map.put("title", "Zksample2 Notification");
map.put("message", "<br>Hello i'm a notification based on ZK-Gritter.<br><br>Many thanks to gekkio for writting the implementation.");
map.put("autoClosing", false);
EventQueue eq;
eq = EventQueues.lookup("ApplicationEventQueue", EventQueues.APPLICATION, false);
eq.publish(new Event("APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION", null, map));
// notification with title + message + image
map = new HashMap<String, Object>(0);
map.put("title", "WOW !!!");
"The notifications can hold a little image.<br><br> You can close me by clicking the 'x' in the left top corner shown when mouse is over.<br><br>Further you can stop/start the notifications with the checkbox <br>EN: 'stop notifications' <br>DE: 'Stoppe Benachrichtigungen'<br> on top right of the application.");
map.put("autoClosing", true);
map.put("image", "/images/sge.jpg");
// EventQueues.lookup("ApplicationEventQueue",
// EventQueues.APPLICATION, true).publish(new
// Event("APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION", null, map));
eq.publish(new Event("APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION", null, map));