Package org.voltdb.exceptions

Examples of org.voltdb.exceptions.ServerFaultException

                error = SerializableException.deserializeFromBuffer(buffer);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                String msg = String.format("Failed to deserialize SerializableException from partition %d " +
                                                   "for %s [bytes=%d]",
                                           result.getPartitionId(), ts, result.getError().size());
                throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex);
            } finally {
                if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.stopDeserialization();
            // At this point there is no need to even deserialize the rest of the message because
            // we know that we're going to have to abort the transaction
            if (error == null) {
                LOG.warn(ts + " - Unexpected null SerializableException\n" + result);
            } else {
                if (debug.val)
                    LOG.error(String.format("%s - Got error from partition %d in %s",
                              ts, result.getPartitionId(), result.getClass().getSimpleName()), error);
                if (error instanceof EvictedTupleAccessException){
                  EvictedTupleAccessException evta = (EvictedTupleAccessException) error;
                    LOG.error(String.format("Evicted tuple access exception error has partition id set as %d", evta.getPartitionId()));                 
                ts.setPendingError(error, true);
        if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.startDeserialization();
        for (int i = 0, cnt = result.getDepDataCount(); i < cnt; i++) {
            if (trace.val)
                LOG.trace(String.format("Storing intermediate results from partition %d for %s",
                          result.getPartitionId(), ts));
            int depId = result.getDepId(i);
            ByteString bs = result.getDepData(i);
            VoltTable vt = null;
            if (bs.isEmpty() == false) {
                FastDeserializer fd = new FastDeserializer(bs.asReadOnlyByteBuffer());
                try {
                    vt = fd.readObject(VoltTable.class);
                    if (trace.val)
                        LOG.trace(String.format("Displaying results from partition %d for %s :: \n %s",
                                  result.getPartitionId(), ts, vt.toString()));                   
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new ServerFaultException("Failed to deserialize VoltTable from partition " + result.getPartitionId() + " for " + ts, ex);
            this.depTracker.addResult(ts, result.getPartitionId(), depId, vt);
        } // FOR (dependencies)
        if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.stopDeserialization();
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                    // If this txn does not conflict with the current dtxn, then we should be able
                    // to let it commit but we can't because of the way our undo tokens work
                    return (false);
                    throw new ServerFaultException("Unexpected execution mode: " + before_mode, ts.getTransactionId());
            } // SWITCH
//        // If the transaction aborted and it was read-only thus far, then we want to process it immediately
//        else if (status != Status.OK && ts.isExecReadOnly(this.partitionId)) {
//            return (true);
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                                                   outputDepIds[i], ts, i, fragmentIds[i]);
                        LOG.error(String.format("%s - WorkFragment:%d\nExpectedIds:%s\nOutputDepIds: %s\nResultDepIds: %s\n%s",
                                  msg, fragment.hashCode(),
                                  fragment.getOutputDepIdList(), Arrays.toString(outputDepIds),
                                  Arrays.toString(result.depIds), fragment));
                        throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex);
                } // FOR
            } else {
                local_ts.setPendingError(error, true);
        // -------------------------------
        // -------------------------------
        else {
            if (trace.val)
                LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Constructing WorkResult with %d bytes from partition %d to send " +
                          "back to initial partition %d [status=%s]",
                          ts, (result != null ? result.size() : null),
                          this.partitionId, ts.getBasePartition(), status));
            RpcCallback<WorkResult> callback = ((RemoteTransaction)ts).getWorkCallback();
            if (callback == null) {
                LOG.fatal("Unable to send FragmentResponseMessage for " + ts);
                LOG.fatal("Orignal WorkFragment:\n" + fragment);
                throw new ServerFaultException("No RPC callback to HStoreSite for " + ts, ts.getTransactionId());
            WorkResult response = this.buildWorkResult((RemoteTransaction)ts, result, status, error);
            assert(response != null);
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                          ts, fragmentIds.length, parameters.length);

        VoltSystemProcedure volt_proc = this.m_registeredSysProcPlanFragments.get(fragmentIds[0]);
