Package org.voltdb.catalog

Examples of org.voltdb.catalog.Constraint


        // The constraint is backed by an index, therefore we need to create it
        // TODO: We need to be able to use indexes for foreign keys. I am purposely
        //       leaving those out right now because HSQLDB just makes too many of them.
        Constraint catalog_const = null;
        if (attrs.getNamedItem("index") != null) {
            String indexName = attrs.getNamedItem("index") .getNodeValue();
            Index catalog_index = indexMap.get(indexName);
            if (catalog_index != null) {
                // If this is a foreign key, then we *do not* want to include an index for it
                // since we don't actually do anything to enforce these constraints
                if (type == ConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY) {
                    boolean ret = table.getIndexes().remove(catalog_index);
                    LOG.debug("Removing foreign key index " + catalog_index.fullName() + " [" + ret + "]");
                    catalog_index = null;
                else {
                    // if the constraint name contains index type hints, exercise them (giant hack)
                    String constraintNameNoCase = name.toLowerCase();
                    if (constraintNameNoCase.contains("tree"))
                    if (constraintNameNoCase.contains("array"))

            catalog_const = table.getConstraints().add(name);
            if (catalog_index != null) {
                catalog_index.setUnique(type == ConstraintType.UNIQUE || type == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY);
        } else {
            catalog_const = table.getConstraints().add(name);

        // Foreign Keys
        if (type == ConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY) {
            String fkey_table_name = attrs.getNamedItem("foreignkeytable").getNodeValue();
            Table catalog_fkey_tbl = ((Database)table.getParent()).getTables().getIgnoreCase(fkey_table_name);
            if (catalog_fkey_tbl == null) {
                throw VoltCompilerException("Invalid foreign key table '" + fkey_table_name + "'");

            // Column mappings
            NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
            for (int i = 0, cnt = children.getLength(); i < cnt; i++) {
                Node child = children.item(i);
                if (child.getNodeName().equals("reference")) {
                    attrs = child.getAttributes();
                    String from_colname = attrs.getNamedItem("from").getNodeValue();
                    Column from_col = table.getColumns().get(from_colname);

                    String to_colname = attrs.getNamedItem("to").getNodeValue();
                    Column to_col = catalog_fkey_tbl.getColumns().get(to_colname);

                    // Make a reference in the fromcolumn to their column in the constraint
                    // We store the name of from_olumn as the name of the reference in the catalog
                    ColumnRef cref = catalog_const.getForeignkeycols().add(from_col.getTypeName());

                    // Add a ConstraintRef for the from_column
                    ConstraintRef const_ref = from_col.getConstraints().add(catalog_const.getTypeName());
        // All other constraints
        } else {
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                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug(String.format("VIEW:%s Group By Columns %02d: %s",
                            destTable.getName(), i, c.getColumn().fullName()));
            Constraint pkConstraint = destTable.getConstraints().add("MATVIEW_PK_CONSTRAINT");

            // parse out the group by columns into the dest table
            for (int i = 0; i < stmt.groupByColumns.size(); i++) {
                ParsedSelectStmt.ParsedColInfo col = stmt.displayColumns.get(i);
                Column destColumn = destColumnArray.get(i);
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        // primary key code is in other places as well

        // The constraint is backed by an index, therefore we need to create it
        // TODO: We need to be able to use indexes for foreign keys. I am purposely
        //       leaving those out right now because HSQLDB just makes too many of them.
        Constraint catalog_const = table.getConstraints().add(name);
        String indexName = node.attributes.get("index");
        assert(indexName != null);
        // handle replacements from duplicate index pruning
        if (indexReplacementMap.containsKey(indexName)) {
            indexName = indexReplacementMap.get(indexName);

        Index catalog_index = indexMap.get(indexName);

