A page to display
@author jkreps
A web page.
@author Guilherme Silveira
@author marcio.endo@objectos.com.br (Marcio Endo)
@author marcio.endo@objectos.com.br (Marcio Endo)
encapsulates all data that is attached to a site url and that can be edited in terms of composers and pagelets. All the content may also be supplied in multiple languages.
During lifetime, the page keeps track of creation, modification and publishing processes. Note that a page can exist in many versions, with a few of them being special:
- {@link LIVE}: the live version of the page
- {@link WORK}: the work version of the page
Page是爬取过程中,内存中保存网页爬取信息的一个容器,与CrawlDatum不同,Page只在内存中存 放,用于保存一些网页信息,方便用户进行自定义网页解析之类的操作。在广度遍历器中,用户覆盖 的visit(Page page)方法,就是通过Page将网页爬取/解析信息传递给用户的。经过http请求、解 析这些流程之后,page内保存的内容会越来越多。
@author hu
分页信息 第一页从1开始
@author badqiu
@author william.liangf
@author Nathan Sweet
Represents a compiled JSP page.
A {@link Page} object represents a single part of a Tabris UI. A Tabris UI consists of several {@link Page} objects.Usually a {@link Page} takes the most of the device's screen. The responsibility of a {@link Page} is to render theapplications content. Basically it's the only point where you will create widgets and other visual representations.
{@link Page} implementations will be registered by their type. This is because a page object needs to creatednewly when it's shown the first time. Let's take a look at an example:
When you create a book browsing app you will probably have a book page. In this app you will need to browse through books, right? And the big feature will be that you can browse from book to book in a chain, right? So, as a result a new book page needs to be created for every new book. But when you want to browse back to the last book it doesn't need a new page object because it already exist, right?. And this is exactly how the Tabris UI works.
NOTE: A {@link Page} needs to provide a no-argument constructor because instances will be created by theframework.
{@link Page} will be created while browsing forward through an app. But reused when you browse backwith {@link PageManager#showPreviousPage()}.
@see PageConfiguration
@see PageManager
@since 0.11
@author Flaptor Development Team
@author kenshin
An abstract page that represents some content returned from a server.
@version $Revision: 5301 $
Mike Bowler
@author David K. Taylor
@author Marc Guillemot
Entity class which represents a page created with MyCocktail Editor.
@author David del Pozo González
Base class for page-like widgets. This class is designed to work in conjunction with the HistoryManager to provide seamless history support. Users of this class should: 1. Call 'onLoad' when the page is in a state where all state change events may occur. 2. Provide a 'changeState' method that can handle all possible state changes to the page that should be included in the page history.
Represents a web page
@author ameshkov
Diese Klasse repräsentiert eine RedDot Seite.
@author LEJAFR
@author hp
@author hp
Page is the result of Model.paginate(......) or Db.paginate(......)
ketayaoVersion 1.1.0
@since 2012-6-11 上午10:28:30
@author Lingo
The Page object wraps the contents of the original (undecorated) page.
The original data in its entirity can be written using the writePage() methods. It may also contain a set of properties - these vary among different {@link com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.PageParser} implementations.
Typically a Page is no use to a {@link com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.Decorator} as it needsspecific details relevant to the content-type of that page (e.g. HTML pages). The appropriate {@link com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.PageParser} is responsiblefor returning extended implementations of pages such as {@link com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.HTMLPage}which are of more use to the Decorator. New media types (e.g. WML) could be added to the system by extending Page and implementing an appropriate PageParser.
Joe Walnes
@version $Revision: 1.5 $
@deprecated No direct replacement but {@link Renderer.LayoutPath} and{@link Renderer.ListLayouts} provide similar functionality.
opers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page">Page Graph API type.
Mark Allen
@since 1.5
@author wuqh
@author wuqh
@author Adam Warski (adam at warski dot org)
@author Gavin King
@author Eric Broyles
Represents a page including its revisions.