        if (volt_proc == null) {
            String msg = "No sysproc handle exists for FragmentID #" + fragmentIds[0] + " :: " + this.m_registeredSysProcPlanFragments;
            throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ts.getTransactionId());
        DependencySet result = null;
        try {
            result = volt_proc.executePlanFragment(ts.getTransactionId(),
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            String msg = "Unexpected error when executing system procedure";
            throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex, ts.getTransactionId());
        if (debug.val)
            LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Finished executing sysproc fragment for %s (#%d)%s",
                      ts, m_registeredSysProcPlanFragments.get(fragmentIds[0]).getClass().getSimpleName(),
                      fragmentIds[0], (trace.val ? "\n" + result : "")));
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            error = ex;
            throw ex;
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            error = ex;
            String msg = String.format("%s - Failed to execute PlanFragments: %s", ts, Arrays.toString(fragmentIds));
            throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex);
        } finally {
            if (needs_profiling) ((LocalTransaction)ts).profiler.stopExecEE();
            if (error == null && result == null) {
                LOG.warn(String.format("%s - Finished executing fragments but got back null results [fragmentIds=%s]",
                         ts, Arrays.toString(fragmentIds)));
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            BBContainer bc = this.buffer_pool.acquire(size);
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                String msg = "Failed to serialize error for " + ts;
                throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex);
        // Push dependencies back to the remote partition that needs it
        if (status == Status.OK) {
            for (int i = 0, cnt = result.size(); i < cnt; i++) {
                try {
                    ByteString bs = ByteString.copyFrom(this.fs.getBBContainer().b);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new ServerFaultException(String.format("Failed to serialize output dependency %d for %s", result.depIds[i], ts), ex);
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Serialized Output Dependency %d\n%s",
                              ts, result.depIds[i], result.dependencies[i]))
            } // FOR
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                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            String msg = String.format("Failed to serialize input dependency %d for %s", e.getKey(), ts);
                            throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ts.getTransactionId());
                        if (debug.val)
                            LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Storing %d rows for InputDependency %d to send " +
                                      "to partition %d [bytes=%d]",
                                      ts, vt.getRowCount(), e.getKey(), fragmentBuilder.getPartitionId(),
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                    assert(catalog_stmt != null);
                    Procedure catalog_proc = catalog_stmt.getParent();
                    if (catalog_proc.equals(ts.getProcedure()) == false) {
                        LOG.warn(ts.debug() + "\n" + allFragmentBuilders + "\n---- INVALID ----\n" + frag);
                        String msg = String.format("%s - Unexpected %s", ts, catalog_frag.fullName());
                        throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ts.getTransactionId());
            } // FOR
            if (has_remote == false) {
                LOG.warn(ts.debug() + "\n" + allFragmentBuilders);
                String msg = ts + "Trying to execute all local single-partition queries using the slow-path!";
                throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ts.getTransactionId());

        boolean first = true;
        boolean serializedParams = false;
        CountDownLatch latch = null;
        boolean all_local = true;
        boolean is_localSite;
        boolean is_localPartition;
        boolean is_localReadOnly = true;
        int num_localPartition = 0;
        int num_localSite = 0;
        int num_remote = 0;
        int num_skipped = 0;
        int total = 0;
        Collection<WorkFragment.Builder> fragmentBuilders = allFragmentBuilders;

        // Make sure our txn is in our DependencyTracker
        if (trace.val)
            LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Added transaction to %s",
                      ts, this.depTracker.getClass().getSimpleName()));
        // Count the number of fragments that we're going to send to each partition and
        // figure out whether the txn will always be read-only at this partition
        for (WorkFragment.Builder fragmentBuilder : allFragmentBuilders) {
            int partition = fragmentBuilder.getPartitionId();
            if (this.partitionId == partition && fragmentBuilder.getReadOnly() == false) {
                is_localReadOnly = false;
        } // FOR
        long undoToken = this.calculateNextUndoToken(ts, is_localReadOnly);
