Package org.xdams.xml.builder

Examples of org.xdams.xml.builder.XMLBuilder

    try {
      UserBean userBean = (UserBean) modelMap.get("userBean");
      confBean = (ConfBean) modelMap.get("confBean");
      WorkFlowBean workFlowBean = (WorkFlowBean) modelMap.get("workFlowBean");
      xwconn = connectionManager.getConnection(workFlowBean.getArchive());
      XMLBuilder builderDoc = null;
      if (physDoc == null || physDoc.equals("") || physDoc.equals("-1")) {
        builderDoc = new XMLBuilder("root");
      } else {
        builderDoc = new XMLBuilder(xwconn.getSingleXMLFromNumDoc(Integer.parseInt(physDoc)), "ISO-8859-1");

      MultiEditingManager editingManager = new MultiEditingManager(parameterMap, confBean, userBean, workFlowBean);
      confBean = editingManager.rewriteMultipleConf(confControl);

      int newNrecord = 0;
      int relation = 0;
      int firstRecord = -1;
      if (!(MyRequest.getParameter("relation", parameterMap)).equals("")) {
        relation = Integer.parseInt(MyRequest.getParameter("relation", parameterMap));

      // String theArch = myRequest.getParameter("db");
      String pne = workFlowBean.getArchive().getPne();
      String dataCompilatoreCMPN = DateUtil.getDataSystem("dd/MM/yyyy");
      String nomeCompilatoreCMPN = userBean.getName() + " " + userBean.getLastName();

      int relatedPhysDoc = 0;
      int elementiMultipli = 0;

      if (MyRequest.getParameter("elementiMultipli", parameterMap).equals("")) {
        elementiMultipli = 1;
      } else {
        elementiMultipli = Integer.parseInt(MyRequest.getParameter("elementiMultipli", parameterMap));
      if (!MyRequest.getParameter("relatedPhysDoc", parameterMap).equals("")) {
        relatedPhysDoc = Integer.parseInt(MyRequest.getParameter("relatedPhysDoc", parameterMap));
      String[] nomiRequest = MyRequest.ordinaRequest(workFlowBean.getRequest(), "." + pne + ".");
      // HashMap laMappa = new HashMap();
      SharpIncrementTool sharpIncrementTool = new SharpIncrementTool();
      for (int cicli = 0; cicli < elementiMultipli; cicli++) {
        /* ordino la request e creo l'XML */
        XMLBuilder builder = new XMLBuilder(pne);
        for (int i = 0; i < nomiRequest.length; i++) {
          String ilNome = nomiRequest[i].replace('.', '/');
          String ilValore = (workFlowBean.getRequest().getParameter(nomiRequest[i])).trim();
          // System.out.println("ilNome=" + ilNome + " -- ilValore=" + ilValore + " ---");
          // System.out.println("elementiMultipli=" + elementiMultipli + " ---");
          // System.out.println("ilValore.indexOf(\"[#\") > 0 " + (ilValore.indexOf("[#") > 0));
          // System.out.println("ilValore.indexOf(\"#]\") > 0 " + (ilValore.indexOf("#]") > 0));
          // System.out.println("elementiMultipli > 1 " + (elementiMultipli > 1));
          if (!ilValore.equals("")) {
            try {
              if ((ilValore.indexOf("[#") != -1) && (ilValore.indexOf("#]") > 0) && (elementiMultipli > 0)) {
                ilValore = sharpIncrementTool.incrementValue(ilNome, ilValore);// ilValoreIni + contatoreMultiplo + ilValoreFin;
            } catch (Exception eee) {

            } finally {
              if (ilNome.endsWith("/@cdata")) {
                ilNome = StringUtils.chomp(ilNome, "/@cdata");
                builder.insertNode(ilNome, ilValore, true);
              } else {
                builder.insertNode(ilNome, ilValore); // QUI INSERISCO IL VERO VALORE


        /* fine ordino la request e creo l'XML */
        XMLBuilder theXMLconf = confBean.getTheXMLConfEditing();

        for (int a = 0; a < theXMLconf.contaNodi("/root/fixedValues/cdata/elemento"); a++) {
          String ilNodoCorrente = theXMLconf.valoreNodo("/root/fixedValues/cdata/elemento[" + (a + 1) + "]/@path");
          String ilValoreCorrente = theXMLconf.valoreNodo("/root/fixedValues/cdata/elemento[" + (a + 1) + "]/text()");
          ilValoreCorrente = ilValoreCorrente.replaceAll(" ", "_");
          ilValoreCorrente = ilValoreCorrente.replaceAll("<", "-");
          ilValoreCorrente = ilValoreCorrente.replaceAll(">", "-");
          if (ilNodoCorrente.endsWith("/@cdata")) {
            ilNodoCorrente = StringUtils.chomp(ilNodoCorrente, "/@cdata");
            builder.insertNode(ilNodoCorrente, ilValoreCorrente, true);
          } else {
            builder.insertNode(ilNodoCorrente, ilValoreCorrente); // QUI INSERISCO IL VERO VALORE
          // builder.insertNode(ilNodoCorrente, ilValoreCorrente);
        if (!(theXMLconf.valoreNodo("/root/fixedValues/text()")).equals("")) {
          builder.insertNode("/" + xwconn.getPne() + "/text()", theXMLconf.valoreNodo("/root/fixedValues/text()"));