@author Nico Kruber, kruber@zib.de
A Page serves as both an abstract container of blocks and also a graphical panel that renders its collection of blocks. Abstractly, a page has seven abstract fields: a color, a name, a font, a drawer, width, a height, and a set of blocks. How it renders these abstract fields depends on the state of the page, including: zoom level, and minimumPixelWidth. A Page exists as a WorkspaceWidget, a SearchableContainer, ISupportMemento, an RBParent, a Zoomable object, and a JPanel. As a WorkspaceWidget, it can add, remove, blocks and manage block manipulations within itself. As a searchableContainer, it can notify users that certain blocks have been queried. As an ISupportMomento, it can undo the current values of abstract fields. As an RBParent, it can highlight blocks. Since a Page is both a Zoomable object and JPanel, Pages separate its abstract model and view by allowing clients to mutate its abstract fields directly. But clients must remember to reform the pages in order to synchronize the data between the model and view. A page's abstract color is rendered the same no matter what state the page is in. A page's abstract name is rendered thrice centered at every fourth of the page. The name is rendered with a size depending on the zoom level of that page (it tries to maintain a constant aspect ratio). The drawer name is not rendered. The width and height of the page is rendered differently depending on the zoom level and minimumPixelWidth. Using the zoom level, it tries to maintain a constant aspect ratio but the absolute sizes varies with a bigger/smaller zoom level. the minimumPixelWidth limits the width from going below a certain size, no matter what the system tries to set the abstract width to be. Finally the set of blocks are rendered directly onto the page with the same transformation as the ones imposed on the width and height of the page. As an implementation detail, a page tries to maintain a separation between its abstract states and its view. Clients of Pages should use reform*() methods to validate information between the abstract states and view. Clients of Pages are warned against accessing Page.getJComponent(), as the method provides clients a way to unintentionally mutate an implementation specific detail of Pages. A Page implements ExplorerListener i.e. it listens for possible changes in an explorer that affects the display of the page. When an explorer event happens the page changes its display accordingly
@author Yasser Ganjisaffar
@author Ryuji Yamashita - roundrop at gmail.com
@since Facebook4J 2.0.0
wikimedia.org/w/api.php">Wikimedia API
A row in the Page Database.
type name description --------------------------------------------------------------- byte VERSION - A byte indicating the version of this entry. String URL - The url of a page. This is the primary key. 128bit ID - The MD5 hash of the contents of the page. 64bit DATE - The date this page should be refetched. byte RETRIES - The number of times we've failed to fetch this page. byte INTERVAL - Frequency, in days, this page should be refreshed. float SCORE - Multiplied into the score for hits on this page. float NEXTSCORE - Multiplied into the score for hits on this page.
@author Mike Cafarella
@author Doug Cutting
Defines a page as an url and a object set owned.
Maurizio Albari
@version 1.0.6
@author jonasabreu
holds the parameters of a page (partial result) for a query.
@author Joram Barrez
@author Tom Baeyens
A page contains a list of items; accessing methods on the list are guaranteed to be purely in-memory operations that will not block or throw exceptions because of transient network issues. A page also knows whether it has a "next page", and if so knows how to retrieve it (which will almost certainly involve a remote network call that may block or fail).
@param < T> item type
@param < R> low level result type
@author albus
A Page within a file.
host:8080/quickstart/home.htm [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.<<init>> [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onSecurityCheck() : true [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onInit() [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onGet() [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onRender() [Click] [info ] renderTemplate: /home.htm - 6 ms [Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onDestroy() [Click] [info ] handleRequest: /home.htm - 24 ms
Rendering Pages
When a Velocity template is rendered the ClickServlet uses Pages:
- {@link #getTemplate()} to find the Velocity template.
- {@link #model} to populate the Velocity Context
- {@link #format} to add to the Velocity Context
- {@link #getContentType()} to set as the HttpServletResponse content type
- {@link #headers} to set as the HttpServletResponse headers
These Page properties are also used when rendering JSP pages.
A Page contains an ordered set of records which are the stored form of rows. A record is a stream of bytes created from a row array. The record contains one or more fields, fields have a one to one correlation with the DataValueDescriptor's contained within a row array.
A Page represents exclusive access to a data page within a container. Exclusive access is released by calling the unlatch() method, once that occurs the caller must no longer use the Page reference.
Several of the methods in Page take a RecordHandle as an argument. RecordHandles are obtained from a Page, while holding exclusive access of Page or a from a previous exclusive access of a Page representing the same data page. All RecordHandle's used as arguments to methods (with the exception of recordExists()) must be valid for the current state of the page. If they are not valid then the method will throw an exception. A caller can ensure that a record handle is valid by:
- Obtaining the handle during this exclusive access of this page
- Checking the record still exists with the method recordExists()
- Not using a handle after a deleteAtSlot().
