of parameters to be passed is 2, namely author and property name
aos[0] = new ArrayOfString();
aos[0].addArray("author"); // search parameter name
aos[0].addArray("admin"); // search parameter value
aos[1] = new ArrayOfString();
aos[1].addArray("propertyName"); // search parameter name
aos[1].addArray("foo"); // search parameter value
SearchAdminServiceStub ssClient = createSearchService(cookie, serverURL, configContext);
AdvancedSearchResultsBean bean = ssClient.getAdvancedSearchResults(parameterBean);
CustomParameterBean encapsulates an ArrayOfString array which will contain all the parameters to be sent to SearchService. Altogether, this array can have up to 13 elements each representing "resourcePath", "author", "updater", "createdAfter", "createdBefore", "updatedAfter", "updatedBefore", "commentWords", "tags", "propertyName", "propertyValue", "content" or "mediaType". In the above case only "author" and "propertyName" have been used.
Each element should be an ArrayOfString object which has the parameter name (one of the 13 listed above) as the zeroth element and corresponding parameter value (search key) as the 1st element.
@param < CustomSearchParameterBean> a bean containing search parameters.
@param < SearchResultsBean> a bean storing results of basic search (tag search)
@param < AdvancedSearchResultsBean> a bean storing results of advanced search