return cache;
private void loadLegacySettings( ServletContext servletContext )
PageFlowConfig pageflowConfig = ConfigUtil.getConfig().getPageFlowConfig();
assert pageflowConfig != null : "Received an invalid PageFlowConfig object";
Integer forwardOverflowCount =
loadLegacyParam( FORWARD_OVERFLOW_COUNT_PARAM, servletContext, "max-forwards-per-request" );
if ( forwardOverflowCount != null )
_forwardOverflowCount = forwardOverflowCount.intValue();
// Why can't we read the default value from the XmlObjext?
_forwardOverflowCount = pageflowConfig.getMaxForwardsPerRequest();
Integer nestingOverflowCount =
loadLegacyParam( NESTING_OVERFLOW_COUNT_PARAM, servletContext, "max-nesting-stack-depth" );
if ( nestingOverflowCount != null )
_nestingOverflowCount = nestingOverflowCount.intValue();
// Why can't we read the default value from the XmlObjext?
_nestingOverflowCount = pageflowConfig.getMaxNestingStackDepth();
String doSecureForwards = servletContext.getInitParameter( SECURE_FORWARDS_PARAM );
if ( doSecureForwards != null )
_log.warn( "Servlet context-param " + SECURE_FORWARDS_PARAM +
" is deprecated; use the ensure-secure-forwards element within pageflow-config in "
+ InternalConstants.NETUI_CONFIG_PATH );
_secureForwards = Boolean.valueOf( doSecureForwards ).booleanValue();
_secureForwards = pageflowConfig.isEnsureSecureForwards();