Several of the methods in Page take a slot number as an argument. A slot always correspond to a record, which may be deleted or undeleted.
MT - Latched - In general every method requires the page to be latched.
All page methods which are not valid for a latched page throw an exception if the page is not latched. [@exception clauses on all the methods should be updated to reflect this].
Aux Objects
The page cache will manage a client object along with the page as long as it remains in cache. This object is called the "aux object". The aux object is associated with the page with setAuxObject(), and can be retreived later with getAuxObject(). The aux object will remain valid as long as the page is latched, but callers cannot assume that an aux object will ever stick around once the page is unlatched. However, the page manager promises to call pageBeingEvicted() once before clearing the aux reference from the page.
@see Object
@see ContainerHandle
@see RecordHandle
@see AuxObject
The page. This holds the contents of the page. Each region is added. The unresolved references area added so that if the page is serialized then it will handle the resolving properly after being reloaded. This is serializable so it can be saved to cache to save memory if there are forward references. The page is cloneable so the page master can make copies of the top level page and regions.
This interface represents a complete page document used by Jetspeed to layout a user-customizable portal page.
@version $Id: Page.java 516448 2007-03-09 16:25:47Z ate $
Page interface
David Sean Taylor
@version $Id: Page.java,v 1.2 2004/02/23 03:50:45 jford Exp $
A Page within a file.
A row in the Page Database.
type name description --------------------------------------------------------------- byte VERSION - A byte indicating the version of this entry. String URL - The url of a page. This is the primary key. 128bit ID - The MD5 hash of the contents of the page. 64bit DATE - The date this page should be refetched. byte RETRIES - The number of times we've failed to fetch this page. byte INTERVAL - Frequency, in days, this page should be refreshed. float SCORE - Multiplied into the score for hits on this page. float NEXTSCORE - Multiplied into the score for hits on this page.
@author Mike Cafarella
@author Doug Cutting
@author bfoster
@version $Revision$
A page, which consists of regions, and which may be owned by a {@link User} (note the ownership will likely need tobecome more flexible to enable things like group ownership in the future). TODO RAVE-231: not all database providers will be able to support deferrable constraints so for the time being I'm commenting out the owner/render sequence since it will get updated in batches and blow up "owner_id","render_sequence"}
Represents a unique page within the application. Pages are part of the
internal structure of a Tapestry application; end developers who refer to "page" are really referring to the {@link #getRootComponent() rootcomponent} of the actual page.
One of the most important aspects of a Page is that it
does not have to be coded in a thread-safe manner. Pages are always accessed within a single thread, associated with a single incoming request.
The Page object is never visible to end-user code. The page also exists to provide a kind of service to components embedded (directly or indirectly) within the page.
Represents a unique page within the application. Pages are part of the
internal structure of a Tapestry application; end developers who refer to "page" are really referring to the {@link #getRootComponent() rootcomponent} of the actual page.
Starting in release 5.2, the nature of pages changed considerably. Pages are no longer pooled instances. Instead, pages are shared instances (per locale) but all internal
mutable state is stored inside {@link PerthreadManager}. Page construction time is considered to extend past the {@linkplain PageLifecycleCallbackHub#addPageLoadedCallback(Runnable) page loaded callback}. This is not quite perfect from a threading point-of-view (arguably, even write-once-read-many fields should be protected by synchronized blocks or other mechanisms). At best, we can be assured that the entire page construction phase is protected by a single synchronized block (but not on the page itself). An ideal system would build the page bottom to top so that all assignments could take place in constructors, assigning to final fields. Maybe some day.
The Page object is never visible to end-user code, though it exposes an interface ( {@link PageLifecycleCallbackHub} that{@linkplain org.apache.tapestry5.ComponentResources#getPageLifecycleCallbackHub() is}).
Abstract base class for pages. As a {@link MarkupContainer} subclass, a Page can contain acomponent hierarchy and markup in some markup language such as HTML. Users of the framework should not attempt to subclass Page directly. Instead they should subclass a subclass of Page that is appropriate to the markup type they are using, such as {@link WebPage} (for HTML markup).
Page has the following differences to {@link Component}s main concepts:
- Identity - Page numerical identifiers start at 0 for each {@link Session} andincrement for each new page. This numerical identifier is used as the component identifier accessible via {@link #getId()}.
