Package org.w3.x2001.xmlSchema

Examples of org.w3.x2001.xmlSchema.TopLevelComplexType

                        // handle imports
                        Import[] imports = stp.getSchema().getImportArray();
                        for (int i = 0; i < imports.length; i++)
                            Schema imported = downloadSchema(imports[i], emptyStringIfNull(imports[i].getNamespace()), imports[i].getSchemaLocation());
                            // if download fails, an error has already been reported.
                            if (imported == null)
                            if (!nullableStringsMatch(imported.getTargetNamespace(), imports[i].getNamespace()))
                                StscState.get().error("Imported schema has a target namespace \"" + imported.getTargetNamespace() + "\" that does not match the specified \"" + imports[i].getNamespace() + "\"", XmlErrorContext.MISMATCHED_TARGET_NAMESPACE, imports[i]);
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(imported, null, null));
                        // handle includes
                        Include[] includes = stp.getSchema().getIncludeArray();
                        String sourceNamespace = stp.getChameleonNamespace();
                        if (sourceNamespace == null)
                            sourceNamespace = emptyStringIfNull(stp.getSchema().getTargetNamespace());
                        for (int i = 0; i < includes.length; i++)
                            Schema included = downloadSchema(includes[i], null, includes[i].getSchemaLocation());
                            // if download fails, an error has already been reported.
                            if (included == null)
                            if (emptyStringIfNull(included.getTargetNamespace()).equals(sourceNamespace))
                                // non-chameleon case - just like an import
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(included, null, null));
                            else if (included.getTargetNamespace() != null)
                                // illegal include: included schema in wrong namespace.
                                StscState.get().error("Included schema has a target namespace \"" + included.getTargetNamespace() + "\" that does not match the source namespace \"" + sourceNamespace + "\"", XmlErrorContext.MISMATCHED_TARGET_NAMESPACE, includes[i]);
                                // chameleon include
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(included, sourceNamespace, null));
                        // handle redefines
                        Redefine[] redefines = stp.getSchema().getRedefineArray();
                        String sourceNamespace = stp.getChameleonNamespace();
                        if (sourceNamespace == null)
                            sourceNamespace = emptyStringIfNull(stp.getSchema().getTargetNamespace());
                        for (int i = 0; i < redefines.length; i++)
                            Schema redefined = downloadSchema(redefines[i], null, redefines[i].getSchemaLocation());
                            // if download fails, an error has already been reported.
                            if (redefined == null)
                            if (emptyStringIfNull(redefined.getTargetNamespace()).equals(sourceNamespace))
                                // non-chameleon case
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(redefined, null, redefines[i]));
                            else if (redefined.getTargetNamespace() != null)
                                // illegal include: included schema in wrong namespace.
                                StscState.get().error("Redefined schema has a target namespace \"" + redefined.getTargetNamespace() + "\" that does not match the source namespace \"" + sourceNamespace + "\"", XmlErrorContext.MISMATCHED_TARGET_NAMESPACE, redefines[i]);
                                // chameleon redefine
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(redefined, sourceNamespace, redefines[i]));
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            if (seenResources.contains(nextResource))

            // get resource contents
            Schema schema = nextResource.getSchema();
            if (schema == null)

            // check actual namespace
            String actualTargetNamespace = schema.getTargetNamespace();
            if (actualTargetNamespace == null)
                actualTargetNamespace = "";

            // report actual namespace
            String expectedTargetNamespace = nextResource.getNamespace();
            if (expectedTargetNamespace == null ||
                reportActualNamespace(nextResource, actualTargetNamespace);

            // now go through and record all the imports
            Import[] schemaImports = schema.getImportArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < schemaImports.length; i++)
                queueOfLocators.add(new SchemaLocator(schemaImports[i].getNamespace() == null ? "" : schemaImports[i].getNamespace(), schemaImports[i].getSchemaLocation()));
            // and record all the includes too
            Include[] schemaIncludes = schema.getIncludeArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < schemaIncludes.length; i++)
                queueOfLocators.add(new SchemaLocator(null, schemaIncludes[i].getSchemaLocation()));
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    public static void resolveComplexType(SchemaTypeImpl sImpl)
        ComplexType parseCt = (ComplexType)sImpl.getParseObject();
        StscState state = StscState.get();
        Schema schema = getSchema(parseCt);