        titleRule = theXMLconf.valoreNodo("/root/param/elemento[@id='codice_identificativo' and @auto_increment='true']/@titleRule");
        // gestione generazione unitid
        if (!titleRule.equals("")) {
          String unitid = "";
          String newUnitid = "";
          String fatherUnitid = "";
          try {

            it.highwaytech.db.QueryResult qr = null;
            int docFather = 0;
            if ((MyRequest.getParameter("relation", parameterMap)).equals("1")) {
              docFather = Integer.parseInt(MyRequest.getParameter("relatedPhysDoc", parameterMap));
            if ((MyRequest.getParameter("relation", parameterMap)).equals("2") || (MyRequest.getParameter("relation", parameterMap)).equals("4")) {
              docFather = Integer.parseInt(MyRequest.getParameter("relatedPhysDoc", parameterMap));
              docFather = xwconn.getNumDocFather(docFather);
            qr = xwconn.findSons(xwconn.connection, xwconn.getTheDb(), docFather);
            xwconn.setTitleRule(xwconn.connection, xwconn.getTheDb(), titleRule);
            fatherUnitid = xwconn.getTitle(xwconn.connection, xwconn.getTheDb(), docFather).getTitle();

            if (qr.elements > 0) {
              int prossimoNumero = 0;
              int precedenteNumero = 0;

              if (true || MyRequest.getParameter("generaUnitidMode", parameterMap).equals("1")) {
                it.highwaytech.db.Title ilTitoloElemento = xwconn.getTitle(xwconn.connection, xwconn.getTheDb(), xwconn.getNumDocFromQRElement(qr, qr.elements - 1));
                unitid = ilTitoloElemento.getTitle();
                newUnitid = unitid.substring(unitid.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
                prossimoNumero = qr.elements + 1;
               * if (myRequest.getParameter("generaUnitidMode").equals("2")) { for (int z = 0; z < qr.elements; z++) { it.highwaytech.db.Title ilTitoloElemento = xwconn.getTitle(xwconn.connection, xwconn.getTheDb(), xwconn.getNumDocFromQRElement(qr, z)); unitid =
               * ilTitoloElemento.getTitle(); newUnitid = unitid.substring(unitid.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); prossimoNumero = Integer.parseInt(newUnitid); prossimoNumero++; if (prossimoNumero == (precedenteNumero + 1)) { precedenteNumero = prossimoNumero; if (z == qr.elements - 1) {
               * prossimoNumero = qr.elements + 1; break; } else { prossimoNumero = qr.elements + 1; break; } } else { if (prossimoNumero > precedenteNumero) { prossimoNumero++; break; } else { prossimoNumero = qr.elements + 1; break; } } } }

              newUnitid = String.valueOf(prossimoNumero);
              for (int x = (String.valueOf(prossimoNumero)).length(); x < 5; x++) {
                newUnitid = "0" + newUnitid;
              unitid = fatherUnitid + "." + newUnitid;
            } else {
              if (!fatherUnitid.equals("")) {
                unitid = fatherUnitid + ".00001";
              } else {
                unitid = "00001";


          } catch (Exception e) {

          try {
            if (!(theXMLconf.valoreNodo("/root/param/elemento[@id='codice_identificativo' and @auto_increment='true']/text()")).equals(""))
              builder.insertNode(theXMLconf.valoreNodo("/root/param/elemento[@id='codice_identificativo' and @auto_increment='true']/text()"), unitid);
          } catch (Exception e) {

         * for (int a = 0; a < theXMLconf.contaNodi("//fixedValues/elemento"); a++) { String ilNodoCorrente = theXMLconf.valoreNodo("//fixedValues/elemento[" + (a + 1) + "]/text()"); String ilValoreCorrente = theXMLconf.valoreNodo("//fixedValues/elemento[" + (a + 1) + "]/@value");
         * builder.insertNode(ilNodoCorrente, ilValoreCorrente); }

        String theXML = builder.getXML("ISO-8859-1");

        for (int a = 0; a < theXMLconf.contaNodi("/root/fixedValues/cdata/elemento"); a++) {
          String ilValoreCorrente = theXMLconf.valoreNodo("/root/fixedValues/cdata/elemento[" + (a + 1) + "]/text()");
          ilValoreCorrente = ilValoreCorrente.replaceAll(" ", "_");
          ilValoreCorrente = ilValoreCorrente.replaceAll("<", "-");
          ilValoreCorrente = ilValoreCorrente.replaceAll(">", "-");
          theXML = theXML.replaceAll(ilValoreCorrente, theXMLconf.valoreNodo("//fixedValues/cdata/elemento[" + (a + 1) + "]/text()"));
        // gestione del nome del fondo
        theXML = theXML.replaceAll("@nomeFondo@", workFlowBean.getArchive().getArchiveDescr());
        // ArchiviBean archiviBean = userBean.getArchiviBeanFromAliasDb(MyRequest.getParameter("db_name_orig", parameterMap));
        // System.out.println("INSERT RECORD myRequest.getParameter(\"db_name_orig\") " + myRequest.getParameter("db_name_orig"));
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Related Classes of org.xdams.xml.builder.XMLBuilder

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