// Create an attached thread. An attached thread gets a ctx and a PAIR
// pipe back to its parent. It must monitor its pipe, and exit if the
// pipe becomes unreadable. Returns pipe, or null if there was an error.
public static Socket fork(ZContext ctx, IAttachedRunnable runnable, Object... args) {
Socket pipe = ctx.createSocket(ZMQ.PAIR);
if (pipe != null) {
pipe.bind(String.format("inproc://zctx-pipe-%d", pipe.hashCode()));
} else {
return null;
// Connect child pipe to our pipe
ZContext ccontext = ZContext.shadow(ctx);
Socket cpipe = ccontext.createSocket(ZMQ.PAIR);
if (cpipe == null)
return null;
cpipe.connect(String.format("inproc://zctx-pipe-%d", pipe.hashCode()));
// Prepare child thread
Thread shim = new ShimThread(ccontext, runnable, args, cpipe);