Package org.wso2.carbon.user.core

Examples of org.wso2.carbon.user.core.AuthorizationManager

            // Set permission for anonymous read. We do it here because it should happen always in order
            // to support mounting a remote registry.

            if (registry != null) {
                AuthorizationManager accessControlAdmin =

                if (!accessControlAdmin.isRoleAuthorized(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_ROLE_NAME, RegistryConstants.CONFIG_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH +
                        REGISTRY_GADGET_STORAGE_PATH, ActionConstants.GET)) {
                    accessControlAdmin.authorizeRole(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_ROLE_NAME, RegistryConstants.CONFIG_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH +
                            REGISTRY_GADGET_STORAGE_PATH, ActionConstants.GET);

                File gadgetsDir = new File(extractedArchiveDir);
                if (gadgetsDir.exists()) {
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                    // Set permission for anonymous read. We do it here because it should happen always in order
                    // to support mounting a remote registry.
                    UserRegistry userRegistry = getRegistry(tenantId);
                    AuthorizationManager accessControlAdmin =

                    if (!accessControlAdmin.isRoleAuthorized(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_ROLE_NAME, RegistryConstants.CONFIG_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH +
                            REGISTRY_GADGET_STORAGE_PATH, ActionConstants.GET)) {
                        accessControlAdmin.authorizeRole(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_ROLE_NAME, RegistryConstants.CONFIG_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH +
                                REGISTRY_GADGET_STORAGE_PATH, ActionConstants.GET);

                    // recurse
                    transferDirectoryContentToRegistry(file, registry, rootPath, tenantId);
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         try {
          requestContext.getRegistry().move(resourcePath, newresourcePath);
                if (!newRoles.equals("#") &&
                        requestContext.getRegistry().getRegistryContext() != null) {
                    try {
                        AuthorizationManager authManager = CurrentSession.getUserRealm().getAuthorizationManager();
                        String[] roles = newRoles.split(",");
                        for (String role: roles) {
                            String roleName = role.trim();
                            authManager.authorizeRole(roleName, newresourcePath,
                            authManager.authorizeRole(roleName, newresourcePath,
                            authManager.authorizeRole(roleName, newresourcePath,
                    } catch (UserStoreException e) {
                        throw new RegistryException("Unable to setup roles for resource.", e);
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            // Creating the default gadget collection resource
            Collection defaultGadgetCollection = registry.newCollection();

            // Set permission for annonymous read
            AuthorizationManager accessControlAdmin =
            if (!accessControlAdmin.isUserAuthorized(RegistryConstants.ANONYMOUS_USER,
                                             SYSTEM_GADGETS_PATH, ActionConstants.GET))  {
                                             SYSTEM_GADGETS_PATH, ActionConstants.GET);
            try {
                registry.put(SYSTEM_GADGETS_PATH, defaultGadgetCollection);
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                    throw new RegistryException(e.getMessage(), e);

            try {
                AuthorizationManager ac = systemRegistry.getUserRealm().getAuthorizationManager();
                RealmConfiguration realmConfig;
                realmConfig = registryContext.getRealmService().getBootstrapRealmConfiguration();
                String systemUserName = CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_SYSTEM_USERNAME;


                ac.authorizeUser(systemUserName, "/system", ActionConstants.GET);
                ac.authorizeUser(systemUserName, "/system", ActionConstants.PUT);
                ac.authorizeUser(systemUserName, "/system", ActionConstants.DELETE);
                ac.authorizeUser(systemUserName, "/system", AccessControlConstants.AUTHORIZE);

                String adminUserName = CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_SYSTEM_USERNAME;

                ac.authorizeUser(adminUserName, "/system", ActionConstants.GET);

                String adminRoleName = realmConfig.getAdminRoleName();
                ac.authorizeRole(adminRoleName, "/system", ActionConstants.GET);

                // any user should be able to execute auto generated queries, though the results
                // of such queries are filtered to match current users permission level.
                String everyoneRoleName = realmConfig.getEveryOneRoleName();
                        "/system/queries/advanced", ActionConstants.GET);

