private void doEdit(Event event) {
// logger.debug(event.toString());
// get the current Tab for later checking if we must change it
final Tab currentTab = this.tabbox_ArticleMain.getSelectedTab();
// check first, if the tabs are created, if not than create it
if (getArticleDetailCtrl() == null) {
Events.sendEvent(new Event("onSelect", tabArticleDetail, null));
// if we work with spring beanCreation than we must check a little
// bit deeper, because the Controller are preCreated ?
} else if (getArticleDetailCtrl().getBinder() == null) {
Events.sendEvent(new Event("onSelect", tabArticleDetail, null));
// check if the tab is one of the Detail tabs. If so do not change the
// selection of it
if (!currentTab.equals(this.tabArticleDetail)) {
} else {
// remember the old vars