Package org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg

Examples of org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface

            int width = 0;
            int height = 0;
            dimensions = new org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGDimension(width, height);

            org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGDimension subActivityDim = null;
            ActivityInterface activity = null;
            Iterator<org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                activity =;
                subActivityDim = activity.getDimensions();
                if (subActivityDim.getHeight() > height) {
                    height += subActivityDim.getHeight();
                width += subActivityDim.getWidth();
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        int xLeft = centreOfMyLayout - (getStartIconWidth() / 2);
        int yTop = startYTop + (getYSpacing() / 2);
        int endXLeft = centreOfMyLayout - (getEndIconWidth() / 2);
        int endYTop = startYTop + dimensions.getHeight() - getEndIconHeight() - (getYSpacing() / 2);

        ActivityInterface activity = null;
        Iterator<org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
        int childYTop = yTop + getStartIconHeight() + (getYSpacing() / 2);
        int childXLeft = startXLeft + (getXSpacing() / 2);
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
//            childYTop += centreOfMyLayout - (activity.getDimensions().getHeight() / 2);
            activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
            childXLeft += activity.getDimensions().getWidth();

        // Set the values
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            dimensions = new org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGDimension(coreWidth, coreHeight);
            coreDimensions = new org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGDimension(coreWidth, coreHeight);
            conditionalDimensions = new org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGDimension(conWidth, conHeight);

            org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGDimension subActivityDim = null;
            ActivityInterface activity = null;
            Iterator<org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                activity =;
                subActivityDim = activity.getDimensions();
                if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
                    if (subActivityDim.getHeight() > conHeight) {
                        conHeight += subActivityDim.getHeight();
                    conWidth += subActivityDim.getWidth();
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    private boolean isSimpleLayout() {
        boolean simple = true;

        ActivityInterface activity = null;
        Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
            if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
                simple = false;
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        } else {
            xLeft = centerNHLayout - (getStartIconWidth() / 2) + (getXSpacing() / 2);
            endXLeft = centerNHLayout - (getEndIconWidth() / 2) + (getXSpacing() / 2);

        ActivityInterface activity = null;
        Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();

        int childYTop = yTop + getStartIconHeight() + (getYSpacing() / 2);
        int childXLeft = startXLeft + (getXSpacing() / 2);

        // Process None Handlers First
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
            if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
                // Ignore
            } else {
                activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
                childXLeft += activity.getDimensions().getWidth();
        // Process Handlers
        itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
        childXLeft = startXLeft + coreDimensions.getWidth();
        childYTop = yTop + getElseIfAdjustment();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
            if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
                activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
                childXLeft += activity.getDimensions().getWidth();

        // Set the values
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        } else {
            yTop = centerNHLayout - (getStartIconHeight() / 2);
            endYTop = centerNHLayout - (getEndIconHeight() / 2);

        ActivityInterface activity = null;
        Iterator<org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();

        int childXLeft = xLeft + getStartIconWidth() + (getYSpacing() / 2);
        int childYTop = startYTop + (getXSpacing() / 2);

        // Process None Handlers First
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
            if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
                // Ignore
            } else {
                activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
                childYTop += activity.getDimensions().getHeight();
        // Process Handlers
        itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
        childYTop = startYTop + coreDimensions.getHeight();
        childXLeft = xLeft + getElseIfAdjustment();

        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
            if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
                activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
                childYTop += activity.getDimensions().getHeight();

        // Set the values
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        return group1;

    protected Element getArrows(SVGDocument doc) {
        if (subActivities != null) {
            ActivityInterface prevActivity = null;
            ActivityInterface prevElseActivity = null;
            ActivityInterface activity = null;
            String id = null;
            org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGCoordinates myStartCoords = getStartIconExitArrowCoords();
            org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGCoordinates myExitCoords = getEndIconEntryArrowCoords();
            org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGCoordinates myStartElseCoords = getStartIconElseArrowCoords();
            org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGCoordinates exitCoords = null;
            org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGCoordinates activityEntryCoords = null;
            org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.SVGCoordinates activityExitCoords = null;
            Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = subActivities.iterator();
            Element subGroup = doc.createElementNS("", "g");
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                activity =;
                activityEntryCoords = activity.getEntryArrowCoords();
                activityExitCoords = activity.getExitArrowCoords();

                if (activity instanceof ElseIfImpl || activity instanceof ElseImpl) {
                    if (prevActivity != null && prevActivity instanceof ElseIfImpl) {
                        exitCoords = ((ElseIfInterface) prevActivity).getNextElseExitArrowCoords();
//                        activityEntryCoords = activity.getEntryArrowCoords();
                        id = prevActivity.getId() + "-" + activity.getId();

                        subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, exitCoords.getXLeft(),
                            exitCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(),
                            activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id, prevActivity, activity));
                        subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(),
                            activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(),
                            myExitCoords.getYTop(), id, prevActivity, activity));

                    } else {
//                        activityEntryCoords = activity.getEntryArrowCoords();
                        subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, myStartElseCoords.getXLeft(),
                            myStartElseCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(),
                            activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id, prevActivity, activity));
                        subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, activityExitCoords.getXLeft(),
                            activityExitCoords.getYTop(), myExitCoords.getXLeft(),
                            myExitCoords.getYTop(), id, prevActivity, activity));

                } else {
                    if (prevActivity != null) {
                        exitCoords = prevActivity.getExitArrowCoords();
//                        activityEntryCoords = activity.getEntryArrowCoords();
//                        activityExitCoords = activity.getExitArrowCoords();
                        id = prevActivity.getId() + "-" + activity.getId();
                        subGroup.appendChild(getArrowDefinition(doc, exitCoords.getXLeft(),
                            exitCoords.getYTop(), activityEntryCoords.getXLeft(),
                            activityEntryCoords.getYTop(), id, prevActivity, activity));
                    } else {
//                        activityEntryCoords = activity.getEntryArrowCoords();
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    public void setRootActivity(org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ProcessInterface rootActivity) {
        this.rootActivity = rootActivity;
    public ActivityInterface getActivityAtLineNumber(int lineNumber) {
      ActivityInterface ret=null;
      if (this.rootActivity != null) {
        ret = this.rootActivity.getActivityAtLineNumber(lineNumber);
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        int xLeft = startXLeft + (getYSpacing() / 2);
        int yTop = centreOfMyLayout - (getStartIconHeight() / 2);
        int endXLeft = startXLeft + dimensions.getWidth() - getEndIconWidth() - (getYSpacing() / 2);
        int endYTop = centreOfMyLayout - (getEndIconHeight() / 2);

        ActivityInterface activity = null;
        Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
        int childXLeft = startXLeft + (getYSpacing() / 2);
        int childYTop = startYTop + (getXSpacing() / 2);
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            activity =;
//            childXLeft = centreOfMyLayout - activity.getDimensions().getWidth() / 2;
            activity.layout(childXLeft, childYTop);
            childYTop += activity.getDimensions().getHeight();

        // Set the values
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            int width = 0;
            int height = 0;
            dimensions = new SVGDimension(width, height);

            SVGDimension subActivityDim = null;
            ActivityInterface activity = null;
            Iterator<ActivityInterface> itr = getSubActivities().iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                activity =;
                subActivityDim = activity.getDimensions();
                if (subActivityDim.getWidth() > width) {
                    width += subActivityDim.getWidth();
                height += subActivityDim.getHeight();
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Related Classes of org.wso2.carbon.bpel.ui.bpel2svg.ActivityInterface

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