if (property.equals(Constants.LEXICAL_HANDLER_PROPERTY)) {
try {
catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new SAXNotSupportedException(
"PAR012 For propertyID \""
+propertyId+"\", the value \""
+value+"\" cannot be cast to LexicalHandler."
// http://xml.org/sax/properties/declaration-handler
// Value type: org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler
// Access: read/write, pre-parse only
// Set the DTD declaration event handler.
if (property.equals(Constants.DECLARATION_HANDLER_PROPERTY)) {
try {
catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new SAXNotSupportedException(
"PAR012 For propertyID \""
+propertyId+"\", the value \""
+value+"\" cannot be cast to DeclHandler."
// http://xml.org/sax/properties/dom-node
// Value type: DOM Node
// Access: read-only
// Get the DOM node currently being visited, if the SAX parser is
// iterating over a DOM tree. If the parser recognises and
// supports this property but is not currently visiting a DOM
// node, it should return null (this is a good way to check for
// availability before the parse begins).
if (property.equals(Constants.DOM_NODE_PROPERTY)) {
throw new SAXNotSupportedException(
"PAR013 Property \""+propertyId+"\" is read only."
); // read-only property