Package org.voltdb.compiler

Examples of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltProjectBuilder$ProcedureInfo

    public void testAlterDropColumn() throws Exception
        String pathToCatalog = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.jar");
        String pathToDeployment = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.xml");

        VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
                "create table FOO (" +
                "PKCOL integer not null," +
                "DROPME bigint, " +
                "PROCCOL bigint, " +
                "VIEWCOL bigint, " +
                "INDEXCOL bigint, " +
                "INDEX1COL bigint, " +
                "INDEX2COL bigint, " +
                "constraint pk_tree primary key (PKCOL)" +
                ");\n" +
                "create procedure BAR as select PROCCOL from FOO;\n" +
                "create view FOOVIEW (VIEWCOL, TOTAL) as select VIEWCOL, COUNT(*) from FOO group by VIEWCOL;\n" +
                "create index FOODEX on FOO(INDEXCOL);\n" +
                "create index FOO2DEX on FOO(INDEX1COL, INDEX2COL);\n" +
                "create table ONECOL (" +
                "SOLOCOL integer, " +
                ");\n" +
                "create table BAZ (" +
                "PKCOL1 integer not null, " +
                "PKCOL2 integer not null, " +
                "constraint pk_tree2 primary key (PKCOL1, PKCOL2)" +
        boolean success = builder.compile(pathToCatalog, 2, 1, 0);
        assertTrue("Schema compilation failed", success);
        MiscUtils.copyFile(builder.getPathToDeployment(), pathToDeployment);

        VoltDB.Configuration config = new VoltDB.Configuration();
        config.m_pathToCatalog = pathToCatalog;
        config.m_pathToDeployment = pathToDeployment;

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    public void testAlterColumnOther() throws Exception
        String pathToCatalog = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.jar");
        String pathToDeployment = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.xml");

        VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
                "create table FOO (" +
                "ID integer not null," +
                "VAL varchar(50), " +
                "constraint PK_TREE primary key (ID)" +
        builder.addPartitionInfo("FOO", "ID");
        boolean success = builder.compile(pathToCatalog, 2, 1, 0);
        assertTrue("Schema compilation failed", success);
        MiscUtils.copyFile(builder.getPathToDeployment(), pathToDeployment);

        VoltDB.Configuration config = new VoltDB.Configuration();
        config.m_pathToCatalog = pathToCatalog;
        config.m_pathToDeployment = pathToDeployment;
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    public void testAlterRename() throws Exception
        String pathToCatalog = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.jar");
        String pathToDeployment = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.xml");

        VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
                "create table FOO (" +
                "ID integer not null," +
                "VAL varchar(50), " +
                "constraint PK_TREE primary key (ID)" +
                ");\n" +
                "create table EMPTYFOO (" +
                "ID integer not null," +
                "VAL varchar(50), " +
                "constraint PK_TREE2 primary key (ID)" +
        builder.addPartitionInfo("FOO", "ID");
        builder.addPartitionInfo("EMPTYFOO", "ID");
        boolean success = builder.compile(pathToCatalog, 2, 1, 0);
        assertTrue("Schema compilation failed", success);
        MiscUtils.copyFile(builder.getPathToDeployment(), pathToDeployment);

        VoltDB.Configuration config = new VoltDB.Configuration();
        config.m_pathToCatalog = pathToCatalog;
        config.m_pathToDeployment = pathToDeployment;
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    public void testAlterLimitPartitionRows() throws Exception
        String pathToCatalog = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.jar");
        String pathToDeployment = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.xml");

        VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
                "create table FOO (" +
                "ID integer not null," +
                "VAL varchar(50), " +
                "constraint PK_TREE primary key (ID)" +
        builder.addPartitionInfo("FOO", "ID");
        boolean success = builder.compile(pathToCatalog, 1, 1, 0);
        assertTrue("Schema compilation failed", success);
        MiscUtils.copyFile(builder.getPathToDeployment(), pathToDeployment);