            } catch (UserStoreException e) {
                String msg = "Failed to set permissions for the system collection.";
                log.fatal(msg, e);
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        if (userRealm == null) {

        try {
            AuthorizationManager accessControlAdmin = userRealm.getAuthorizationManager();
            RealmConfiguration realmConfig;
            try {
                realmConfig = userRealm.getRealmConfiguration();
            } catch (UserStoreException e) {
                String msg = "Failed to retrieve realm configuration.";
                log.error(msg, e);
                throw new RegistryException(msg, e);

            String adminRoleName = realmConfig.getAdminRoleName();
            String everyoneRoleName = realmConfig.getEveryOneRoleName();

            accessControlAdmin.authorizeRole(adminRoleName, rootPath,
            accessControlAdmin.authorizeRole(adminRoleName, rootPath,
            accessControlAdmin.authorizeRole(adminRoleName, rootPath,
            accessControlAdmin.authorizeRole(adminRoleName, rootPath,

            accessControlAdmin.authorizeRole(everyoneRoleName, rootPath,

        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            String msg = "Could not set authorizations for the root. \nCaused by: "
                    + e.getMessage();
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        try {
            userStoreManager1 = userRealm1.getUserStoreManager();
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in retrieving UserStoreManager.");
        AuthorizationManager authorizationManager1;
        try {
            authorizationManager1 = userRealm1.getAuthorizationManager();
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in retrieving AuthorizationManager.");

        // adding some users
        try {
            userStoreManager1.addUser("user1t0", "password", null, null, null);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding user user1t0.");
        try {
            userStoreManager1.addUser("user2t0", "password", null, null, null);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding user user2t0.");
        try {
            userStoreManager1.addUser("user3t0", "password", null, null, null);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding user user3t0.");

        // adding more users we are going to add roles with
        try {
            userStoreManager1.addUser("user4t0", "password", null, null, null);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding user user4t0.");
        try {
            userStoreManager1.addUser("user5t0", "password", null, null, null);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding user user5t0.");
        try {
            userStoreManager1.addUser("user6t0", "password", null, null, null);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding user user6t0.");

        // adding some roles
        try {
            userStoreManager1.addRole("role1t0", null, null);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding role role1t0.");
        try {
            userStoreManager1.addRole("role2t0", null, null);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding role role2t0.");
        try {
            userStoreManager1.addRole("role3t0", null, null);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding role role3t0.");
//        // now assign authorizations to first set of users.
//        try {
//            authorizationManager1.authorizeUser("user1t0", "/test2", ActionConstants.PUT);
//        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
//            throw new RegistryException("Error in authorizing user1t0.");
//        }
//        try {
//            authorizationManager1.authorizeUser("user2t0", "/test2", ActionConstants.DELETE);
//        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
//            throw new RegistryException("Error in authorizing user2t0.");
//        }
//        try {
//            authorizationManager1.authorizeUser("user2t0", "/test2", "authorize");
//        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
//            throw new RegistryException("Error in authorizing user3t0.");
//        }

        // then assign roles to the second set of users.
        try {
            userStoreManager1.updateRoleListOfUser("user4t0", null, new String[]{"role1t0"});
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding user user4t0 to role1t0 role.");
        try {
            userStoreManager1.updateRoleListOfUser("user5t0", null, new String[]{"role2t0"});
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding user user5t0 to role2t0 role.");
        try {
            userStoreManager1.updateRoleListOfUser("user6t0", null, new String[]{"role3t0"});
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in adding user user6t0 to role3t0 role.");

        // now giving authorizations to the role.
        try {
            authorizationManager1.authorizeRole("role1t0", "/test2", ActionConstants.PUT);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in authorizing role1t0.");
        try {
            authorizationManager1.authorizeRole("role2t0", "/test2", ActionConstants.DELETE);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in authorizing role2t0.");
        try {
            authorizationManager1.authorizeRole("role3t0", "/test2", "authorize");
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in authorizing role3t0.");

