// Check if the published item can be sent to the subscriber
if (!canSendPublicationEvent(publishedItem.getNode(), publishedItem)) {
// Send event notification to the subscriber
Message notification = new Message();
Element event = notification.getElement()
.addElement("event", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event");
Element items = event.addElement("items");
items.addAttribute("node", node.getNodeID());
Element item = items.addElement("item");
if (((LeafNode) node).isItemRequired()) {
item.addAttribute("id", publishedItem.getID());
if (node.isPayloadDelivered() && publishedItem.getPayload() != null) {
// Add a message body (if required)
if (isIncludingBody()) {
// Include date when published item was created
notification.getElement().addElement("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay")
.addAttribute("stamp", fastDateFormat.format(publishedItem.getCreationDate()));
// Send the event notification to the subscriber
service.sendNotification(node, notification, jid);