Package org.xhtmlrenderer.render

Examples of org.xhtmlrenderer.render.InlineLayoutBox


    private int getPageRefY(Box box) {
        if (box instanceof InlineLayoutBox) {
            InlineLayoutBox iB = (InlineLayoutBox) box;
            return iB.getAbsY() + iB.getBaseline();
        } else {
            return box.getAbsY();
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        public boolean isStatic() {
            return false;

        public String calculate(RenderingContext c, FSFunction function, InlineText text) {
            InlineLayoutBox iB = text.getParent();
            LineBox lineBox = iB.getLineBox();

            // There might be a target-counter function after this function.
            // Because the leader should fill up the line, we need the correct
            // width and must first compute the target-counter function.
            boolean dynamic = false;
            Iterator childIterator = lineBox.getChildIterator();
            while (childIterator.hasNext()) {
                Box child = (Box);
                if (child == iB) {
                    dynamic = true;
                } else if (dynamic && child instanceof InlineLayoutBox) {
            if (dynamic) {
                int totalLineWidth = InlineBoxing.positionHorizontally(c, lineBox, 0);

            // Get leader value and value width
            PropertyValue param = (PropertyValue)function.getParameters().get(0);
            String value = param.getStringValue();
            if (param.getPrimitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_IDENT) {
                if (value.equals("dotted")) {
                    value = ". ";
                } else if (value.equals("solid")) {
                    value = "_";
                } else if (value.equals("space")) {
                    value = " ";

            // Compute value width using 100x string to get more precise width.
            // Otherwise there might be a small gap at the right side. This is
            // necessary because a TextRenderer usually use double/float for width.
            StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(100 * value.length());
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            float valueWidth = c.getTextRenderer().getWidth(c.getFontContext(),
                    iB.getStyle().getFSFont(c), tmp.toString()) / 100f;
            int spaceWidth = c.getTextRenderer().getWidth(c.getFontContext(),
                    iB.getStyle().getFSFont(c), " ");

            // compute leader width and necessary count of values
            int leaderWidth = iB.getContainingBlockWidth() - iB.getLineBox().getWidth() + text.getWidth();
            int count = (int) ((leaderWidth - (2 * spaceWidth)) / valueWidth);

            // build leader string
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(count * value.length() + 2);
            buf.append(' ');
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            buf.append(' ');
            String leaderString = buf.toString();

            // set left margin to ensure that the leader is right aligned (for TOC)
            int leaderStringWidth = c.getTextRenderer().getWidth(c.getFontContext(),
                    iB.getStyle().getFSFont(c), leaderString);
            iB.setMarginLeft(c, leaderWidth - leaderStringWidth);

            return leaderString;
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        int remainingWidth = maxAvailableWidth;

        LineBox currentLine = newLine(c, initialY, box);
        LineBox previousLine = null;

        InlineLayoutBox currentIB = null;
        InlineLayoutBox previousIB = null;

        int contentStart = 0;

        List openInlineBoxes = null;

        Map iBMap = new HashMap();

        if (box instanceof AnonymousBlockBox) {
            openInlineBoxes = ((AnonymousBlockBox)box).getOpenInlineBoxes();
            if (openInlineBoxes != null) {
                openInlineBoxes = new ArrayList(openInlineBoxes);
                currentIB = addOpenInlineBoxes(
                        c, currentLine, openInlineBoxes, maxAvailableWidth, iBMap);

        if (openInlineBoxes == null) {
            openInlineBoxes = new ArrayList();

        remainingWidth -= c.getBlockFormattingContext().getFloatDistance(c, currentLine, remainingWidth);

        CalculatedStyle parentStyle = box.getStyle();
        int minimumLineHeight = (int) parentStyle.getLineHeight(c);
        int indent = (int) parentStyle.getFloatPropertyProportionalWidth(CSSName.TEXT_INDENT, maxAvailableWidth, c);
        remainingWidth -= indent;
        contentStart += indent;

        MarkerData markerData = c.getCurrentMarkerData();
        if (markerData != null && box.getStyle().isListMarkerInside()) {
            remainingWidth -= markerData.getLayoutWidth();
            contentStart += markerData.getLayoutWidth();

        List pendingFloats = new ArrayList();
        int pendingLeftMBP = 0;
        int pendingRightMBP = 0;

        boolean hasFirstLinePEs = false;
        List pendingInlineLayers = new ArrayList();

        if (c.getFirstLinesTracker().hasStyles()) {
            box.styleText(c, c.getFirstLinesTracker().deriveAll(box.getStyle()));
            hasFirstLinePEs = true;

        boolean needFirstLetter = c.getFirstLettersTracker().hasStyles();
        boolean zeroWidthInlineBlock = false;

        int lineOffset = 0;

        for (Iterator i = box.getInlineContent().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            Styleable node = (Styleable);

            if (node.getStyle().isInline()) {
                InlineBox iB = (InlineBox)node;

