Velocity template. This class was generated by JavaCC using the JJTree extension to produce an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the template. Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class.
Jason van Zyl
Geir Magnusson Jr.
@version $Id: Parser.java,v 1.59 2001/04/22 18:03:59 geirm Exp $
Private parser class which handles doing the parsing of the JSON string into tokens.
@author alex
Creates Definitions from Source of a particular format.
The SAX parser class.
A parser for the Java™ programming language.
Defines a parse capable of parsing some external build file that defines the dependencies for the project.
@author Eric Van Dewoestine
Base class for parsers. A parser is traversing the linked list of document sections and replaces some low-level sections with high-level sections.
Parsing of a frames in WebSocket land.
Generates a parse tree for a stream of tokens representing an OQL query.
Nissim Karpenstein
@version $Revision: 7127 $ $Date: 2006-01-03 17:47:48 -0700 (Tue, 03 Jan 2006) $
An interface for a parser for content in an {@link RSyntaxTextArea}. A Parser
returns a list of issues it finds in the text area's content, which the text area can flag (e.g. squiggle underline). It can also return descriptions of the issues, to be used in tool tips.
@author Robert Futrell
@version 0.5
@see AbstractParser
@author Vladimir Korenev
Well Known Text (WKT). This parser can parse {@linkplain MathTransform math transform}objects as well, which is part of the WKT's {@code FITTED_CS} element.
@since 2.0
@source $URL$
@version $Id$
@author Remi Eve
@author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
Well Know Text specification
OGC WKT Coordinate System Issues
GeoTools XML parser.
This parser uses a sax based driver to parse an input stream into a single object. For streaming look at {@link StreamingParser}. If the source document being parsed as already been parsed into a {@link Document} the {@link DOMParser} class may be used.
Schema Resolution
See {@link org.geotools.xml.Configuration} javadocs for instructions on howto customize schema resolution. This is often desirable in the case that the instance document being parsed contains invalid uri's in schema imports and includes.
@author Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project
@source $URL$
Parse jar files or directories and create the model for any classes found.
@author Jerome Dochez
The parser is used to convert a SQL statement string to an command object.
ahoo.com",new DefaultHTMLParserFeedback()); // In this example, we are registering all the common scanners parser.registerScanners(); for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements();e.hasMoreNodes();) { Node node = i.nextNode(); node.print(); } Below is some sample code to parse Yahoo.com and print only the text information. This scanning will run faster, as there are no scanners registered here.
Parser parser = new Parser("http://www.yahoo.com",new DefaultHTMLParserFeedback()); // In this example, none of the scanners need to be registered // as a string node is not a tag to be scanned for. for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements();e.hasMoreNodes();) { Node node = i.nextNode(); if (node instanceof StringNode) { StringNode stringNode = (StringNode)node; System.out.println(stringNode.getText()); } }
The above snippet will print out only the text contents in the html document.
Here's another snippet that will only print out the link urls in a document. This is an example of adding a link scanner.
Parser parser = new Parser("http://www.yahoo.com",new DefaultHTMLParserFeedback()); parser.addScanner(new LinkScanner("-l")); for (NodeIterator i = parser.elements();e.hasMoreNodes();) { Node node = i.nextNode(); if (node instanceof LinkTag) { LinkTag linkTag = (LinkTag)node; System.out.println(linkTag.getLink()); } }
@see Parser#elements()
This a Parser for the JBoss Stacks YAML version Beta2
@author benevides@redhat.com
CSS parser for the XLS-CSS
@author Nicklas Karlsson (nickarls@gmail.com)
antiate the object for this binding MyProcess myProcess = new MyProcess();
// collect all the child elements of element List
elements = XmlUtil.elements(element); // push my processDefinition onto the object stack parse.pushObject(myProcess); try { for (Element activityElement: elements) { // parse the child elements with the bindings in category "activity" parseElement(activityElement, parse, "activity"); } } finally { // make sure my processDefinition is popped. parse.popObject(); } return myProcess; } } Then, activity bindings might access the processDefinition like this:
public class MyNodeBinding implements Binding { public Object parse(Element element, Parse parse, Parser parser) { // instantiate the object for this binding MyNode myNode = new MyNode(); // add the activity to the processDefinition MyProcess myProcess = parse.findObject(MyProcess.class); myProcess.addNode(myNode); myNode.setMyProcess(myProcess); return myNode; } }
A parser implementation will typically have a static Bindings object that is leveraged in all parser objects. To customize bindings for a such a parser be sure to make a deep copy with {@link Bindings#Bindings(Bindings)} beforeyou start adding more bindings to the specialized parser. Otherwise the base parser's bindings will be updated as well.
Building custom parsers
This parser is build for inheritance. Overriding method {@link #parseDocumentElement(Element,Parse)} can be an easy way to start writing your own logic on walking the Document Object Model (DOM). Such customizations can still be combined with the usage of bindings.
Entity resolving
A parser can be configured with a set of entities with the {@link #addEntity(String,Entity)} method. The {@link UrlEntity} hasa convenience method to build entities from resources {@link UrlEntity#UrlEntity(String,ClassLoader)}.
When a document builder is created, the default implementation of the {@link #setEntityResolver(DocumentBuilder)} will set this parser as the entity resolver.The implementation method of {@link EntityResolver} ({@link #resolveEntity(String,String)}will use the added {@link Entity}s to try and find a match based on the publicId. If one is found, the {@link Entity} inputSource is returned, otherwisethe systemId is used.
