Package org.voltdb.dtxn

Examples of org.voltdb.dtxn.TransactionState

     * @return the resulting VoltTable as a length-one array.
    public VoltTable[] executeSysProcPlanFragments(
            SynthesizedPlanFragment pfs[], int aggregatorOutputDependencyId) {

        TransactionState txnState = m_runner.getTxnState();

        // the stack frame drop terminates the recursion and resumes
        // execution of the current stored procedure.
        assert (txnState != null);
        txnState.setupProcedureResume(false, new int[] { aggregatorOutputDependencyId });

        VoltTable[] results = new VoltTable[1];

        // execute the tasks that just got queued.
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     *            table returned as the result of this procedure.
    public void executeSysProcPlanFragmentsAsync(
            SynthesizedPlanFragment pfs[]) {

        TransactionState txnState = m_runner.getTxnState();

        for (SynthesizedPlanFragment pf : pfs) {
            assert (pf.parameters != null);

            // check the output dep id makes sense given the number of sites to
            // run this on
            if (pf.multipartition) {
                assert ((pf.outputDepId & DtxnConstants.MULTIPARTITION_DEPENDENCY) == DtxnConstants.MULTIPARTITION_DEPENDENCY);

            FragmentTaskMessage task = FragmentTaskMessage.createWithOneFragment(
            if (pf.inputDepIds != null) {
                for (int depId : pf.inputDepIds) {
                    task.addInputDepId(0, depId);
            if (pf.suppressDuplicates) {

            if (pf.multipartition) {
                // create a workunit for every execution site
            } else {
                // create one workunit for the current site
                if (pf.siteId == -1)
                    txnState.createLocalFragmentWork(task, false);
                    txnState.createFragmentWork(new long[] { pf.siteId },
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    protected void registerUndoAction(UndoAction action) {

    protected Long getMasterHSId(int partition) {
        TransactionState txnState = m_runner.getTxnState();
        if (txnState instanceof MpTransactionState) {
            return ((MpTransactionState) txnState).getMasterHSId(partition);
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("SP sysproc doesn't support getting the master HSID");
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        // move backwards anyway once the next message is received
        // from the SP leader.
        long newSpHandle = getMaxTaskedSpHandle();
                m_mailbox.getHSId(), newSpHandle, true);
        TransactionState txn = m_outstandingTxns.get(message.getTxnId());

        if (txn == null) {
            // If the borrow is the first fragment for a transaction, run it as
            // a single partition fragment; Must not  engage/pause this
            // site on a MP transaction before the SP instructs to do so.
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     * path, and assumes that the caller has dealt with or ensured that the
     * necessary ID, SpHandles, and replication issues are resolved.
    private void doLocalFragmentOffer(FragmentTaskMessage msg)
        TransactionState txn = m_outstandingTxns.get(msg.getTxnId());
        boolean logThis = false;
        // bit of a hack...we will probably not want to create and
        // offer FragmentTasks for txn ids that don't match if we have
        // something in progress already
        if (txn == null) {
            txn = new ParticipantTransactionState(msg.getSpHandle(), msg);
            m_outstandingTxns.put(msg.getTxnId(), txn);
            // Only want to send things to the command log if it satisfies this predicate
            // AND we've never seen anything for this transaction before.  We can't
            // actually log until we create a TransactionTask, though, so just keep track
            // of whether it needs to be done.
            logThis = (msg.getInitiateTask() != null && !msg.getInitiateTask().isReadOnly());

        // Check to see if this is the final task for this txn, and if so, if we can close it out early
        // Right now, this just means read-only.
        // NOTE: this overlaps slightly with CompleteTransactionMessage handling completion.  It's so tiny
        // that for now, meh, but if this scope grows then it should get refactored out
        if (msg.isFinalTask() && txn.isReadOnly()) {

        TransactionTask task;
        if (msg.isSysProcTask()) {
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                m_mailbox.send(m_sendToHSIds, msg);
        } else {
        TransactionState txn = m_outstandingTxns.get(msg.getTxnId());
        // We can currently receive CompleteTransactionMessages for multipart procedures
        // which only use the buddy site (replicated table read).  Ignore them for
        // now, fix that later.
        if (txn != null)
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    // to offer them to the corresponding TransactionState so that the TransactionTask in
    // the runloop which is awaiting these responses can do dependency tracking and eventually
    // unblock.
    public void handleFragmentResponseMessage(FragmentResponseMessage message)
        TransactionState txn = m_outstandingTxns.get(message.getTxnId());
        // We could already have received the CompleteTransactionMessage from
        // the local site and the transaction is dead, despite FragmentResponses
        // in flight from remote sites.  Drop those on the floor.
        // IZZY: After implementing BorrowTasks, I'm not sure that the above sequence
        // can actually happen any longer, but leaving this and logging it for now.
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        try {
            // Only poll messaging layer if necessary. Allow the poll
            // to block if the execution site is truly idle.
            while (m_shouldContinue) {
                TransactionState currentTxnState = null;
                m_currentTransactionState = currentTxnState;
                if (currentTxnState == null) {
                    // poll the messaging layer for a while as this site has nothing to do
                    // this will likely have a message/several messages immediately in a heavy workload
                    // Before blocking record the starvation
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     * Run the execution site execution loop, for tests currently.
     * Will integrate this in to the real run loop soon.. ish.
    public void runLoop(boolean loopUntilPoison) {
        while (m_shouldContinue) {
            TransactionState currentTxnState = null;
            m_currentTransactionState = currentTxnState;
            if (currentTxnState == null) {
                // poll the messaging layer for a while as this site has nothing to do
                // this will likely have a message/several messages immediately in a heavy workload
                VoltMessage message = m_mailbox.recv();
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            // it can be used for global ordering since it is a valid txnid from an initiator
            else if (info instanceof MultiPartitionParticipantMessage) {

            // Every non-heartbeat notice requires a transaction state.
            TransactionState ts = m_transactionsById.get(info.getTxnId());

            if (ts != null)
                if (message instanceof FragmentTaskMessage) {
                    ts.createLocalFragmentWork((FragmentTaskMessage)message, false);
        } else if (message instanceof RecoveryMessage) {
            final RecoveryMessage rm = (RecoveryMessage)message;
            if (rm.recoveryMessagesAvailable()) {

             * Recovery site processor hasn't been cleaned up from the previous
             * rejoin. New rejoin request cannot be processed now. Telling the
             * rejoining site to retry later.
            if (m_rejoinSnapshotProcessor != null) {
                m_rejoinLog.error("ExecutionSite is not ready to handle " +
                        "recovery request from site " +
                RecoveryMessage recoveryResponse = new RecoveryMessage(false);
                m_mailbox.send(rm.sourceSite(), recoveryResponse);

            final long recoveringPartitionTxnId = rm.txnId();
                    "Recovery initiate received at site " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(m_siteId) +
                    " from site " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(rm.sourceSite()) + " requesting recovery start before txnid " +
        else if (message instanceof RejoinMessage) {
            RejoinMessage rm = (RejoinMessage) message;
        else if (message instanceof CheckTxnStateCompletionMessage) {
            long txn_id = ((CheckTxnStateCompletionMessage)message).m_txnId;
            TransactionState txnState = m_transactionsById.get(txn_id);
            if (txnState != null)
        else if (message instanceof ExecutionSiteLocalSnapshotMessage) {
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Related Classes of org.voltdb.dtxn.TransactionState

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