        // Set abstract & final flags
        boolean abs = parseCt.isSetAbstract() ? parseCt.getAbstract() : false;
        boolean finalExt = false;
        boolean finalRest = false;
        boolean finalList = false;
        boolean finalUnion = false;

        Object ds = null;
        if (parseCt.isSetFinal())
            ds = parseCt.getFinal();
        // Inspect the final default attribute on the schema
        else if (schema != null && schema.isSetFinalDefault())
            ds = schema.getFinalDefault();

        if (ds != null)
            if (ds instanceof String && ds.equals("#all"))
                // #ALL value
                finalExt = finalRest = finalList = finalUnion = true;
            else if (ds instanceof List)
                if (((List)ds).contains("extension"))
                    finalExt = true;
                if (((List)ds).contains("restriction"))
                    finalRest = true;

// Since complex types don't participate in list and unions, these can remain
// false.  Perhaps we should throw an error.

//                if (((List)ds).contains("list"))
//                    finalList = true;
//                if (((List)ds).contains("union"))
//                    finalUnion = true;

        sImpl.setAbstractFinal(abs, finalExt, finalRest, finalList, finalUnion);

        // Set block flags
        boolean blockExt = false;
        boolean blockRest = false;
        Object block = null;

        if (parseCt.isSetBlock())
            block = parseCt.getBlock();
        else if (schema != null && schema.isSetBlockDefault())
            block = schema.getBlockDefault();

