Package org.xml.sax

Examples of org.xml.sax.Locator

    // Javadoc inherited
    public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
        if (eventCount < 0) {
            Locator locator = getPipelineContext().getCurrentLocator();
            XMLStreamingException e = new XMLStreamingException(
                    "endDocument received without a preceeding startDocument",
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            // this process cannot execute with either of these two objects so
            // throw an exception if either one or both is missing
            if (request == null || response == null) {
                Locator locator = context.getCurrentLocator();
                XMLProcessingException xmlException =
                        new XMLProcessingException(
                                "Null request and response objects in context",

            // Get valid a RequestDispatcher to dispatch to
            RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getRequestDispatcher(request);
            try {
                dispatcher.include(request, response);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Locator locator = getPipelineContext().getCurrentLocator();
                XMLProcessingException xmlException =
                        new XMLProcessingException("Failed to include URI ",
                                                   locator, e);
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            String message = exception.getMessage();
            IMarker marker = file.createMarker(IMarker.PROBLEM);
            marker.setAttribute(IMarker.MESSAGE, message);
            marker.setAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR);
            marker.setAttribute(DOMValidator.class.getName(), true);
            Locator locator = validationHandler.getDocumentLocator();
            if (locator != null) {
                int lineNumber =
                marker.setAttribute(IMarker.LINE_NUMBER, lineNumber);
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     * @param e
    private void handleException(Exception e,String absoluteURI)throws SAXException {
        StringBuffer errorMessages = this.getCollatingErrorListener().getErrorBuffer();
        Locator locator = getPipelineContext().getCurrentLocator();
        SAXParseException error =
                new XMLProcessingException("Error while attempting to process: "+
                        absoluteURI + "\ndue to following errors: "+
                        errorMessages,locator, e);
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            addTemplates(templates, Boolean.valueOf(isCompilable));
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            StringBuffer errorMessages = this.getCollatingErrorListener().getErrorBuffer();
            Locator locator = getPipelineContext().getCurrentLocator();
            SAXParseException error =
                    new ResourceNotFoundException("Error while attempting to process: "+
                            absoluteURI + "\ndue to following errors: "+
                            errorMessages, locator, e);
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                "XMLPipelineContext should have had its base uri updated",
        // get hold of the current locator from the pipeline context
        Locator currentLocator =
        // ensure that the XMLPipelineContexts stack of locators is updated
                "XMLPipelineContext should have the current locator updated",
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        boolean isValid = true;

        // The href attribute is required
        if (null == href) {
            // need to send an error down the pipeline
            Locator locator = context.getCurrentLocator();
            ResourceNotFoundException rnfe =
                    new ResourceNotFoundException("URLConnector requires the " +
                                                  "href attribute to be set",
            isValid = false;

        if (null != parse &&
                !(XML_VALUE.equals(parse) || TEXT_VALUE.equals(parse))) {
            // need to send an error down the pipeline
            Locator locator = context.getCurrentLocator();
            XMLProcessingException e =
                    new XMLProcessingException("parse attribute must either " +
                                               TEXT_VALUE + " or " + XML_VALUE,
            isValid = false;
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        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                MonitoredTransaction.FAILED, urlAsString);
            // need to generate an error event.
            Locator locator = context.getCurrentLocator();
            ResourceNotFoundException error = new ResourceNotFoundException(
                "The URI " + href + " could not be included", locator, e);
            error.initErrorInfo(id, null, null,null);
        } catch (RuntimeHttpException e) {
                MonitoredTransaction.FAILED, urlAsString);
            // need to generate an error event.
            Locator locator = context.getCurrentLocator();
            ResourceNotFoundException error = new ResourceNotFoundException(
                "The URI " + href + " could not be included", locator, e);
            error.initErrorInfo(id, null, null,null);
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        String inclusionSystemId = url.toExternalForm();
        // check to see if the document that is about to be processed has
        // already been included. If it has then
        if (isCyclicInclusion(url)) {
            // cannot enter a cyclic inclusion
            Locator locator = context.getCurrentLocator();
            CyclicInclusionException ce =
                    new CyclicInclusionException("Cyclic Inclusion encountered " +
                                                 inclusionSystemId, locator);

        // As this XML Document can contain pipeline mark-up we need
        // to ensure that the parsed document enters a pipeline so that
        // it is processed correctly.
        XMLPipelineFactory factory = context.getPipelineFactory();

        // create a new pipeline.
        XMLPipeline pipeline = factory.createDynamicPipeline(context);

        XMLProcess cup = factory.createContextUpdatingProcess();
        XMLProcess pipelineProcess = pipeline.getPipelineProcess();

        // set up the XMLReader so that the inclusion can be read.
        XMLReader reader = createXMLReader();

        // Chain the new pipeline process to the target process

        URLContentManager manager = PipelineURLContentManager.retrieve(

        try {
            final URLConfiguration urlConfiguration =
                URLConfigurationFactory.getURLConfiguration(url, context);
            URLContent content =
                manager.getURLContent(url, timeout, urlConfiguration);

            // InputSource for content that we are trying to include.
            InputSource source = new InputSource(content.getInputStream());

            // Ensure that the systemID property is set for the
            // InputSource. The XMLReader will need this in order to
            // resolve relative URIs

            // add dependency to the dependency context
            final DependencyContext dependencyContext =
            if (dependencyContext != null &&
                dependencyContext.isTrackingDependencies()) {


            // perform the inclusion

        } catch (SAXException e) {

            // If the parser encounters a truly fatal error (e.g. an entity it
            // does not understand), it will throw an exception even if the
            // pipeline try operation prevents the error handler from doing so.
            // This basically defeats our currently useless try operation and
            // allows the entire pipeline to crash. So we must catch any
            // exceptions here manually and deal with them ourselves. Sigh.
            // If we fixed VBM:2004030305 then this code would hopefully not be
            // required.


            // If the pipeline is already handling this error,
            if (context.inErrorRecoveryMode()) {
                // Then we assume that there is a containing try operation that
                // needs help to avoid the pipeline crashing, so we need to
                // mask the exception. So just continue on and hope the
                // pipeline error handling will save us. Note that we cannot
                // re-report it via fatalError or the flow control manager
                // objects.
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Fetch encountered XML parsing exception " +
                            "while error recovery is in progress, ignoring", e);
            } else {
                // Else we assume that there is no containing try operation.
                // In this case just let the exception propogate up and cause
                // the pipeline to die.
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Fetch encountered XML parsing exception " +
                            "while no error recovery is in progress, rethrowing",
                throw e;

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
             uridFetchTransaction.stop(MonitoredTransaction.FAILED, url.toExternalForm());
            // get hold of the current locator
            Locator currentLocator = context.getCurrentLocator();

            // this is a streaming error as the part of the document might
            // have been included.
            ResourceNotFoundException se =
                    new ResourceNotFoundException(
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    private boolean isCyclicInclusion(URL inclusion) {
        String inclusionSystemId = inclusion.toExternalForm();
        boolean isCyclic = false;
        Iterator iter = context.getLocators();
        Locator locator;
        while (iter.hasNext() && !isCyclic) {
            locator = (Locator);
            isCyclic = inclusionSystemId.equals(locator.getSystemId());
        return isCyclic;
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Related Classes of org.xml.sax.Locator

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