a dropdown choice component that uses Input's 'site' property to designate the // current selection, and that uses the SITES list for the available options. // Note that when the selection is null, Wicket will lookup a localized string to // represent this null with key: "id + '.null'". In this case, this is 'site.null' // which can be found in DropDownChoicePage.properties form.add(new DropDownChoice("site", SITES)); HTML:
<select wicket:id="site"> <option>site 1</option> <option>site 2</option> </select>
You can can extend this class and override method wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() to force server roundtrips on each selection change.
@author Jonathan Locke
@author Eelco Hillenius
@author Johan Compagner
@param < T> The model object type