The following features are supported:
The following features are supported:
{@link com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter}provides a simple way to select just the items of interest when a method returns a collection of declarations. @author Joseph D. Darcy @author Scott Seligman @version 1.2 05/11/17 @since 1.5
This class represents the package declaration. The package declaration is optional for the {@link CompilationUnit}.
The PackageDeclaration is constructed following the syntax: PackageDeclaration ::= ( {@link AnnotationExpr} )* "package" {@link NameExpr} ) ";"
@author Julio Vilmar Gesser
PackageDeclaration: package Name ;For JLS3, annotations and doc comment were added:
PackageDeclaration: [ Javadoc ] { Annotation } package Name ;Note that the standard AST parser only recognizes a Javadoc comment immediately preceding the package declaration when it occurs in the special
compilation unit (JLS3 The Javadoc comment in that file contains the package description.
@since 2.0
PackageDeclaration: package Name ;For JLS3, annotations and doc comment were added:
PackageDeclaration: [ Javadoc ] { Annotation } package Name ;Note that the standard AST parser only recognizes a Javadoc comment immediately preceding the package declaration when it occurs in the special
compilation unit (JLS3 The Javadoc comment in that file contains the package description.
@since 2.0
@noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
The following features are supported: