// By default ontologies are saved in the format from which they were loaded.
OWLOntologyFormat format = manager.getOntologyFormat(ontology);
// We can save the ontology in a different format Lets save the ontology in owl/xml format
OWLXMLOntologyFormat owlxmlFormat = new OWLXMLOntologyFormat();
//or in the rdf/xml format
RDFXMLOntologyFormat rdfxmlFormat = new RDFXMLOntologyFormat();
// Some ontology formats support prefix names and prefix IRIs. When we save the ontology in the new format we
// will copy the prefixes over so that we have nicely abbreviated IRIs in the new ontology document
if (format.isPrefixOWLOntologyFormat()) {
// manager.saveOntology(ontology, owlxmlFormat, IRI.create(file.toURI())); //uses the owl ontology format
// manager.saveOntology(ontology, IRI.create(file.toURI())); //uses...some type of RDF format, but not the same as SWEET
manager.saveOntology(ontology, rdfxmlFormat, IRI.create(file.toURI()));