        VoltDB.Configuration config = new VoltDB.Configuration();
        config.m_pathToCatalog = pathToCatalog;
        config.m_pathToDeployment = pathToDeployment;
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    public void testAlterPartitionColumn() throws Exception
        String pathToCatalog = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.jar");
        String pathToDeployment = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.xml");

        VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
                "create table FOO (" +
                "ID integer not null," +
                "VAL varchar(50) not null, " +
                "VAL2 bigint" +
                ");\n" +
                "create table EMPTYFOO (" +
                "ID integer not null," +
                "VAL varchar(50) not null, " +
                "VAL2 bigint" +
        builder.addPartitionInfo("FOO", "ID");
        builder.addPartitionInfo("EMPTYFOO", "ID");
        boolean success = builder.compile(pathToCatalog, 2, 1, 0);
        assertTrue("Schema compilation failed", success);
        MiscUtils.copyFile(builder.getPathToDeployment(), pathToDeployment);

        VoltDB.Configuration config = new VoltDB.Configuration();
        config.m_pathToCatalog = pathToCatalog;
        config.m_pathToDeployment = pathToDeployment;
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        // the suite made here will all be using the tests from this class
        MultiConfigSuiteBuilder builder = new MultiConfigSuiteBuilder(TestSQLFeaturesNewSuite.class);

        // build up a project builder for the workload
        VoltProjectBuilder project = new VoltProjectBuilder();

        boolean success;

        //* <-- Change this comment to 'block style' to toggle over to just the one single-server IPC DEBUG config.
        // IF (! DEBUG config) ...
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            "W_ID INTEGER DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, "+
            "W_NAME VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT NULL, " +
            "PRIMARY KEY  (W_ID)" +

        VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
        builder.addStmtProcedure("hello", "select * from warehouse");

        // compileWithDefaultDeployment() generates no deployment.xml so that the default is used.
        String jarPath = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("test.jar");
        final File jar = new File(jarPath);

        String pathToDeployment = builder.getPathToDeployment();
        assertEquals(pathToDeployment, null);

        // the default deployment file includes an http server on port 8080.
        // do some verification without starting VoltDB, since that port
        // number conflicts with jenkins on some test servers.
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    public TestShutdown(String name) {

    static VoltProjectBuilder getBuilderForTest() throws IOException {
        VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
        return builder;
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    static public Test suite() throws IOException {
        // the suite made here will all be using the tests from this class
        MultiConfigSuiteBuilder builder = new MultiConfigSuiteBuilder(TestShutdown.class);

        // build up a project builder for the workload
        VoltProjectBuilder project = getBuilderForTest();
        boolean success;
        LocalCluster config = new LocalCluster("decimal-default.jar", 4, 5, 3, BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI);
        success = config.compile(project);
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        System.out.println("\n\n-----\n testBasic \n-----\n\n");

        String pathToCatalog = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.jar");
        String pathToDeployment = Configuration.getPathToCatalogForTest("adhocddl.xml");
        VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder();
        // Need to parallel dbuilder as we modify builder
        DeploymentBuilder dbuilder = new DeploymentBuilder(2, 1, 0);
                "create table FOO (" +
                "ID integer not null," +
                "VAL bigint, " +
                "constraint PK_TREE primary key (ID)" +
                ");\n" +
                "create table FOO_R (" +
                "ID integer not null," +
                "VAL bigint, " +
                "constraint PK_TREE_R primary key (ID)" +
        builder.addPartitionInfo("FOO", "ID");
        dbuilder.addUsers(new DeploymentBuilder.UserInfo[]
                {new DeploymentBuilder.UserInfo("admin", "admin", new String[] {"ADMINISTRATOR"})});
        boolean success = builder.compile(pathToCatalog, 2, 1, 0);
        assertTrue("Schema compilation failed", success);
        //MiscUtils.copyFile(builder.getPathToDeployment(), pathToDeployment);

        VoltDB.Configuration config = new VoltDB.Configuration();
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Related Classes of org.voltdb.compiler.VoltProjectBuilder$ProcedureInfo

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