public static void main( String args[] ) throws Exception {
// load a database instance
Database xmlDB = (Database)
Class.forName( "org.ozoneDB.xml.cli.DatabaseImpl" ).newInstance();
// url schema:
// xmldb:ozonexml:<database>?<rootcoll>
// <database> can either be a directory in the local filesystem or a remote
// ip address (host:port)
// <rootcoll> specifies the name of the root collection to load
// connect to the database and return the requested root collection
Collection rootCol = xmlDB.getCollection( "xmldb:ozonexml:/home/lars/xmltest?root" );
//Collection rootCol = xmlDB.getCollection( "xmldb:ozonexml://localhost:4445?root" );
// try to load the parent collection
Collection parentCol = rootCol.getParentCollection();
if (parentCol == null)