        ts.initFirstRound(undoToken, batchSize);
        final boolean predict_singlePartition = ts.isPredictSinglePartition();
        // Calculate whether we are finished with partitions now
        final Estimate lastEstimate = ts.getLastEstimate();
        DonePartitionsNotification notify = null;
        if ( && ts.isSysProc() == false && ts.allowEarlyPrepare()) {
            notify = this.computeDonePartitions(ts, lastEstimate, tmp_fragmentsPerPartition, finalTask);
            if (notify != null && notify.hasSitesToNotify())
                this.notifyDonePartitions(ts, notify);
        // Attach the ParameterSets to our transaction handle so that anybody on this HStoreSite
        // can access them directly without needing to deserialize them from the WorkFragments
        // Now if we have some work sent out to other partitions, we need to wait until they come back
        // In the first part, we wait until all of our blocked WorkFragments become unblocked
        final BlockingDeque<Collection<WorkFragment.Builder>> queue = this.depTracker.getUnblockedWorkFragmentsQueue(ts);

        // Run through this loop if:
        //  (1) We have no pending errors
        //  (2) This is our first time in the loop (first == true)
        //  (3) If we know that there are still messages being blocked
        //  (4) If we know that there are still unblocked messages that we need to process
        //  (5) The latch for this round is still greater than zero
        while (ts.hasPendingError() == false &&
              (first == true || this.depTracker.stillHasWorkFragments(ts) || (latch != null && latch.getCount() > 0))) {
            if (trace.val)
                LOG.trace(String.format("%s - %s loop [first=%s, stillHasWorkFragments=%s, latch=%s]",
                          ts, ClassUtil.getCurrentMethodName(),
                          first, this.depTracker.stillHasWorkFragments(ts), queue.size(), latch));
            // If this is the not first time through the loop, then poll the queue
            // to get our list of fragments
            if (first == false) {
                all_local = true;
                is_localSite = false;
                is_localPartition = false;
                num_localPartition = 0;
                num_localSite = 0;
                num_remote = 0;
                num_skipped = 0;
                total = 0;
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Waiting for unblocked tasks on partition %d",
                              ts, this.partitionId));
                fragmentBuilders = queue.poll(); // NON-BLOCKING
                // If we didn't get back a list of fragments here, then we will spin through
                // and invoke utilityWork() to try to do something useful until what we need shows up
                if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.startExecDtxnWork();
                if ( this.profiler.sp1_time.start();
                try {
                    while (fragmentBuilders == null) {
                        // If there is more work that we could do, then we'll just poll the queue
                        // without waiting so that we can go back and execute it again if we have
                        // more time.
                        if (this.utilityWork()) {
                            fragmentBuilders = queue.poll();
                        // Otherwise we will wait a little so that we don't spin the CPU
                        else {
                            fragmentBuilders = queue.poll(WORK_QUEUE_POLL_TIME, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                    } // WHILE
                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                    if (this.hstore_site.isShuttingDown() == false) {
                        LOG.error(String.format("%s - We were interrupted while waiting for blocked tasks", ts), ex);
                    return (null);
                } finally {
                    if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.stopExecDtxnWork();
                    if ( this.profiler.sp1_time.stopIfStarted();
            assert(fragmentBuilders != null);
            // If the list to fragments unblock is empty, then we
            // know that we have dispatched all of the WorkFragments for the
            // transaction's current SQLStmt batch. That means we can just wait
            // until all the results return to us.
            if (fragmentBuilders.isEmpty()) {
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Got an empty list of WorkFragments at partition %d. " +
                              "Blocking until dependencies arrive",
                              ts, this.partitionId));

            if (predict_singlePartition == false) {
            // -------------------------------
            // FAST PATH: Assume everything is local
            // -------------------------------
            if (predict_singlePartition) {
                for (WorkFragment.Builder fragmentBuilder : fragmentBuilders) {
                    if (first == false || this.depTracker.addWorkFragment(ts, fragmentBuilder, batchParams)) {
                } // FOR
                // We have to tell the transaction handle to start the round before we send off the
                // WorkFragments for execution, since they might start executing locally!
