final OutlineView ov = ((OutlineView) DataResultViewerTable.this.tableScrollPanel);
if (ov == null) {
DataResultViewerTable.this.getAllChildPropertyHeadersRec(root, 100);
List<Node.Property<?>> props = new ArrayList<>(propertiesAcc);
if (props.size() > 0) {
Node.Property<?> prop = props.remove(0);
((DefaultOutlineModel) ov.getOutline().getOutlineModel()).setNodesColumnLabel(prop.getDisplayName());
// *********** Make the TreeTableView to be sortable ***************
//First property column is sortable, but also sorted initially, so
//initially this one will have the arrow icon:
if (props.size() > 0) {
props.get(0).setValue("TreeColumnTTV", Boolean.TRUE); // Identifies special property representing first (tree) column. NON-NLS
props.get(0).setValue("SortingColumnTTV", Boolean.TRUE); // TreeTableView should be initially sorted by this property column. NON-NLS
// The rest of the columns are sortable, but not initially sorted,
// so initially will have no arrow icon:
String[] propStrings = new String[props.size() * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); i++) {
props.get(i).setValue("ComparableColumnTTV", Boolean.TRUE); //NON-NLS
propStrings[2 * i] = props.get(i).getName();
propStrings[2 * i + 1] = props.get(i).getDisplayName();
// *****************************************************************
// // set the first entry
// Children test = root.getChildren();
// Node firstEntryNode = test.getNodeAt(0);
// try {
// this.getExplorerManager().setSelectedNodes(new Node[]{firstEntryNode});
// } catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {}
// show the horizontal scroll panel and show all the content & header
int totalColumns = props.size();
//int scrollWidth = ttv.getWidth();
int margin = 4;
int startColumn = 1;
// If there is only one column (which was removed from props above)
// Just let the table resize itself.
ov.getOutline().setAutoResizeMode((props.size() > 0) ? JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_OFF : JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS);
// get first 100 rows values for the table
Object[][] content = null;
content = getRowValues(root, 100);
if (content != null) {
// get the fontmetrics
final Graphics graphics = ov.getGraphics();
if (graphics != null) {
final FontMetrics metrics = graphics.getFontMetrics();
// for the "Name" column
int nodeColWidth = Math.min(getMaxColumnWidth(0, metrics, margin, 40, firstColumnLabel, content), 250); // Note: 40 is the width of the icon + node lines. Change this value if those values change!
// get the max for each other column
for (int colIndex = startColumn; colIndex <= totalColumns; colIndex++) {
int colWidth = Math.min(getMaxColumnWidth(colIndex, metrics, margin, 8, props, content), 350);
// if there's no content just auto resize all columns
if (!(content.length > 0)) {
// turn on the auto resize