public PublishReturnQos publish(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQosServer) throws XmlBlasterException
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": publish() publisherSessionInfo '" + publisherSessionInfo.getId() + "', message '" + msgUnit.getLogId() + "' ...");
PublishReturnQos publishReturnQos = null;
MsgQosData msgQosData = null;
StatusQosData qos = new StatusQosData(serverScope, MethodName.PUBLISH);
publishReturnQos = new PublishReturnQos(serverScope, qos);
MsgKeyData msgKeyData = (MsgKeyData)msgUnit.getKeyData();
msgQosData = (MsgQosData)msgUnit.getQosData();
/* Happens in RequestBroker already
if (msgQosData.getSender() == null) {
// Do a log.warning if topic meta XML is different
if (!clientTagLog) {
try {
XmlKey xmlKey = this.xmlKey;
if (xmlKey != null) {
String newTags = msgKeyData.getClientTags();
if (newTags != null && newTags.length() > 0) {
String oldTags = ((MsgKeyData)xmlKey.getKeyData()).getClientTags();
if (!newTags.equals(oldTags)) {
log.warning(ME+": Changing topic meta information from '" + oldTags + "' to '" + newTags + "' is not supported and this change is ignored, please check your publisher.");
clientTagLog = true;
catch (Throwable e) {
log.severe(ME+": Ignoring unexpected exception during meta info check:" + e.toString());
if (msgQosData.isAdministrative()) {
if ( isUnconfigured() || isSoftErased() || allowedToReconfigureTopicAndFixWrongLimits(msgQosData)) {
administrativeInitialize(msgKeyData, msgQosData, publishQosServer);
if (!msgQosData.isFromPersistenceStore()) {
else {
log.warning(ME+": Sorry we are in state '" + getStateStr() + "', reconfiguring TopicHandler is not yet supported, we ignore the reconfiguration request");
if (this.handlerIsNewCreated) {
this.handlerIsNewCreated = false;
// Check all known query subscriptions if the new message fits as well (does it only if TopicHandler is new)
serverScope.getRequestBroker().checkExistingSubscriptions(publisherSessionInfo, this, publishQosServer);
if (msgQosData.isFromPersistenceStore()) {": Topic is successfully recovered from persistency to state " + getStateStr() +
//((requestBroker.getTopicStore()!=null) ? (" '" + requestBroker.getTopicStore().getStorageId() + "'") : "") +
" with " + getNumOfHistoryEntries() + " history entries (" + getNumOfCacheEntries() + " currently referenced msgUnits are loaded).");
else {": Topic is successfully configured by administrative message.");
publishReturnQos.getData().setStateInfo("Administrative configuration request handled");
return publishReturnQos;
if (!this.administrativeInitialize) {
administrativeInitialize(msgKeyData, msgQosData, publishQosServer);
if (!isAlive()) {
if (this.handlerIsNewCreated) {
// Check all known query subscriptions if the new message fits as well (does it only if TopicHandler is new)
serverScope.getRequestBroker().checkExistingSubscriptions(publisherSessionInfo, this, publishQosServer);
this.handlerIsNewCreated = false;
int initialCounter = 1; // Force referenceCount until update queues are filled (volatile messages)
MsgUnitWrapper msgUnitWrapper = null;
try { // finally
boolean changed = true;
final boolean isInvisiblePtp = publishQosServer.isPtp() && !publishQosServer.isSubscribable();
final boolean addToHistoryQueue = this.historyQueue != null && !isInvisiblePtp;
if (!isInvisiblePtp) { // readonly is only checked for Pub/Sub?