        // secondly we will check the user store from tenant 1 and verify no overlaps with tenant 0
        UserRegistry registry2 =
                embeddedRegistryService.getUserRegistry(realmConfig.getAdminUserName(), 1);

        UserRealm userRealm2 = registry2.getUserRealm();
        UserStoreManager userStoreManager2;
        try {
            userStoreManager2 = userRealm2.getUserStoreManager();
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in retrieving UserStoreManager.");
        AuthorizationManager authorizationManager2;
        try {
            authorizationManager2 = userRealm2.getAuthorizationManager();
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in retrieving AuthorizationManager.");

        String[] users;
        try {
            users = userStoreManager2.listUsers("*", 10);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in retrieving UserStoreManager.");
        // check the existence of the user
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have user1t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "user1t0") >= 0);
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have user2t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "user2t0") >= 0);
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have user3t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "user3t0") >= 0);
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have user4t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "user4t0") >= 0);
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have user5t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "user5t0") >= 0);
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have user6t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "user6t0") >= 0);

        // check the existence of the role
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have role1t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "role1t0") >= 0);
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have role2t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "role2t0") >= 0);
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have role3t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "role3t0") >= 0);

        // check the user authorizations
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have user1t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "user1t0") >= 0);
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have user2t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "user2t0") >= 0);
        assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have user3t0",
                Arrays.binarySearch(users, "user3t0") >= 0);

        // check the authorization of the users.
        try {
            assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have authorizations for user1t0",
                            .isUserAuthorized("user1t0", "/test2", ActionConstants.PUT));
            assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have authorizations for user2t0",
                            .isUserAuthorized("user2t0", "/test2", ActionConstants.DELETE));
            assertFalse("UserStore for tenant1 should not have authorizations for user3t0",
                    authorizationManager2.isUserAuthorized("user3t0", "/test2", "authorize"));
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new RegistryException("Error in checking authorizations.");

        // check the user is added to the role
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                String msg = "UI permissions of Admin is not allowed to change";
                throw new UserAdminException(msg);
            String[] optimizedList = UserCoreUtil.optimizePermissions(rawResources);
            AuthorizationManager authMan = realm.getAuthorizationManager();
            authMan.clearRoleActionOnAllResources(roleName, UserMgtConstants.EXECUTE_ACTION);
            for (String path : optimizedList) {
                authMan.authorizeRole(roleName, path, UserMgtConstants.EXECUTE_ACTION);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new UserAdminException(e.getMessage(), e);
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    public static void updateRoleUIPermission(String roleName, String[] rawPermissions)
            throws UserAdminException {
        try {
            String[] optimizedList = UserCoreUtil.optimizePermissions(rawPermissions);
            UserRealm realm = AdminServicesUtil.getUserRealm();
            AuthorizationManager authMan = realm.getAuthorizationManager();
            authMan.clearRoleActionOnAllResources(roleName, UserMgtConstants.EXECUTE_ACTION);
            for (String path : optimizedList) {
                authMan.authorizeRole(roleName, path, UserMgtConstants.EXECUTE_ACTION);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            // not logging already logged
            throw new UserAdminException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (CarbonException e) {
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            // realm is taken from the registry rather than realm service to fix
            // chrooted issues
            UserRealm realm = registry.getUserRealm();
            String adminRole = realm.getRealmConfiguration().getAdminRoleName();
            AuthorizationManager authMan = realm.getAuthorizationManager();
            if (!authMan.isRoleAuthorized(adminRole, CarbonConstants.UI_PERMISSION_COLLECTION,
                    UserMgtConstants.EXECUTE_ACTION)) {
                authMan.authorizeRole(adminRole, CarbonConstants.UI_PERMISSION_COLLECTION,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("While adding management permission :: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new Exception("While adding management permission :: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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Related Classes of org.wso2.carbon.user.core.AuthorizationManager

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