Examples of OutlierListCollection

Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        // draw outliers
        double oRadius = state.getBarWidth() / 3;    // outlier radius
        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection
                = new OutlierListCollection();

        // From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into a
        // list If there are any farouts, set the flag on the
        // OutlierListCollection
        List yOutliers = bawDataset.getOutliers(row, column);
        if (yOutliers != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
                double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
                Number minOutlier = bawDataset.getMinOutlier(row, column);
                Number maxOutlier = bawDataset.getMaxOutlier(row, column);
                Number minRegular = bawDataset.getMinRegularValue(row, column);
                Number maxRegular = bawDataset.getMaxRegularValue(row, column);
                if (outlier > maxOutlier.doubleValue()) {
                else if (outlier < minOutlier.doubleValue()) {
                else if (outlier > maxRegular.doubleValue()) {
                    yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                    outliers.add(new Outlier(xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0,
                            yyOutlier, oRadius));
                else if (outlier < minRegular.doubleValue()) {
                    yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                    outliers.add(new Outlier(xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0,
                            yyOutlier, oRadius));

            // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the
            // appropriate outlier list or a new outlier list is made
            for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

            for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator();
                     iterator.hasNext();) {
                OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
                Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
                Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

                if (list.isMultiple()) {
                    drawMultipleEllipse(point, state.getBarWidth(), oRadius,
                else {
                    drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

            // draw farout indicators
            if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
                drawHighFarOut(aRadius / 2.0, g2,
                        xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0, maxAxisValue);

            if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
                drawLowFarOut(aRadius / 2.0, g2,
                        xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0, minAxisValue);
        // collect entity and tool tip information...
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Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection
                = new OutlierListCollection();

        /* From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into
         * an arraylist. If there are any farouts, set the flag on the
         * OutlierListCollection
        for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
            double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
            if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));

        // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the appropriate
        // outlier list or a new outlier list is made
        for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

        // draw yOutliers
        double maxAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getUpperBound(),
                dataArea, location) + aRadius;
        double minAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getLowerBound(),
                dataArea, location) - aRadius;

        // draw outliers
        for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator();
                iterator.hasNext();) {
            OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
            Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
            Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

            if (list.isMultiple()) {
                drawMultipleEllipse(point, width, oRadius, g2);
            else {
                drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

        // draw farout
        if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
            drawHighFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, maxAxisValue);

        if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
            drawLowFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, minAxisValue);

        // add an entity for the item...
        if (entities != null && box.intersects(dataArea)) {
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Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection
                = new OutlierListCollection();

        /* From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into
         * an arraylist. If there are any farouts, set the flag on the
         * OutlierListCollection
        for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
            double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
            if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));

        // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the appropriate
        // outlier list or a new outlier list is made
        for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

        // draw yOutliers
        double maxAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getUpperBound(),
                dataArea, location) + aRadius;
        double minAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getLowerBound(),
                dataArea, location) - aRadius;

        // draw outliers
        for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator();
                iterator.hasNext();) {
            OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
            Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
            Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

            if (list.isMultiple()) {
                drawMultipleEllipse(point, width, oRadius, g2);
            else {
                drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

        // draw farout
        if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
            drawHighFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, maxAxisValue);

        if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
            drawLowFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, minAxisValue);

        // add an entity for the item...
        if (entities != null && box.intersects(dataArea)) {
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Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        // draw outliers
        double oRadius = state.getBarWidth() / 3;    // outlier radius
        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection
                = new OutlierListCollection();

        // From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into a
        // list If there are any farouts, set the flag on the
        // OutlierListCollection
        List yOutliers = bawDataset.getOutliers(row, column);
        if (yOutliers != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
                double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
                Number minOutlier = bawDataset.getMinOutlier(row, column);
                Number maxOutlier = bawDataset.getMaxOutlier(row, column);
                Number minRegular = bawDataset.getMinRegularValue(row, column);
                Number maxRegular = bawDataset.getMaxRegularValue(row, column);
                if (outlier > maxOutlier.doubleValue()) {
                else if (outlier < minOutlier.doubleValue()) {
                else if (outlier > maxRegular.doubleValue()) {
                    yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                    outliers.add(new Outlier(xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0,
                            yyOutlier, oRadius));
                else if (outlier < minRegular.doubleValue()) {
                    yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                    outliers.add(new Outlier(xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0,
                            yyOutlier, oRadius));

            // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the
            // appropriate outlier list or a new outlier list is made
            for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

            for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator();
                     iterator.hasNext();) {
                OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
                Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
                Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

                if (list.isMultiple()) {
                    drawMultipleEllipse(point, state.getBarWidth(), oRadius,
                else {
                    drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

            // draw farout indicators
            if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
                drawHighFarOut(aRadius / 2.0, g2,
                        xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0, maxAxisValue);

            if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
                drawLowFarOut(aRadius / 2.0, g2,
                        xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0, minAxisValue);
        // collect entity and tool tip information...
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Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        // draw outliers
        double oRadius = state.getBarWidth() / 3;    // outlier radius
        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection
                = new OutlierListCollection();

        // From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into a
        // list If there are any farouts, set the flag on the
        // OutlierListCollection
        List yOutliers = bawDataset.getOutliers(row, column);
        if (yOutliers != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
                double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
                Number minOutlier = bawDataset.getMinOutlier(row, column);
                Number maxOutlier = bawDataset.getMaxOutlier(row, column);
                Number minRegular = bawDataset.getMinRegularValue(row, column);
                Number maxRegular = bawDataset.getMaxRegularValue(row, column);
                if (outlier > maxOutlier.doubleValue()) {
                else if (outlier < minOutlier.doubleValue()) {
                else if (outlier > maxRegular.doubleValue()) {
                    yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                    outliers.add(new Outlier(xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0,
                            yyOutlier, oRadius));
                else if (outlier < minRegular.doubleValue()) {
                    yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                    outliers.add(new Outlier(xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0,
                            yyOutlier, oRadius));

            // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the
            // appropriate outlier list or a new outlier list is made
            for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

            for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator();
                     iterator.hasNext();) {
                OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
                Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
                Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

                if (list.isMultiple()) {
                    drawMultipleEllipse(point, state.getBarWidth(), oRadius,
                else {
                    drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

            // draw farout indicators
            if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
                drawHighFarOut(aRadius / 2.0, g2,
                        xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0, maxAxisValue);

            if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
                drawLowFarOut(aRadius / 2.0, g2,
                        xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0, minAxisValue);
        // collect entity and tool tip information...
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Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection
                = new OutlierListCollection();

        /* From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into
         * an arraylist. If there are any farouts, set the flag on the
         * OutlierListCollection

        for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
            double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
            if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));

        // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the appropriate
        // outlier list or a new outlier list is made
        for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

        // draw yOutliers
        double maxAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getUpperBound(),
                dataArea, location) + aRadius;
        double minAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getLowerBound(),
                dataArea, location) - aRadius;

        // draw outliers
        for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator();
                iterator.hasNext();) {
            OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
            Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
            Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

            if (list.isMultiple()) {
                drawMultipleEllipse(point, width, oRadius, g2);
            else {
                drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

        // draw farout
        if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
            drawHighFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, maxAxisValue);

        if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
            drawLowFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, minAxisValue);

        // add an entity for the item...
        if (entities != null && box.intersects(dataArea)) {
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Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection
                = new OutlierListCollection();

        /* From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into
         * an arraylist. If there are any farouts, set the flag on the
         * OutlierListCollection

        for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
            double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
            if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));

        // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the appropriate
        // outlier list or a new outlier list is made
        for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

        // draw yOutliers
        double maxAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getUpperBound(),
                dataArea, location) + aRadius;
        double minAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getLowerBound(),
                dataArea, location) - aRadius;

        // draw outliers
        for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator();
                iterator.hasNext();) {
            OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
            Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
            Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

            if (list.isMultiple()) {
                drawMultipleEllipse(point, width, oRadius, g2);
            else {
                drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

        // draw farout
        if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
            drawHighFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, maxAxisValue);

        if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
            drawLowFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, minAxisValue);
        // add an entity for the item...
        if (entities != null && box.intersects(dataArea)) {
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Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        // draw outliers
        double oRadius = state.getBarWidth() / 3;    // outlier radius
        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection
                = new OutlierListCollection();

