* Parses a taglib directive with the following syntax: Directive ::= ( S
* Attribute)*
private void parseTaglibDirective(Node parent) throws JasperException {
Attributes attrs = parseAttributes();
String uri = attrs.getValue("uri");
String prefix = attrs.getValue("prefix");
if (prefix != null) {
Mark prevMark = pageInfo.getNonCustomTagPrefix(prefix);
if (prevMark != null) {
err.jspError(reader.mark(), "jsp.error.prefix.use_before_dcl",
prefix, prevMark.getFile(), ""
+ prevMark.getLineNumber());
if (uri != null) {
String uriPrev = pageInfo.getURI(prefix);
if (uriPrev != null && !uriPrev.equals(uri)) {
err.jspError(reader.mark(), "jsp.error.prefix.refined",
prefix, uri, uriPrev);
if (pageInfo.getTaglib(uri) == null) {
TagLibraryInfoImpl impl = null;
if (ctxt.getOptions().isCaching()) {
impl = (TagLibraryInfoImpl) ctxt.getOptions()
if (impl == null) {
TldResourcePath tldResourcePath = ctxt.getTldResourcePath(uri);
impl = new TagLibraryInfoImpl(ctxt, parserController,
pageInfo, prefix, uri, tldResourcePath, err);
if (ctxt.getOptions().isCaching()) {
ctxt.getOptions().getCache().put(uri, impl);
pageInfo.addTaglib(uri, impl);
pageInfo.addPrefixMapping(prefix, uri);
} else {
String tagdir = attrs.getValue("tagdir");
if (tagdir != null) {
String urnTagdir = URN_JSPTAGDIR + tagdir;
if (pageInfo.getTaglib(urnTagdir) == null) {
new ImplicitTagLibraryInfo(ctxt,