// Skip this presence if it's the presence of this workgroup in the room
if (workgroupName.equals(packet.getFrom().getResource())) {
JID presenceFullJID = new JID(item.attributeValue("jid"));
String presenceJID = presenceFullJID.toBareJID();
// Invoke the room interceptor before processing the presence
interceptorManager.invokeInterceptors(getJID().toBareJID(), packet, false, false);
// Get the userID associated to this sessionID
UserRequest initialRequest = requests.get(sessionID);
// Add the new presence to the list of sent packets
Map<Packet, java.util.Date> messageList = transcripts.get(roomID);
if (messageList == null) {
messageList = new LinkedHashMap<Packet, java.util.Date>();
transcripts.put(roomID, messageList);
// Trigger the event that a chat support has started
WorkgroupEventDispatcher.chatSupportStarted(this, sessionID);
messageList.put(packet.createCopy(), new java.util.Date());
// Update the number of occupants in the room.
boolean occupantAdded = false;
Set<String> set = occupantsCounter.get(roomID);
if (set == null) {
set = new HashSet<String>();
occupantsCounter.put(roomID, set);
if (presence.isAvailable()) {
occupantAdded = set.add(presenceJID);
else {
String xpath = "/presence/*[name()='x']/*[name()='status']";
Element status = (Element)presence.getElement().selectSingleNode(xpath);
if (status == null || !"303".equals(status.attributeValue("code"))) {
// Remove the occupant unless the occupant is changing his nickname
// If the presence belongs to an Agent then create/update a track
// Look for an agent whose JID matches the presence's JID
String agentJID = null;
for (Agent agent : getAgents()) {
if (agent.getAgentJID().toBareJID().equals(presenceJID)) {
agentJID = agent.getAgentJID().toBareJID();
if (agentJID != null) {
AgentSession agentSession;
// Update the current chats that the agent is having
try {
agentSession = agentManager.getAgentSession(presenceFullJID);
if (agentSession != null) {
if (presence.isAvailable()) {
if (occupantAdded) {
agentSession.addChatInfo(this, sessionID, initialRequest, new java.util.Date());
// Trigger the event that an agent has joined a chat session
WorkgroupEventDispatcher.agentJoinedChatSupport(this, sessionID, agentSession);
else {
agentSession.removeChatInfo(this, sessionID);
// Trigger the event that an agent has left a chat session
WorkgroupEventDispatcher.agentLeftChatSupport(this, sessionID, agentSession);
catch (AgentNotFoundException e) {
// Do nothing since the AgentSession was not found
if (presence.isAvailable()) {
if (occupantAdded) {
// Store in the DB that an agent has joined a room
DbWorkgroup.updateJoinedSession(sessionID, agentJID, true);
else {
// Store in the DB that an agent has left a room
DbWorkgroup.updateJoinedSession(sessionID, agentJID, false);
else {
if (occupantAdded) {
// Notify the request that the user has joined a support session
if (occupantAdded) {
initialRequest.userJoinedRoom(new JID(packet.getFrom().toBareJID()), presenceFullJID);
// If just the user has left the room, just persist the transcript
boolean isAgent = false;
try {