- Construction - When a page is constructed, it is automatically registerd with the application's {@link IPageManager}.
Pages can be constructed with any constructor like any other component, but if you wish to link to a Page using a URL that is "bookmarkable" (which implies that the URL will not have any session information encoded in it, and that you can call this page directly without having a session first directly from your browser), you need to implement your Page with a no-arg constructor or with a constructor that accepts a {@link PageParameters} argument (which wraps anyquery string parameters for a request). In case the page has both constructors, the constructor with PageParameters will be used. - Versioning - Pages support the browser's back button when versioning is enabled via {@link #setVersioned(boolean)}. By default all pages are versioned if not configured differently in {@link IPageSettings#setVersionPagesByDefault(boolean)}
@see org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage
@see org.apache.wicket.MarkupContainer
@see org.apache.wicket.model.CompoundPropertyModel
@see org.apache.wicket.Component
@author Jonathan Locke
@author Chris Turner
@author Eelco Hillenius
@author Johan Compagner
An Area containing a page.
Created by bpolster.
HTML Page. A HTML Page extends composite with the addition of the HTML Header tags, fields and elements. Furthermore, individual parts of the page may be written or the progressive page be output with flush.
Pages contain parameters and named sections. These are used by derived Page classes that implement a Look and Feel. Page users may add to name sections such as "Margin" or "Footer" and set parameters such as "HelpUrl" without knowledge of how the look and feel will arrange these. To assist with standard look and feel creation Page defines a set of standard names for many common parameters and sections.
If named sections are used, the page constructor or completeSections must add the named section to the page in the appropriate places. If named sections are not added to the page, then they can only be written with an explicit call to write(out,"section",end); Changes in behaviour to section creation and adding, should be controlled via page properties.
@see Composite
@version $Id: Page.java,v 1.5 2004/09/23 02:15:15 gregwilkins Exp $
@author Greg Wilkins
holds the parameters of a page (partial result) for a query.
@author Joram Barrez
@author Tom Baeyens
Represents a page of data.
@param < T> The type of collection this page holds.
Keep page's information. Used for the return type of getFreePage() in bufferedPage.
@version $Revision$ $Date$
Abstract base superclass for pages in a pagebook view.
This class should be subclassed by clients wishing to define new types of pages for multi-page views.
Subclasses must implement the following methods:
- to create the page's control getControl
- to retrieve the page's control
Subclasses may extend or reimplement the following methods as required:
- extend to provide additional cleanup setFocus
- reimplement to accept focus setActionBars
- reimplement to make contributions makeContributions
- this method exists to support previous versions setActionBars
- this method exists to support previous versions init
- extend to provide additional setup
@see PageBookView
May 13, 2004
Represents a portal page. Any chances to a page is not perisisted until {@link Portal#savePage(Page)} is invoked.
Nick Scavelli
A page is a pointer with useful information pointing to a component structure.
Page can be organized as hierarchies used for the single purpose of performing property inheritance. The pages of a same hierarchy belong to the same site.
Julien Viet
@version $Revision$
A page. Format:
- 0-3: parent page id (0 for root)
- 4-4: page type
- page-type specific data
Data structure to store states of a page.
@author Roberto Velasco
Represents the contents of an HTML page. Contains the source of characters and an index of positions of line separators (actually the first character position on the next line).
@author Igor Polevoy
Metadata about page actions, page parameters, action navigation, resource bundle, etc, for a particular JSF view id.
A page node in a jPDL pageflow
@author Tom Baeyens
@author Gavin King
Metadata about page actions, page parameters, action navigation, resource bundle, etc, for a particular JSF view id.
@author Tom Baeyens
A page is basically a block of bytes by adding some additional information
@author dmaier.maier@jcoredb.org
FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. A page in the survey. It contains a set of questions
Represents a set of positioned Boxes to be drawn. This class is generally used to draw the boxes on the screen and position them according to a user's wish. They can be repositioned by accessing the location and size properties on each individual Box.