        if (block != null)
            if (block instanceof String && block.equals("#all"))
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                TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                    noteName(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                    noteName(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedGroup gr[] = doc.getSchema().getGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < gr.length; j++)
                    noteName(gr[j].getName(), targetNamespace, modelGroupNames, dupeModelGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedAttributeGroup ag[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ag.length; j++)
                    noteName(ag[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attrGroupNames, dupeAttrGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
            catch (XmlException e)
                System.out.println("warning: " + files[i] + " is not a schema file - " + e.getError().toString());
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Unable to load " + files[i] + " - " + e.getMessage());
        if (schemaDocs.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No schema files found.");
        if (dupeTypeNames.size() + dupeElementNames.size() + dupeAttributeNames.size() +
                dupeModelGroupNames.size() + dupeAttrGroupNames.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No duplicate names found.");
        // create a schema doc for each namespace to be imported
        Map commonDocs = new HashMap();
        Map commonFiles = new HashMap();
        int count = dupeNamespaces.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
        for (Iterator i = dupeNamespaces.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String namespace = (String);
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(
                    "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''/>"
            if (namespace.length() > 0)
            commonDocs.put(namespace, commonDoc);
            commonFiles.put(commonDoc, commonFileFor(commonName, namespace, count++, outdir));
        // pull out all the duplicate definitions and drop them into the file
        // we reuse the elementNames (etc) sets to keep track of which definitions
        // we have already inserted.
        for (Iterator i = schemaDocs.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            SchemaDocument doc = (SchemaDocument);
            // collect together names
            String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
            if (targetNamespace == null)
                targetNamespace = "";
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = (SchemaDocument)commonDocs.get(targetNamespace);
            boolean needImport = false;
            TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
            for (int j = ct.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                if (!isDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelSimpleType st[] = doc.getSchema().getSimpleTypeArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < st.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeElementNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeAttributeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames))
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                TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                    noteName(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                    noteName(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedGroup gr[] = doc.getSchema().getGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < gr.length; j++)
                    noteName(gr[j].getName(), targetNamespace, modelGroupNames, dupeModelGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedAttributeGroup ag[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ag.length; j++)
                    noteName(ag[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attrGroupNames, dupeAttrGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
            catch (XmlException e)
                System.out.println("warning: " + files[i] + " is not a schema file - " + e.getError().toString());
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Unable to load " + files[i] + " - " + e.getMessage());
        if (schemaDocs.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No schema files found.");
        if (dupeTypeNames.size() + dupeElementNames.size() + dupeAttributeNames.size() +
                dupeModelGroupNames.size() + dupeAttrGroupNames.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No duplicate names found.");
        // create a schema doc for each namespace to be imported
        Map commonDocs = new HashMap();
        Map commonFiles = new HashMap();
        int count = dupeNamespaces.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
        for (Iterator i = dupeNamespaces.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String namespace = (String);
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(
                    "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''/>"
            if (namespace.length() > 0)
            commonDocs.put(namespace, commonDoc);
            commonFiles.put(commonDoc, commonFileFor(commonName, namespace, count++, outdir));
        // pull out all the duplicate definitions and drop them into the file
        // we reuse the elementNames (etc) sets to keep track of which definitions
        // we have already inserted.
        for (Iterator i = schemaDocs.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            SchemaDocument doc = (SchemaDocument);
            // collect together names
            String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
            if (targetNamespace == null)
                targetNamespace = "";
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = (SchemaDocument)commonDocs.get(targetNamespace);
            boolean needImport = false;
            TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
            for (int j = ct.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                if (!isDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelSimpleType st[] = doc.getSchema().getSimpleTypeArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < st.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeElementNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeAttributeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames))
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                TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                    noteName(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                    noteName(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedGroup gr[] = doc.getSchema().getGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < gr.length; j++)
                    noteName(gr[j].getName(), targetNamespace, modelGroupNames, dupeModelGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedAttributeGroup ag[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ag.length; j++)
                    noteName(ag[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attrGroupNames, dupeAttrGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
            catch (XmlException e)
                System.out.println("warning: " + files[i] + " is not a schema file - " + e.getError().toString());
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Unable to load " + files[i] + " - " + e.getMessage());
        if (schemaDocs.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No schema files found.");
        if (dupeTypeNames.size() + dupeElementNames.size() + dupeAttributeNames.size() +
                dupeModelGroupNames.size() + dupeAttrGroupNames.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No duplicate names found.");
        // create a schema doc for each namespace to be imported
        Map commonDocs = new HashMap();
        Map commonFiles = new HashMap();
        int count = dupeNamespaces.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
        for (Iterator i = dupeNamespaces.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String namespace = (String);
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(
                    "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''/>"
            if (namespace.length() > 0)
            commonDocs.put(namespace, commonDoc);
            commonFiles.put(commonDoc, commonFileFor(commonName, namespace, count++, outdir));
        // pull out all the duplicate definitions and drop them into the file
        // we reuse the elementNames (etc) sets to keep track of which definitions
        // we have already inserted.
        for (Iterator i = schemaDocs.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            SchemaDocument doc = (SchemaDocument);
            // collect together names
            String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
            if (targetNamespace == null)
                targetNamespace = "";
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = (SchemaDocument)commonDocs.get(targetNamespace);
            boolean needImport = false;
            TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
            for (int j = ct.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                if (!isDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelSimpleType st[] = doc.getSchema().getSimpleTypeArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < st.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeElementNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeAttributeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames))
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                TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                    noteName(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                    noteName(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedGroup gr[] = doc.getSchema().getGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < gr.length; j++)
                    noteName(gr[j].getName(), targetNamespace, modelGroupNames, dupeModelGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedAttributeGroup ag[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ag.length; j++)
                    noteName(ag[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attrGroupNames, dupeAttrGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
            catch (XmlException e)
                System.out.println("warning: " + files[i] + " is not a schema file - " + e.getError().toString());
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Unable to load " + files[i] + " - " + e.getMessage());
        if (schemaDocs.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No schema files found.");
        if (dupeTypeNames.size() + dupeElementNames.size() + dupeAttributeNames.size() +
                dupeModelGroupNames.size() + dupeAttrGroupNames.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No duplicate names found.");
        // create a schema doc for each namespace to be imported
        Map commonDocs = new HashMap();
        Map commonFiles = new HashMap();
        int count = dupeNamespaces.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
        for (Iterator i = dupeNamespaces.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String namespace = (String);
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(
                    "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''/>"
            if (namespace.length() > 0)
            commonDocs.put(namespace, commonDoc);
            commonFiles.put(commonDoc, commonFileFor(commonName, namespace, count++, outdir));
        // pull out all the duplicate definitions and drop them into the file
        // we reuse the elementNames (etc) sets to keep track of which definitions
        // we have already inserted.
        for (Iterator i = schemaDocs.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            SchemaDocument doc = (SchemaDocument);
            // collect together names
            String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
            if (targetNamespace == null)
                targetNamespace = "";
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = (SchemaDocument)commonDocs.get(targetNamespace);
            boolean needImport = false;
            TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
            for (int j = ct.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                if (!isDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelSimpleType st[] = doc.getSchema().getSimpleTypeArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < st.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeElementNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames))
                needImport = true;

            TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                if (!isDuplicate(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeAttributeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames))
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                // collect together names
                String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
                if (targetNamespace == null)
                    targetNamespace = "";
                TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ct.length; j++)
                    noteName(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelSimpleType st[] = doc.getSchema().getSimpleTypeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < st.length; j++)
                    noteName(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                    noteName(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                    noteName(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedGroup gr[] = doc.getSchema().getGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < gr.length; j++)
                    noteName(gr[j].getName(), targetNamespace, modelGroupNames, dupeModelGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedAttributeGroup ag[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ag.length; j++)
                    noteName(ag[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attrGroupNames, dupeAttrGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
            catch (XmlException e)
                System.out.println("warning: " + files[i] + " is not a schema file - " + e.getError().toString());
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Unable to load " + files[i] + " - " + e.getMessage());
        if (schemaDocs.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No schema files found.");
        if (dupeTypeNames.size() + dupeElementNames.size() + dupeAttributeNames.size() +
                dupeModelGroupNames.size() + dupeAttrGroupNames.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No duplicate names found.");
        // create a schema doc for each namespace to be imported
        Map commonDocs = new HashMap();
        Map commonFiles = new HashMap();
        int count = dupeNamespaces.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
        for (Iterator i = dupeNamespaces.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String namespace = (String);
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(
                    "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''/>"
            if (namespace.length() > 0)
            commonDocs.put(namespace, commonDoc);
            commonFiles.put(commonDoc, commonFileFor(commonName, namespace, count++, outdir));
        // pull out all the duplicate definitions and drop them into the file
        // we reuse the elementNames (etc) sets to keep track of which definitions
        // we have already inserted.
        for (Iterator i = schemaDocs.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            SchemaDocument doc = (SchemaDocument);
            // collect together names
            String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
            if (targetNamespace == null)
                targetNamespace = "";
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = (SchemaDocument)commonDocs.get(targetNamespace);
            boolean needImport = false;
            TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
            for (int j = ct.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                if (!isDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
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                // collect together names
                String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
                if (targetNamespace == null)
                    targetNamespace = "";
                TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ct.length; j++)
                    noteName(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelSimpleType st[] = doc.getSchema().getSimpleTypeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < st.length; j++)
                    noteName(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                    noteName(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                    noteName(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedGroup gr[] = doc.getSchema().getGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < gr.length; j++)
                    noteName(gr[j].getName(), targetNamespace, modelGroupNames, dupeModelGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedAttributeGroup ag[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ag.length; j++)
                    noteName(ag[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attrGroupNames, dupeAttrGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
            catch (XmlException e)
                System.out.println("warning: " + files[i] + " is not a schema file - " + e.getError().toString());
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Unable to load " + files[i] + " - " + e.getMessage());
        if (schemaDocs.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No schema files found.");
        if (dupeTypeNames.size() + dupeElementNames.size() + dupeAttributeNames.size() +
                dupeModelGroupNames.size() + dupeAttrGroupNames.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No duplicate names found.");
        // create a schema doc for each namespace to be imported
        Map commonDocs = new HashMap();
        Map commonFiles = new HashMap();
        int count = dupeNamespaces.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
        for (Iterator i = dupeNamespaces.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String namespace = (String);
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(
                    "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''/>"
            if (namespace.length() > 0)
            commonDocs.put(namespace, commonDoc);
            commonFiles.put(commonDoc, commonFileFor(commonName, namespace, count++, outdir));
        // pull out all the duplicate definitions and drop them into the file
        // we reuse the elementNames (etc) sets to keep track of which definitions
        // we have already inserted.
        for (Iterator i = schemaDocs.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            SchemaDocument doc = (SchemaDocument);
            // collect together names
            String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
            if (targetNamespace == null)
                targetNamespace = "";
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = (SchemaDocument)commonDocs.get(targetNamespace);
            boolean needImport = false;
            TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
            for (int j = ct.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                if (!isDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
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                // collect together names
                String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
                if (targetNamespace == null)
                    targetNamespace = "";
                TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ct.length; j++)
                    noteName(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelSimpleType st[] = doc.getSchema().getSimpleTypeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < st.length; j++)
                    noteName(st[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelElement el[] = doc.getSchema().getElementArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < el.length; j++)
                    noteName(el[j].getName(), targetNamespace, elementNames, dupeElementNames, dupeNamespaces);