        // From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into a
        // list If there are any farouts, set the flag on the
        // OutlierListCollection
        List yOutliers = bawDataset.getOutliers(row, column);
        if (yOutliers != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
                double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
                Number minOutlier = bawDataset.getMinOutlier(row, column);
                Number maxOutlier = bawDataset.getMaxOutlier(row, column);
                Number minRegular = bawDataset.getMinRegularValue(row, column);
                Number maxRegular = bawDataset.getMaxRegularValue(row, column);
                if (outlier > maxOutlier.doubleValue()) {
                else if (outlier < minOutlier.doubleValue()) {
                else if (outlier > maxRegular.doubleValue()) {
                    yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                    outliers.add(new Outlier(xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0,
                            yyOutlier, oRadius));
                else if (outlier < minRegular.doubleValue()) {
                    yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                    outliers.add(new Outlier(xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0,
                            yyOutlier, oRadius));

            // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the
            // appropriate outlier list or a new outlier list is made
            for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

            for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator();
                     iterator.hasNext();) {
                OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
                Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
                Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

                if (list.isMultiple()) {
                    drawMultipleEllipse(point, state.getBarWidth(), oRadius,
                else {
                    drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

            // draw farout indicators
            if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
                drawHighFarOut(aRadius / 2.0, g2,
                        xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0, maxAxisValue);

            if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
                drawLowFarOut(aRadius / 2.0, g2,
                        xx + state.getBarWidth() / 2.0, minAxisValue);
        // collect entity and tool tip information...
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Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection
                = new OutlierListCollection();

        /* From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into
         * an arraylist. If there are any farouts, set the flag on the
         * OutlierListCollection

        for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
            double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
            if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinOutlier(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinRegularValue(series,
                    item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea,
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));

        // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the appropriate
        // outlier list or a new outlier list is made
        for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

        // draw yOutliers
        double maxAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getUpperBound(),
                dataArea, location) + aRadius;
        double minAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getLowerBound(),
                dataArea, location) - aRadius;

        // draw outliers
        for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator();
                iterator.hasNext();) {
            OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
            Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
            Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

            if (list.isMultiple()) {
                drawMultipleEllipse(point, width, oRadius, g2);
            else {
                drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

        // draw farout
        if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
            drawHighFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, maxAxisValue);

        if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
            drawLowFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, minAxisValue);

        // add an entity for the item...
        if (entities != null && box.intersects(dataArea)) {
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Examples of org.jfree.chart.renderer.OutlierListCollection


        List outliers = new ArrayList();
        OutlierListCollection outlierListCollection = new OutlierListCollection();

        /* From outlier array sort out which are outliers and put these into an arraylist
         * If there are any farouts, set the flag on the OutlierListCollection

        for (int i = 0; i < yOutliers.size(); i++) {
            double outlier = ((Number) yOutliers.get(i)).doubleValue();
            if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxOutlier(series, item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinOutlier(series, item).doubleValue()) {
            else if (outlier > boxAndWhiskerData.getMaxRegularValue(series, item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea, location);
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));
            else if (outlier < boxAndWhiskerData.getMinRegularValue(series, item).doubleValue()) {
                yyOutlier = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(outlier, dataArea, location);
                outliers.add(new Outlier(xx, yyOutlier, oRadius));               

        // Process outliers. Each outlier is either added to the appropriate outlier list
        // or a new outlier list is made
        for (Iterator iterator = outliers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Outlier outlier = (Outlier) iterator.next();

        // draw yOutliers
        double maxAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getUpperBound(), dataArea, location)
                              + aRadius;
        double minAxisValue = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(rangeAxis.getLowerBound(), dataArea, location)
                              - aRadius;


        // draw outliers
        for (Iterator iterator = outlierListCollection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            OutlierList list = (OutlierList) iterator.next();
            Outlier outlier = list.getAveragedOutlier();
            Point2D point = outlier.getPoint();

            if (list.isMultiple()) {
                drawMultipleEllipse(point, width, oRadius, g2);
            else {
                drawEllipse(point, oRadius, g2);

        // draw farout
        if (outlierListCollection.isHighFarOut()) {
            drawHighFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, maxAxisValue);

        if (outlierListCollection.isLowFarOut()) {
            drawLowFarOut(aRadius, g2, xx, minAxisValue);
        // add an entity for the item...
        if (entities != null) {
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