Rectangle2D r = CSSUtilities.convertEnableBackground(e);
if (r != null) {
SVGSVGElement svgElement = imgDocument.getRootElement();
GraphicsNode node = ctx.getGVTBuilder().build(ctx, svgElement);
// HACK: remove the clip set by the SVGSVGElement as the overflow
// and clip properties must be ignored. The clip will be set later
// using the overflow and clip of the <image> element.
// create the implicit viewBox for the SVG image. The viewBox for a
// SVG image is the viewBox of the outermost SVG element of the SVG file
String viewBox =
svgElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_VIEW_BOX_ATTRIBUTE);
float [] vb = ViewBox.parseViewBoxAttribute(e, viewBox);
// handles the 'preserveAspectRatio', 'overflow' and 'clip' and sets the
// appropriate AffineTransform to the image node
Rectangle2D bounds = getImageBounds(ctx, e);