@author Richard Gould
@since 0.3
Interfaccia con mutators le informazioni base di una pagina
@author Massimiliano Dess� (desmax74@yahoo.it)
@since jdk 1.6.0
@version 3.0
Classe che rappresenta le informazioni sulla pagina in cui ci si trova durante una visualizzazione paginata
@author Massimiliano Dess� (desmax74@yahoo.it)
@since jdk 1.6.0
@version 3.0
HTML Page. A HTML Page extends composite with the addition of the HTML Header tags, fields and elements. Furthermore, individual parts of the page may be written or the progressive page be output with flush.
Pages contain parameters and named sections. These are used by derived Page classes that implement a Look and Feel. Page users may add to name sections such as "Margin" or "Footer" and set parameters such as "HelpUrl" without knowledge of how the look and feel will arrange these. To assist with standard look and feel creation Page defines a set of standard names for many common parameters and sections.
If named sections are used, the page constructor or completeSections must add the named section to the page in the appropriate places. If named sections are not added to the page, then they can only be written with an explicit call to write(out,"section",end); Changes in behaviour to section creation and adding, should be controlled via page properties.
@see Composite
@version $Id: Page.java,v 1.5 2004/09/23 02:15:15 gregwilkins Exp $
@author Greg Wilkins
@since 0.0.0
@version 0.1.0
This class offers "high level" HTTP request and page processing support using JSoup.
@author cstamas
@since 2.7
A page is a sublist of a list of objects. It allows gain information about the position of it in the containing entire list.
@param < T>
@author Oliver Gierke
Interface representing a page class that sits behind a JSP at the view layer. Note that because this is part of the "View" it is perfectly acceptable to generate marked up page content from implementations of this interface where necessary. Provides a mechanism for Java-based view content generation, which can be useful at times, especially for outputting text which would otherwise require verbose JSP logic tags in the markup.
Note that a PageClass
maintains a reference to the JSP's location within the web application folder structure, which can be accessed using getPagePath()
@author Phil Zoio
Represents a ownerDocument resource
@author Axel Morgner
@author Christian Morgner
@author jkeller1
Information about pages.
A page. A desktop consists of a set of pages.
When a ZK request is asking to render a new page, a new page is created and components that are created duing this request all belong to this page.
If a ZK requst is asking an update, it must have at lease one UUID of a component ( {@link Component#getUuid}. From this UUID, we know which page it belongs and activate it to process the update.
By activation, the system guarantees no concurrent access to pages and components (so you don't need use synchronized for them).
In portal and some environments, a client request (e.g., ServletRequest) might consists of several ZK requests ( {@link org.zkoss.zk.au.AuRequest}). While each ZK request might ask to create an independent page, all these pages are grouped as a desktop, such that they are activated and removed at the same time. Moreover, pages in the same desktop could communicate to eath other (see Inter-page communication).
A session, {@link Session}, might have multiple desktops of pages, {@link Page}, while a page belongs to exactly one session. A page, {@link Page}, might have many components, {@link Component}, while a component belongs to exactly one page.
All components of the same desktop of pages are removed at the same time if a page become 'obsolete'.
During each execution (${link Execution}), exactly one desktop of pages are locked (aka., activated). Though an execution serves a client request (e.g., ServletRequest), a client request might consist of multiple ZK request ( {@link org.zkoss.zk.au.AuRequest}). Each ZK request might target to a different page (of the same desktop).
Inter-page Communication
To do inter-page communication, you could do:
- Invoke methods of components from another page directly.
- Use {@link Execution#postEvent} to post events to components fromanother page.
They are the same as handling components from the same page. However, invoking method directly for components from another page has one restriction:
It cannot create component.
@author tomyeh
one page in a chunk
@author Julien Le Dem
abstract Method for all generated Page Object
represent a single Page like "index.cfm"
Object storing extracted result and urls to fetch.
Not thread safe.
Main method:
{@link #getUrl()} get url of current page
{@link #getHtml()} get content of current page
{@link #putField(String,Object)} save extracted result
{@link #getResultItems()} get extract results to be used in {@link us.codecraft.webmagic.pipeline.Pipeline}
{@link #addTargetRequests(java.util.List)} {@link #addTargetRequest(String)} add urls to fetch
@author code4crafter@gmail.com
@see us.codecraft.webmagic.downloader.Downloader
@see us.codecraft.webmagic.processor.PageProcessor
@since 0.1.0
A Web page. Although a Page can represent any MIME type, it mainly supports HTML pages, which are automatically parsed. The parsing produces a list of tags, a list of words, an HTML parse tree, and a list of links.