                TopLevelAttribute at[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < at.length; j++)
                    noteName(at[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attributeNames, dupeAttributeNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedGroup gr[] = doc.getSchema().getGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < gr.length; j++)
                    noteName(gr[j].getName(), targetNamespace, modelGroupNames, dupeModelGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
                NamedAttributeGroup ag[] = doc.getSchema().getAttributeGroupArray();
                for (int j = 0; j < ag.length; j++)
                    noteName(ag[j].getName(), targetNamespace, attrGroupNames, dupeAttrGroupNames, dupeNamespaces);
            catch (XmlException e)
                System.out.println("warning: " + files[i] + " is not a schema file - " + e.getError().toString());
            catch (IOException e)
                System.err.println("Unable to load " + files[i] + " - " + e.getMessage());
        if (schemaDocs.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No schema files found.");
        if (dupeTypeNames.size() + dupeElementNames.size() + dupeAttributeNames.size() +
                dupeModelGroupNames.size() + dupeAttrGroupNames.size() == 0)
            System.out.println("No duplicate names found.");
        // create a schema doc for each namespace to be imported
        Map commonDocs = new HashMap();
        Map commonFiles = new HashMap();
        int count = dupeNamespaces.size() == 1 ? 0 : 1;
        for (Iterator i = dupeNamespaces.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String namespace = (String);
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = SchemaDocument.Factory.parse(
                    "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''/>"
            if (namespace.length() > 0)
            commonDocs.put(namespace, commonDoc);
            commonFiles.put(commonDoc, commonFileFor(commonName, namespace, count++, outdir));
        // pull out all the duplicate definitions and drop them into the file
        // we reuse the elementNames (etc) sets to keep track of which definitions
        // we have already inserted.
        for (Iterator i = schemaDocs.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            SchemaDocument doc = (SchemaDocument);
            // collect together names
            String targetNamespace = doc.getSchema().getTargetNamespace();
            if (targetNamespace == null)
                targetNamespace = "";
            SchemaDocument commonDoc = (SchemaDocument)commonDocs.get(targetNamespace);
            boolean needImport = false;
            TopLevelComplexType ct[] = doc.getSchema().getComplexTypeArray();
            for (int j = ct.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                if (!isDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, dupeTypeNames))
                if (isFirstDuplicate(ct[j].getName(), targetNamespace, typeNames, dupeTypeNames))
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Related Classes of org.w3.x2001.xmlSchema.TopLevelComplexType

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