if (this.topicProperty.isReadonly() && hasHistoryEntries()) {
log.warning(ME+": Sorry, published message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' rejected, topic is readonly.");
throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.USER_PUBLISH_READONLY, ME, "Sorry, published message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' rejected, topic is readonly.");
msgUnitWrapper = new MsgUnitWrapper(serverScope, msgUnit, this.msgUnitCache, initialCounter, 0, -1);
if (!isAlive()) {
// Forcing RAM entry temporary (reset in finally below) to avoid performance critical harddisk IO during initialization, every callback/subject/history queue put()/take() is changing the reference counter of MsgUnitWrapper. For persistent messages this needs to be written to harddisk
// If the server crashed during this RAM operation it is not critical as the publisher didn't get an ACK yet
synchronized(this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstructionMutex) {
// A queue (e.g. callback queue) could swap its entry and reload it during this initialization phase,
// in this case we need to assure that it receives our RAM based MsgUnitWrapper (with all current settings)
// in case it changes the referenceCounter
this.msgUnitWrapperUnderConstruction = msgUnitWrapper;
try {
// marker if we are working on the history queue
// A historyQueue.take() could trigger entry.remove() -> topicHandler.entryDestroyed() -> toUnreferenced() ==> The topic would be invalid for the current publish
this.isHistoryHandling = true;
if (addToHistoryQueue && msgUnitWrapper.hasRemainingLife()) { // no sense to remember
if (msgQosData.isForceUpdate() == false && hasHistoryEntries()) {
MsgQueueHistoryEntry entry = (MsgQueueHistoryEntry)this.historyQueue.peek();
if (entry != null) {
MsgUnitWrapper old = entry.getMsgUnitWrapper();
if (old != null) {
changed = !old.getMsgUnit().sameContent(msgUnit.getContent());
try { // Cleanup if persistent queue was temporary unavailable
long numHist = getNumOfHistoryEntries();
if (numHist > 1L && numHist > this.historyQueue.getMaxNumOfEntries()) {
long count = numHist-this.historyQueue.getMaxNumOfEntries();
// TODO: Implement count>1 in takeLowest():
List<I_Entry> entryList = this.historyQueue.takeLowest((int) count, -1L, null, false);
if (entryList.size() != count) {
log.severe(ME+": Can't remove expected entry, entryList.size()=" + entryList.size() + ": " + this.historyQueue.toXml(""));
catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
log.severe(ME+": History queue take() problem: " + e.getMessage());
try { // increments reference counter += 1
this.historyQueue.put(new MsgQueueHistoryEntry(serverScope, msgUnitWrapper, this.historyQueue.getStorageId()), I_Queue.USE_PUT_INTERCEPTOR);
catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
log.severe(ME+": History queue put() problem: " + e.getMessage());
try {
long numHist = getNumOfHistoryEntries();
if (numHist > 1L && numHist > this.historyQueue.getMaxNumOfEntries()) {
List<I_Entry> entryList = this.historyQueue.takeLowest(1, -1L, null, false);
if (entryList.size() != 1) {
throw new XmlBlasterException(serverScope, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, ME,
"Can't remove expected entry, entryList.size()=" + entryList.size() + ": " + this.historyQueue.toXml(""));
MsgQueueHistoryEntry entry = (MsgQueueHistoryEntry)entryList.get(0);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { if (!entry.isInternal()) log.fine(ME+": Removed oldest entry in history queue."); }
catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
log.severe(ME+": History queue take() problem: " + e.getMessage());
finally {
this.isHistoryHandling = false;
// NOTE: Putting entries into callback queues must be outside of a synchronized(topicHandler) to avoid deadlock
// The DispatchWorker removes a MsgUnitWrapper entry from the msgstore (see entryDestroyed()) and would deadlock
// This is currently addressed as the MsgUnitWrapper.lookup is a dirty read on the topicHandler
//----- 2a. now we can send updates to all destination clients:
if (publishQosServer.isPtp()) {
/*publishReturnQos =*/ forwardToDestinations(publisherSessionInfo, msgUnitWrapper, publishQosServer);
if (!publishQosServer.isSubscribable()) {
publishReturnQos.getData().setStateInfo("PtP request handled");
return publishReturnQos;
//----- 2b. now we can send updates to all subscribed clients:
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(ME+": Message " + msgUnit.getLogId() + " handled, now we can send updates to all interested clients.");
if (changed || msgQosData.isForceUpdate()) { // if the content changed of the publisher forces updates ...
invokeCallbackAndHandleFailure(publisherSessionInfo, msgUnitWrapper);
catch (XmlBlasterException e) {