                if (first) {
                    latch = this.depTracker.getDependencyLatch(ts);
                // Execute all of our WorkFragments quickly at our local ExecutionEngine
                for (WorkFragment.Builder fragmentBuilder : this.tmp_localWorkFragmentBuilders) {
                    if (debug.val)
                        LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Got unblocked %s to execute locally",
                                  ts, fragmentBuilder.getClass().getSimpleName()));
                    assert(fragmentBuilder.getPartitionId() == this.partitionId) :
                        String.format("Trying to process %s for %s on partition %d but it should have been " +
                                      "sent to partition %d [singlePartition=%s]\n%s",
                                      fragmentBuilder.getClass().getSimpleName(), ts, this.partitionId,
                                      fragmentBuilder.getPartitionId(), predict_singlePartition, fragmentBuilder);
                    WorkFragment fragment =;
                    this.processWorkFragment(ts, fragment, batchParams);
                } // FOR
            // -------------------------------
            // SLOW PATH: Mixed local and remote messages
            // -------------------------------
            else {
                // Look at each task and figure out whether it needs to be executed at a remote
                // HStoreSite or whether we can execute it at one of our local PartitionExecutors.
                for (WorkFragment.Builder fragmentBuilder : fragmentBuilders) {
                    int partition = fragmentBuilder.getPartitionId();
                    is_localSite = hstore_site.isLocalPartition(partition);
                    is_localPartition = (partition == this.partitionId);
                    all_local = all_local && is_localPartition;
                    // If this is the last WorkFragment that we're going to send to this partition for
                    // this batch, then we will want to check whether we know that this is the last
                    // time this txn will ever need to go to that txn. If so, then we'll want to
                    if (notify != null && notify.donePartitions.contains(partition) &&
                        tmp_fragmentsPerPartition.dec(partition) == 0) {
                        if (debug.val)
                            LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Setting last fragment flag in %s for partition %d",
                                      ts, WorkFragment.class.getSimpleName(), partition));
                    if (first == false || this.depTracker.addWorkFragment(ts, fragmentBuilder, batchParams)) {
                        // At this point we know that all the WorkFragment has been registered
                        // in the LocalTransaction, so then it's safe for us to look to see
                        // whether we already have a prefetched result that we need
//                        if (prefetch && is_localPartition == false) {
//                            boolean skip_queue = true;
//                            for (int i = 0, cnt = fragmentBuilder.getFragmentIdCount(); i < cnt; i++) {
//                                int fragId = fragmentBuilder.getFragmentId(i);
//                                int paramIdx = fragmentBuilder.getParamIndex(i);
//                                VoltTable vt = this.queryCache.getResult(ts.getTransactionId(),
//                                                                         fragId,
//                                                                         partition,
//                                                                         parameters[paramIdx]);
//                                if (vt != null) {
//                                    if (trace.val)
//                                        LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Storing cached result from partition %d for fragment %d",
//                                                  ts, partition, fragId));
//                                    this.depTracker.addResult(ts, partition, fragmentBuilder.getOutputDepId(i), vt);
//                                } else {
//                                    skip_queue = false;
//                                }
//                            } // FOR
//                            // If we were able to get cached results for all of the fragmentIds in
//                            // this WorkFragment, then there is no need for us to send the message
//                            // So we'll just skip queuing it up! How nice!
