A container used in responding to a {@linkplain RSProperties#getProps(Pattern,boolean,SecurityContext,HttpHeaders,Converter,Converter,boolean,boolean) query} for some property, which encapsulates not just the {@link Entry Entry} holding a property value, butexpanding upon that to also include the context surrounding the query returning it.
In order to receive an actual property value while making a query, a result {@link Converter} must be suppliedwhich is capable of accepting an instance of this Result
class and outputting it's value using the desired datatype. Rather than having a query simply return a list of static {@link #getEntry() Entry}'s, this class additionally provides access to the {@linkplain #getProperties() properties} instance (and identifying{@linkplain RSProperties#getOwner() owner}) from which each result Entry originated, as well as the {@link #getSecurityContext() SecurityContext} and {@link #getHttpHeaders() HttpHeaders} used. This can allowcomplex result converter implementations to make further queries if required, but more importantly, allows for enhanced error logging in case the result converter encounters a malformed entry value, which can be especially helpful when a query might be returning results spanning multiple {@linkplain RSProperties#getParentProps() parent}properties instances.
Note that this {@link RSProperties} class includes a large number of predefined static {@link Converter} constantsfor extracting common datatypes from a Result