This class is intended to be used with aggregation as well as inheritence.
@author Tom Baeyens
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003
@author not attributable
@version 1.0
Parser for a Query. The query can be JDOQL, or JPQL. Allows a class to work its way through the parsed string, obtaining relevant components with each call, or peeking ahead before deciding what component to parse next.
@version $Revision: 1.18 $
The two parser methods for parsing RDF.
@author Andrew Newman
@version $Id: Parser.java 2894 2009-01-27 21:25:13Z newmana $
Serves as a simple facade for all the parsing magic.
Parses HTML into a {@link Document}. Generally best to use one of the more convenient parse methods in {@link org.jsoup.Jsoup}.
@author Jonathan Hedley, jonathan@hedley.net
This interface describes a Parser, which will parse a specific format and create a DXFDocument from this data.
- supportedExtension()
- parse(...)
- getDXFDocument()
Simon Mieth
The parser is used to convert a SQL statement string to an command object.
Skeleton for parsers
@author vasilis
This class implements the JavaScript parser. It is based on the C source files jsparse.c and jsparse.h in the jsref package.
@see TokenStream
@author Mike McCabe
@author Brendan Eich
@author dmytro.pishchukhin
@version $Revision: 228 $ $Date: 2010-01-12 15:40:06 -0600 (Tue, 12 Jan 2010) $
@version 0.1.0
@version 0.1.0
is a parser for a TestNG XML test suite file.
Basic interface for CSS (Simple API for CSS) parsers.
All CSS parsers must implement this basic interface: it allows applications to register handlers for different types of events and to initiate a parse from a URI, or a character stream.
All CSS parsers must also implement a zero-argument constructor (though other constructors are also allowed).
CSS parsers are reusable but not re-entrant: the application may reuse a parser object (possibly with a different input source) once the first parse has completed successfully, but it may not invoke the parse() methods recursively within a parse.
@version $Revision: 1.3 $
@author Philippe Le Hegaret
@see DocumentHandler
@see ErrorHandler
@see InputSource
A CSS2 parser
@author Philippe Le Hegaret
@version $Revision$
axproject.org'>http://www.saxproject.org for further information.
This was the main event supplier interface for SAX1; it has been replaced in SAX2 by {@link org.xml.sax.XMLReader XMLReader}, which includes Namespace support and sophisticated configurability and extensibility.
All SAX1 parsers must implement this basic interface: it allows applications to register handlers for different types of events and to initiate a parse from a URI, or a character stream.
All SAX1 parsers must also implement a zero-argument constructor (though other constructors are also allowed).
SAX1 parsers are reusable but not re-entrant: the application may reuse a parser object (possibly with a different input source) once the first parse has completed successfully, but it may not invoke the parse() methods recursively within a parse.
@deprecated This interface has been replaced by the SAX2{@link org.xml.sax.XMLReader XMLReader}interface, which includes Namespace support.
@since SAX 1.0
@author David Megginson
@version 2.0.1 (sax2r2)
@see org.xml.sax.EntityResolver
@see org.xml.sax.DTDHandler
@see org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler
@see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler
@see org.xml.sax.HandlerBase
@see org.xml.sax.InputSource
org/spec/1.1/">YAML Specification).
@see org.yaml.snakeyaml.events.Event
@author simonpai
Used to parse a DSP page into a meta format called {@link Interpretation}.
@author tomyeh
The parser used to parse the configuration file, WEB-INF/zest.xml.
@author tomyeh
Used to prase the ZUL file
@author tomyeh
The ZUSS parser.
@author tomyeh
Class Parser allows the parsing of String objects.
An object Parser is costructed from a String object and provides various methods for parsing the String in a stream oriented manner. The class Parser also collects different
static methods for parsing non-pre-associated strings.
Parser uses the following definitions:
string = any string of chars included between ' ' and '~'
word = any string of chars without separators
separators = a vector of chars; e.g. ( ) < > @ , ; : \ " / | [ ] ? = { } HT SP
alpha = a-z, A-Z
digit = 0-9
integer = any digit word parsed by {@link java.lang.Integer Integer.parseInt(String)}
CUP v0.10k generated parser.
@version Thu Feb 03 16:03:33 EST 2005
@Title Jim
@author $Author: marosurbanec $
Parser for the Game Description Language. Note that you can only run one parse at a time. This is to help save on memory allocation, by recycling the same data structures as much as possible.
The parser should be reset at the end of every game to clear the symbol table.
I'm not sure if it's actually necessary to reset the parser. Why not just let the symbol table grow? We have 2^31-256 values, so we'll only have overflow issues after seeing that many unique tokens. We should only get new tokens during game initializations. Assuming that every game creates 5,000 new tokens, we would need to play on the order of 429,496 games to fill up our symbol table...
@author Based on code by Team Camembert: David Haley, Pierre-Yves Laligand
The parser for syntax highlight.
@author Chan Wai Shing
b.com/tobie/ua-parser">UA Parser
@author Steve Jiang (@sjiang)
@version Thu Sep 11 20:52:35 CST 2014
CUP v0.11a beta 20060608 generated parser.
@version Sun Jan 11 11:41:39 NZDT 2009
Interface for modelling XML parsers.
Created: 2003.03.12
@author Brad Zdanivsky
@author Peter Brandt-Erichsen