                CalculatedStyle style = iB.getStyle();
                if (iB.isStartsHere()) {
                    previousIB = currentIB;
                    currentIB = new InlineLayoutBox(c, iB.getElement(), style, maxAvailableWidth);

                    iBMap.put(iB, currentIB);

                    if (previousIB == null) {
                        currentLine.addChildForLayout(c, currentIB);
                    } else {
                        previousIB.addInlineChild(c, currentIB);

                    if (currentIB.getElement() != null) {
                        String name = c.getNamespaceHandler().getAnchorName(currentIB.getElement());
                        if (name != null) {
                            c.addBoxId(name, currentIB);
                        String id = c.getNamespaceHandler().getID(currentIB.getElement());
                        if (id != null) {
                            c.addBoxId(id, currentIB);

                    //To break the line well, assume we don't just want to paint padding on next line
                    pendingLeftMBP += style.getMarginBorderPadding(
                            c, maxAvailableWidth, CalculatedStyle.LEFT);
                    pendingRightMBP += style.getMarginBorderPadding(
                            c, maxAvailableWidth, CalculatedStyle.RIGHT);

                LineBreakContext lbContext = new LineBreakContext();
                if (iB.isDynamicFunction()) {

                do {

                    int fit = 0;
                    if (lbContext.getStart() == 0) {
                        fit += pendingLeftMBP + pendingRightMBP;

                    boolean trimmedLeadingSpace = false;
                    if (hasTrimmableLeadingSpace(
                            currentLine, style, lbContext, zeroWidthInlineBlock)) {
                        trimmedLeadingSpace = true;


                    zeroWidthInlineBlock = false;

                    if (lbContext.getStartSubstring().length() == 0) {

                    if (needFirstLetter && !lbContext.isFinished()) {
                        InlineLayoutBox firstLetter =
                            addFirstLetterBox(c, currentLine, currentIB, lbContext,
                                    maxAvailableWidth, remainingWidth);
                        remainingWidth -= firstLetter.getInlineWidth();

                        if (currentIB.isStartsHere()) {
                            pendingLeftMBP -= currentIB.getStyle().getMarginBorderPadding(
                                    c, maxAvailableWidth, CalculatedStyle.LEFT);
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            int remainingWidth) {
        CalculatedStyle previous = currentIB.getStyle();


        InlineLayoutBox iB = new InlineLayoutBox(c, null, currentIB.getStyle(), maxAvailableWidth);

        currentIB.addInlineChild(c, iB);

        InlineText text = layoutText(c, iB.getStyle(), remainingWidth, lbContext, true);
        iB.addInlineChild(c, text);


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    public static int positionHorizontally(CssContext c, Box current, int start) {
        int x = start;

        InlineLayoutBox currentIB = null;

        if (current instanceof InlineLayoutBox) {
            currentIB = (InlineLayoutBox)current;
            x += currentIB.getLeftMarginBorderPadding(c);

        for (int i = 0; i < current.getChildCount(); i++) {
            Box b = current.getChild(i);
            if (b instanceof InlineLayoutBox) {
                InlineLayoutBox iB = (InlineLayoutBox) current.getChild(i);
                x += positionHorizontally(c, iB, x);
            } else {
                x += b.getWidth();
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        x += current.getLeftMarginBorderPadding(c);

        for (int i = 0; i < current.getInlineChildCount(); i++) {
            Object child = current.getInlineChild(i);
            if (child instanceof InlineLayoutBox) {
                InlineLayoutBox iB = (InlineLayoutBox) child;
                x += positionHorizontally(c, iB, x);
            } else if (child instanceof InlineText) {
                InlineText iT = (InlineText) child;
                iT.setX(x - start);
                x += iT.getWidth();
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            if (vAlign == IdentValue.TOP || vAlign == IdentValue.BOTTOM) {
                vaTarget = vaContext.createChild(child);
        if (child instanceof InlineLayoutBox) {
            InlineLayoutBox iB = (InlineLayoutBox) child;
            positionInlineVertically(c, vaTarget, iB);
        } else { // any other Box class
            positionInlineBlockVertically(c, vaTarget, (BlockBox)child);
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    private static InlineLayoutBox addOpenInlineBoxes(
            LayoutContext c, LineBox line, List openParents, int cbWidth, Map iBMap) {
        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

        InlineLayoutBox currentIB = null;
        InlineLayoutBox previousIB = null;

        boolean first = true;
        for (Iterator i = openParents.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            InlineBox iB = (InlineBox);
            currentIB = new InlineLayoutBox(
                    c, iB.getElement(), iB.getStyle(), cbWidth);

            InlineLayoutBox prev = (InlineLayoutBox)iBMap.get(iB);
            if (prev != null) {

            iBMap.put(iB, currentIB);

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Related Classes of org.xhtmlrenderer.render.InlineLayoutBox

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