Package org.wicketstuff.openlayers3.examples

Examples of org.wicketstuff.openlayers3.examples.PopoverPage

                                        // position of the overlay relative to the point

                        // view for this map
                        new View(

                                // center the map on Miles' office

                                // zoom level for the view
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                                        // position of the overlay relative to the point

                        // view for this map
                        new View(

                                // coordinate of Miles' office

                                // zoom level for the view
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                                                // options for the layer
                                                ImmutableMap.of("LAYERS", "bluemarble", "VERSION", "1.1.1")))),

                        // view for this map
                        new View(new Coordinate(0, 0), 2)))));
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        while(iterator.hasNext()) {
            JsonElement element =;

        CoordinateProjected coordinate1 = new CoordinateProjected(values.get(0), values.get(1), getProjection());
        CoordinateProjected coordinate2 = new CoordinateProjected(values.get(2), values.get(3), getProjection());

        return new CoordinateProjected[]{coordinate1, coordinate2};
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        while(iterator.hasNext()) {
            JsonElement element =;

        CoordinateProjected coordinate = new CoordinateProjected(values.get(0), values.get(1), getProjection());

        return coordinate;
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        // create our popover panel
        add(popoverPanel = new PopoverPanel("popover"));

        // location of Miles' office
        LongLat longLat = new LongLat(-72.638429, 42.313229, "EPSG:4326").transform(View.DEFAULT_PROJECTION);

        // add a marker that will update the content of the popover, move the popover and then make it visible when
        // the marker is clicked
        add(markerPopover = new MarkerPopover("marker",
                Model.of(new Color("#8b0000")),
                Model.of("Miles' Office"),
                Model.of("<p>This is where Miles' labors away on his code</p>"),

        // style for map features
        Style style = new Style(new Icon("")

        // create and add our marker
        map = new DefaultOpenLayersMap("map",

                // create the model for our map
                Model.of(new Map(

                        // list of layers

                                // a new tile layer with the map of the world
                                new Tile("Streets",

                                        // a new web map service tile layer
                                        new Osm()),

                                // add our vector layer with the data
                                vectorLayer = new Vector(new ServerVector(new GeoJsonFormat(),
                                        new DefaultGeoJsonLoader(
                                                        + "&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeName=MHC:in_pts"
                                                        + "&outputFormat=json",
                                        new Projection("EPSG:3857", "degress", "nue")), style)),

                        // list of overlays

                                // overlay with the popover

                                // overlay with our marker and popover
                                new Overlay(markerPopover,

                                        // position of the overlay

                                        // position of the overlay relative to the point

                        // view for this map
                        new View(

                                // center the map on Miles' office

                                // zoom level for the view

        // add a handler for feature clicks
        map.add(new ClickFeatureHandler("EPSG:4326") {

            public void handleClick(AjaxRequestTarget target, String featureId, LongLat longLat,
                                    JsonObject properties) {

                // get the coordinates for the feature
                JsonArray coordinates = properties.get("geometry").getAsJsonArray();
                Double longitude = coordinates.get(0).getAsDouble();
                Double latitude = coordinates.get(1).getAsDouble();
                LongLat coordinate = new LongLat(longitude, latitude, "EPSG:4326").transform(View.DEFAULT_PROJECTION);

                // parse out the name of the feature
                String name =parseField(properties, "HISTORIC_N");
                if(name.isEmpty()) {
                    name = parseField(properties, "USE_TYPE");
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                                // overlay with our marker
                                new Overlay(marker,

                                        // position of this overlay
                                        new LongLat(-72.638429, 42.313229, "EPSG:4326")

                                        // position of the overlay relative to the point

                        // view for this map
                        new View(

                                // coordinate of Miles' office
                                new LongLat(-72.638382, 42.313181, "EPSG:4326").transform(View.DEFAULT_PROJECTION),

                                // zoom level for the view
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                        // view for this map
                        new View(

                                // coordinate of Miles' office
                                new LongLat(-72.638429, 42.313229, "EPSG:4326").transform(View.DEFAULT_PROJECTION),

                                // zoom level for the view
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        // create our popover panel
        add(popoverPanel = new PopoverPanel("popover"));

        // location of Miles' office
        LongLat longLat = new LongLat(-72.638429, 42.313229, "EPSG:4326").transform(View.DEFAULT_PROJECTION);

        // add a marker that will update the content of the popover, move the popover and then make it visible when
        // the marker is clicked
        add(markerPopover = new MarkerPopover("marker",
                Model.of(new Color("#8b0000")),
                Model.of("Miles' Office"),
                Model.of("<p>This is where Miles' labors away on his code</p>"),

        // create our map
        map = new DefaultOpenLayersMap("map",

                // create the model for our map
                Model.of(new Map(

                        // list of layers

                                // a new tile layer with the map of the world
                                new Tile("Streets",

                                        // a OpenStreetMaps tile source
                                        new Osm()),

                                // add our vector layer for the clusters
                                cluster = new Vector(

                                        // our cluster data source
                                        new Cluster(40,

                                                // vector data source for calculating clusters
                                                new ServerVector(new GeoJsonFormat(),
                                                        new DefaultGeoJsonLoader(
                                                                        + "service=WFS"
                                                                        + "&version=1.0.0&request=GetFeature"
                                                                        + "&typeName=MHC:in_pts&outputFormat=json",

                                                        // projection for our data source
                                                        new Projection("EPSG:3857", "degrees", "nue"))),

                                        // style for our cluster layer
                                        new ClusterStyle(

                                                // the circle that we'll draw for clusters
                                                new Circle(new Fill("#3399cc"), 10, new Stroke("#ffffff")),

                                                // the text that we'll draw inside the circle
                                                new Text(null, new Fill("#ffffff"))))),

                        // list of overlays

                                // overlay with the popover

                                // overlay with our marker and popover
                                new Overlay(markerPopover,

                                        // position of the overlay

                                        // position of the overlay relative to the point

                        // view for this map
                        new View(

                                // center the map on Miles' office

                                // zoom level for the view

        map.add(new ClickFeatureHandler("EPSG:4326") {

            public void handleClick(AjaxRequestTarget target, String featureId, LongLat longLat, JsonObject properties) {

                // get the coordinates for the feature
                JsonArray coordinates = properties.get("geometry").getAsJsonArray();
                Double longitude = coordinates.get(0).getAsDouble();
                Double latitude = coordinates.get(1).getAsDouble();
                LongLat coordinate = new LongLat(longitude, latitude, "EPSG:4326").transform(View.DEFAULT_PROJECTION);

                // get some information on the features
                JsonArray features = properties.get("features").getAsJsonArray();

                String title = null;
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        // create our popover panel
        add(popoverPanel = new PopoverPanel("popover"));

        // location of Miles' office
        LongLat longLat = new LongLat(-72.638429, 42.313229, "EPSG:4326").transform(View.DEFAULT_PROJECTION);

        // add a marker that will update the content of the popover, move the popover and then make it visible when
        // the marker is clicked
        add(markerPopover = new MarkerPopover("marker",
                Model.of(new Color("#4169E1")),
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Related Classes of org.wicketstuff.openlayers3.examples.PopoverPage

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