PropertyDeclaration backgroundRepeat = null;
PropertyDeclaration backgroundAttachment = null;
PropertyDeclaration backgroundPosition = null;
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
PropertyValue value = (PropertyValue)values.get(i);
checkInheritAllowed(value, false);
boolean processingBackgroundPosition = false;
short type = value.getPrimitiveType();
if (type == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_IDENT) {
FSRGBColor color = Conversions.getColor(value.getStringValue());
if (color != null) {
if (backgroundColor != null) {
throw new CSSParseException("A background-color value cannot be set twice", -1);
backgroundColor = new PropertyDeclaration(
new PropertyValue(color),
important, origin);
IdentValue ident = checkIdent(CSSName.BACKGROUND_SHORTHAND, value);
if (PrimitivePropertyBuilders.BACKGROUND_REPEATS.get(ident.FS_ID)) {
if (backgroundRepeat != null) {
throw new CSSParseException("A background-repeat value cannot be set twice", -1);
backgroundRepeat = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_REPEAT, value, important, origin);
if (PrimitivePropertyBuilders.BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENTS.get(ident.FS_ID)) {
if (backgroundAttachment != null) {
throw new CSSParseException("A background-attachment value cannot be set twice", -1);
backgroundAttachment = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT, value, important, origin);
if (ident == IdentValue.TRANSPARENT) {
if (backgroundColor != null) {
throw new CSSParseException("A background-color value cannot be set twice", -1);
backgroundColor = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_COLOR, value, important, origin);
if (ident == IdentValue.NONE) {
if (backgroundImage != null) {
throw new CSSParseException("A background-image value cannot be set twice", -1);
backgroundImage = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_IMAGE, value, important, origin);
if (PrimitivePropertyBuilders.BACKGROUND_POSITIONS.get(ident.FS_ID)) {
processingBackgroundPosition = true;
} else if (type == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_RGBCOLOR) {
if (backgroundColor != null) {
throw new CSSParseException("A background-color value cannot be set twice", -1);
backgroundColor = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_COLOR, value, important, origin);
} else if (type == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_URI) {
if (backgroundImage != null) {
throw new CSSParseException("A background-image value cannot be set twice", -1);
backgroundImage = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_IMAGE, value, important, origin);
if (processingBackgroundPosition || isLength(value) || type == CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PERCENTAGE) {
if (backgroundPosition != null) {
throw new CSSParseException("A background-position value cannot be set twice", -1);
List v = new ArrayList(2);
if (i < values.size() - 1) {
PropertyValue next = (PropertyValue)values.get(i+1);
if (isAppliesToBackgroundPosition(next)) {
PropertyBuilder builder = CSSName.getPropertyBuilder(CSSName.BACKGROUND_POSITION);
backgroundPosition = (PropertyDeclaration)builder.buildDeclarations(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_POSITION, v, origin, important).get(0);
if (backgroundColor == null) {
backgroundColor = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_COLOR, new PropertyValue(IdentValue.TRANSPARENT), important, origin);
if (backgroundImage == null) {
backgroundImage = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_IMAGE, new PropertyValue(IdentValue.NONE), important, origin);
if (backgroundRepeat == null) {
backgroundRepeat = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_REPEAT, new PropertyValue(IdentValue.REPEAT), important, origin);
if (backgroundAttachment == null) {
backgroundAttachment = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT, new PropertyValue(IdentValue.SCROLL), important, origin);
if (backgroundPosition == null) {
List v = new ArrayList(2);
v.add(new PropertyValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PERCENTAGE, 0.0f, "0%"));
v.add(new PropertyValue(CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PERCENTAGE, 0.0f, "0%"));
backgroundPosition = new PropertyDeclaration(
CSSName.BACKGROUND_POSITION, new PropertyValue(v), important, origin);
result = new ArrayList(5);