private Openlayers map2;
public void doAfterCompose(Window comp) throws Exception {
// set up some layers
Layer ol = new WMS(
"OpenLayers WMS",
toMap(pair("layers", "basic"))
Layer jpl = new WMS(
"NASA Global Mosaic",
toMap(pair("layers", "landsat7"))
// A clone of the above layer that we will use as overview for map2.
// We need to clone jpl before the it gets added to a map, so the
// clone can have its own maxExtent and maxResolution instead of
// getting these settings initialized from map1.
Layer jplOverview = (Layer)jpl.clone();
// A more detailled layer of Manhattan for map2
Layer ny = new WMS(
toMap(pair("layers", "tiger-ny"), pair("format", "image/png"))