Package org.voltdb.types

Examples of org.voltdb.types.ExpressionType

        // Record the re-aggregation type for each scan columns.
        Map<String, ExpressionType> mvColumnReAggType = new HashMap<String, ExpressionType>();
        for (int i = numOfGroupByColumns; i < mvColumnArray.size(); i++) {
            Column mvCol = mvColumnArray.get(i);
            ExpressionType reAggType = ExpressionType.get(mvCol.getAggregatetype());

            if (reAggType == ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_COUNT_STAR ||
                    reAggType == ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_COUNT) {
                reAggType = ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_SUM;
            mvColumnReAggType.put(mvCol.getName(), reAggType);

        m_scanInlinedProjectionNode = new ProjectionPlanNode();

        // (2) Construct the reAggregation Node.

        // Construct the reAggregation plan node's aggSchema
        m_reAggNode = new HashAggregatePlanNode();
        int outputColumnIndex = 0;
        // inlineProjSchema contains the group by columns, while aggSchema may do not.
        NodeSchema aggSchema = new NodeSchema();

        // Construct reAggregation node's aggregation and group by list.
        for (SchemaColumn scol: scanColumns) {
            if (mvDDLGroupbyColumns.contains(scol)) {
                // Add group by expression.
            } else {
                ExpressionType reAggType = mvColumnReAggType.get(scol.getColumnName());
                assert(reAggType != null);
                AbstractExpression agg_input_expr = scol.getExpression();
                assert(agg_input_expr instanceof TupleValueExpression);
                // Add aggregation information.
                m_reAggNode.addAggregate(reAggType, false, outputColumnIndex, agg_input_expr);
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            AggregateExpression aggExpr = (AggregateExpression) dcol.expression;
            if (aggExpr.getLeft() instanceof TupleValueExpression == false) {
                return false;
            ExpressionType type = aggExpr.getExpressionType();
            TupleValueExpression tve = (TupleValueExpression) aggExpr.getLeft();
            String columnName = tve.getColumnName();

            if (type != ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_SUM && type != ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_MIN
                    && type != ExpressionType.AGGREGATE_MAX) {
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                AbstractExpression rootExpr = col.expression;
                AbstractExpression agg_input_expr = null;
                SchemaColumn schema_col = null;
                SchemaColumn top_schema_col = null;
                if (rootExpr instanceof AggregateExpression) {
                    ExpressionType agg_expression_type = rootExpr.getExpressionType();
                    agg_input_expr = rootExpr.getLeft();

                    // A bit of a hack: ProjectionNodes after the
                    // aggregate node need the output columns here to
                    // contain TupleValueExpressions (effectively on a temp table).
                    // So we construct one based on the output of the
                    // aggregate expression, the column alias provided by HSQL,
                    // and the offset into the output table schema for the
                    // aggregate node that we're computing.
                    // Oh, oh, it's magic, you know..
                    TupleValueExpression tve = new TupleValueExpression(
                            "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "", col.alias, outputColumnIndex);
                    tve.setTypeSizeBytes(rootExpr.getValueType(), rootExpr.getValueSize(),

                    boolean is_distinct = ((AggregateExpression)rootExpr).isDistinct();
                    aggNode.addAggregate(agg_expression_type, is_distinct, outputColumnIndex, agg_input_expr);
                    schema_col = new SchemaColumn("VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "", col.alias, tve);
                    top_schema_col = new SchemaColumn("VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "VOLT_TEMP_TABLE", "", col.alias, tve);

                     * Special case count(*), count(), sum(), min() and max() to
                     * push them down to each partition. It will do the
                     * push-down if the select columns only contains the listed
                     * aggregate operators and other group-by columns. If the
                     * select columns includes any other aggregates, it will not
                     * do the push-down. - nshi
                    if (topAggNode != null) {
                        ExpressionType top_expression_type = agg_expression_type;
                         * For count(*), count() and sum(), the pushed-down
                         * aggregate node doesn't change. An extra sum()
                         * aggregate node is added to the coordinator to sum up
                         * the numbers from all the partitions. The input schema
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    public boolean needsRightExpression() {
        ExpressionType type = getExpressionType();
        //XXX Not sure how unary minus (and unary plus?) are handled (possibly via an implicit zero left argument?)
        switch(type) {
        case OPERATOR_NOT:
        case OPERATOR_IS_NULL:
        case OPERATOR_CAST:
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    public void refineOperandType(VoltType columnType) {
        if ((m_valueType != null) && (m_valueType != VoltType.NUMERIC)) {
        ExpressionType type = getExpressionType();
        if (type == ExpressionType.OPERATOR_IS_NULL || type == ExpressionType.OPERATOR_NOT) {
            m_valueType = VoltType.BIGINT;
            m_valueSize = m_valueType.getLengthInBytesForFixedTypes();
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    public void finalizeValueTypes()
        ExpressionType type = getExpressionType();
        if (m_right == null) {
            if (type == ExpressionType.OPERATOR_IS_NULL || type == ExpressionType.OPERATOR_NOT) {
                m_valueType = VoltType.BIGINT;
                m_valueSize = m_valueType.getLengthInBytesForFixedTypes();
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        m_valueSize = cast_type.getLengthInBytesForFixedTypes();

    public String explain(String impliedTableName) {
        ExpressionType type = getExpressionType();
        if (type == ExpressionType.OPERATOR_IS_NULL) {
            return "(" + m_left.explain(impliedTableName) + " IS NULL)";
        if (type == ExpressionType.OPERATOR_NOT) {
            return "(NOT " + m_left.explain(impliedTableName) + ")";
        if (type == ExpressionType.OPERATOR_CAST) {
            return "(CAST " + m_left.explain(impliedTableName) + " AS " + m_valueType.toSQLString() + ")";
        if (type == ExpressionType.OPERATOR_CASE_WHEN) {
            return "CASE WHEN " + m_left.explain(impliedTableName) + " THEN " +
                    m_right.m_left.explain(impliedTableName) + " ELSE " +
                    m_right.m_right.explain(impliedTableName) + " END";
        return "(" + m_left.explain(impliedTableName) +
            " " + type.symbol() + " " +
            m_right.explain(impliedTableName) + ")";
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Related Classes of org.voltdb.types.ExpressionType

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