//                            if (skip_queue) {
//                                if (debug.val)
//                                    LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Using prefetch result for all fragments from partition %d",
//                                              ts, partition));
//                                num_skipped++;
//                                continue;
//                            }
//                        }
                        // Otherwise add it to our list of WorkFragments that we want
                        // queue up right now
                        if (is_localPartition) {
                            is_localReadOnly = (is_localReadOnly && fragmentBuilder.getReadOnly());
                        } else if (is_localSite) {
                        } else {
                } // FOR
                assert(total == (num_remote + num_localSite + num_localPartition + num_skipped)) :
                    String.format("Total:%d / Remote:%d / LocalSite:%d / LocalPartition:%d / Skipped:%d",
                                  total, num_remote, num_localSite, num_localPartition, num_skipped);

                // We have to tell the txn to start the round before we send off the
                // WorkFragments for execution, since they might start executing locally!
                if (first) {
                    latch = this.depTracker.getDependencyLatch(ts);
                // Now request the fragments that aren't local
                // We want to push these out as soon as possible
                if (num_remote > 0) {
                    // We only need to serialize the ParameterSets once
                    if (serializedParams == false) {
                        if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.startSerialization();
                        for (int i = 0; i < batchParams.length; i++) {
                            if (batchParams[i] == null) {
                            } else {
                                try {
                                    ByteString bs = ByteString.copyFrom(this.fs.getBBContainer().b);
                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                                    String msg = "Failed to serialize ParameterSet " + i + " for " + ts;
                                    throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex, ts.getTransactionId());
                        } // FOR
                        if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.stopSerialization();
                    //if (trace.val)
                    //    LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Requesting %d %s to be executed on remote partitions " +
                    //              "[doneNotifications=%s]",
                    //              ts, WorkFragment.class.getSimpleName(), num_remote, notify!=null));
                    this.requestWork(ts, tmp_remoteFragmentBuilders, tmp_serializedParams, notify);
                    if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.markRemoteQuery();
                // Then dispatch the task that are needed at the same HStoreSite but
                // at a different partition than this one
                if (num_localSite > 0) {
                    if (trace.val)
                        LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Executing %d WorkFragments on local site's partitions",
                                  ts, num_localSite));
                    for (WorkFragment.Builder builder : this.tmp_localSiteFragmentBuilders) {
                        PartitionExecutor other = hstore_site.getPartitionExecutor(builder.getPartitionId());
                    } // FOR
                    if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.markRemoteQuery();
                // Then execute all of the tasks need to access the partitions at this HStoreSite
                // We'll dispatch the remote-partition-local-site fragments first because they're going
                // to need to get queued up by at the other PartitionExecutors
                if (num_localPartition > 0) {
                    if (trace.val)
                        LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Executing %d WorkFragments on local partition",
                                  ts, num_localPartition));
                    for (WorkFragment.Builder fragmentBuilder : this.tmp_localWorkFragmentBuilders) {
                        this.processWorkFragment(ts,, batchParams);
                    } // FOR
            if (trace.val)
                LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Dispatched %d WorkFragments " +
                          "[remoteSite=%d, localSite=%d, localPartition=%d]",
                          ts, total, num_remote, num_localSite, num_localPartition));
            first = false;
        } // WHILE
        if (trace.val)
            LOG.trace(String.format("%s - BREAK OUT [first=%s, stillHasWorkFragments=%s, latch=%s]",
                      ts, first, this.depTracker.stillHasWorkFragments(ts), latch));
//        assert(ts.stillHasWorkFragments() == false) :
//            String.format("Trying to block %s before all of its WorkFragments have been dispatched!\n%s\n%s",
//                          ts,
//                          StringUtil.join("** ", "\n", tempDebug),
//                          this.getVoltProcedure(ts.getProcedureName()).getLastBatchPlan());
        // Now that we know all of our WorkFragments have been dispatched, we can then
        // wait for all of the results to come back in.
        if (latch == null) latch = this.depTracker.getDependencyLatch(ts);
        assert(latch != null) :
            String.format("Unexpected null dependency latch for " + ts);
        if (latch.getCount() > 0) {
            if (debug.val) {
                LOG.debug(String.format("%s - All blocked messages dispatched. Waiting for %d dependencies",
                          ts, latch.getCount()));
                if (trace.val) LOG.trace(ts.toString());
            boolean timeout = false;
            long startTime = EstTime.currentTimeMillis();
            if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.startExecDtxnWork();
            if ( this.profiler.sp1_time.start();
            try {
                while (latch.getCount() > 0 && ts.hasPendingError() == false) {
                    if (this.utilityWork() == false) {
                        timeout = latch.await(WORK_QUEUE_POLL_TIME, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
                        if (timeout == false) break;
                    if ((EstTime.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > {
                        timeout = true;
                } // WHILE
            } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                if (this.hstore_site.isShuttingDown() == false) {
                    LOG.error(String.format("%s - We were interrupted while waiting for results", ts), ex);
                timeout = true;
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                String msg = String.format("Fatal error for %s while waiting for results", ts);
                throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex);
            } finally {
                if (needs_profiling) ts.profiler.stopExecDtxnWork();
                if ( this.profiler.sp1_time.stopIfStarted();
            if (timeout && this.isShuttingDown() == false) {
                LOG.warn(String.format("Still waiting for responses for %s after %d ms [latch=%d]\n%s",
                         ts,, latch.getCount(), ts.debug()));
                LOG.warn("Procedure Parameters:\n" + ts.getProcedureParameters());
       = true;
                String msg = "The query responses for " + ts + " never arrived!";
                throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ts.getTransactionId());
        // Update done partitions
        if (notify != null && notify.donePartitions.isEmpty() == false) {
            if (debug.val)
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            // modified the database but did not use undo logging
            if (ts.isExecReadOnly(this.partitionId) == false && commit == false) {
                String msg = String.format("TRYING TO ABORT TRANSACTION ON PARTITION %d WITHOUT UNDO LOGGING [undoToken=%d]",
                                           this.partitionId, undoToken);
                LOG.fatal(msg + "\n" + ts.debug());
                this.crash(new ServerFaultException(msg, ts.getTransactionId()));
            if (debug.val) LOG.debug(String.format("%s - undoToken == DISABLE_UNDO_LOGGING_TOKEN", ts));
        // COMMIT / ABORT
        else {
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                                LOG.trace(String.format("%s - Releasing blocked ClientResponse for %s [status=%s]",
                                          ts, spec_ts, spec_cr.getStatus()));
                            this.processClientResponse(spec_ts, spec_cr);
                        } catch (Throwable ex) {
                            String msg = "Failed to complete queued response for " + spec_ts;
                            throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex, ts.getTransactionId());
                    } // WHILE
                this.specExecModified = false;
                if (trace.val)
                    LOG.trace(String.format("Finished processing all queued speculative txns for dtxn %s", ts));
            // -------------------------------
            // NO SPECULATIVE TXNS
            // -------------------------------
            else {
                // There are no speculative txns waiting for this dtxn,
                // so we can just commit it right away
                if (debug.val)
                    LOG.debug(String.format("%s - No speculative txns at partition %d. Just %s txn by itself",
                              ts, this.partitionId, (status == Status.OK ? "commiting" : "aborting")));
                this.finishTransaction(ts, status);
            // Clear our cached query results that are specific for this transaction
            // this.queryCache.purgeTransaction(ts.getTransactionId());
            // TODO: Remove anything in our queue for this txn
            // if (ts.hasQueuedWork(this.partitionId)) {
            // }
            // Check whether this is the response that the speculatively executed txns have been waiting for
            // We could have turned off speculative execution mode beforehand
            if (debug.val)
                LOG.debug(String.format("%s - Attempting to unmark as the current DTXN at partition %d and " +
                          "setting execution mode to %s",
                          ts, this.partitionId, ExecutionMode.COMMIT_ALL));
            try {
                // Resetting the current_dtxn variable has to come *before* we change the execution mode
                this.setExecutionMode(ts, ExecutionMode.COMMIT_ALL);
                // Release blocked transactions
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                String msg = String.format("Failed to finish %s at partition %d", ts, this.partitionId);
                throw new ServerFaultException(msg, ex, ts.getTransactionId());
            if ( {
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