        // TODO(xin): It seems that indexes have already been set up well, the next whole block is redundant.
        // Remove them?
        if (catalog_index != null) {
            // if the constraint name contains index type hints, exercise them (giant hack)
            String constraintNameNoCase = name.toLowerCase();
            if (constraintNameNoCase.contains("tree"))
            if (constraintNameNoCase.contains("hash"))


            boolean assumeUnique = Boolean.parseBoolean(node.attributes.get("assumeunique"));
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            for (int i = 0; i < stmt.m_groupByColumns.size(); i++) {
                ColumnRef c = pkIndex.getColumns().add(String.valueOf(i));
            Constraint pkConstraint = destTable.getConstraints().add(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_MATVIEW_CONST);

            // prepare info for aggregation columns.
            List<AbstractExpression> aggregationExprs = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
            boolean hasAggregationExprs = false;
            boolean hasMinOrMaxAgg = false;
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                        (!nullable ? " NOT NULL" : "") );

            // Single-column constraints
            for (ConstraintRef catalog_const_ref : catalog_col.getConstraints()) {
                Constraint catalog_const = catalog_const_ref.getConstraint();
                ConstraintType const_type = ConstraintType.get(catalog_const.getType());

                // Check if there is another column in our table with the same constraint
                // If there is, then we need to add it to the end of the table definition
                boolean found = false;
                for (Column catalog_other_col : catalog_tbl.getColumns()) {
                    if (catalog_other_col.equals(catalog_col)) continue;
                    if (catalog_other_col.getConstraints().getIgnoreCase(catalog_const.getTypeName()) != null) {
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    switch (const_type) {
                        case FOREIGN_KEY: {
                            Table catalog_fkey_tbl = catalog_const.getForeignkeytable();
                            Column catalog_fkey_col = null;
                            for (ColumnRef ref : catalog_const.getForeignkeycols()) {
                                catalog_fkey_col = ref.getColumn();
                                break; // Nasty hack to get first item

                            assert(catalog_fkey_col != null);
                            sb.append(" REFERENCES " + catalog_fkey_tbl.getTypeName() + " (" +
                                    catalog_fkey_col.getTypeName() + ")" );
                            // Nothing for now

            add = ",\n";

        // Constraints
        for (Constraint catalog_const : catalog_tbl.getConstraints()) {
            if (skip_constraints.contains(catalog_const)) continue;
            ConstraintType const_type = ConstraintType.get(catalog_const.getType());

            // Primary Keys / Unique Constraints
            if (const_type == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY || const_type == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) {
                Index catalog_idx = catalog_const.getIndex();
                if (!tableIsView) {
                    // Get the ConstraintType.

                    sb.append(add + spacer);
                    if (!catalog_const.getTypeName().startsWith(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_PREFIX)) {
                        sb.append("CONSTRAINT " + catalog_const.getTypeName() + " ");
                    if (const_type == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY || const_type == ConstraintType.UNIQUE) {
                        if (const_type == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY) {
                            sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (");
                        else {
                            if (catalog_idx.getAssumeunique()) {
                                sb.append("ASSUMEUNIQUE (");
                            else {
                                sb.append("UNIQUE (");
                        String col_add = "";
                        String exprStrings = new String();
                        if (catalog_idx.getExpressionsjson() != null && !catalog_idx.getExpressionsjson().equals("")) {
                            StmtTargetTableScan tableScan = new StmtTargetTableScan(catalog_tbl, catalog_tbl.getTypeName());
                            try {
                                List<AbstractExpression> expressions = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(catalog_idx.getExpressionsjson(), tableScan);
                                String sep = "";
                                for (AbstractExpression expr : expressions) {
                                    exprStrings += sep + expr.explain(catalog_tbl.getTypeName());
                                    sep = ",";
                            catch (JSONException e) {
                            sb.append(col_add + exprStrings);
                        else {
                            for (ColumnRef catalog_colref : CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(catalog_idx.getColumns(), "index")) {
                                sb.append(col_add + catalog_colref.getColumn().getTypeName() );
                                col_add = ", ";
                            } // FOR
                    if (const_type == ConstraintType.LIMIT) {
                        sb.append("LIMIT PARTITION ROWS " + String.valueOf(catalog_tbl.getTuplelimit()) );

                if (catalog_idx.getTypeName().startsWith(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_PREFIX) ||
                        catalog_idx.getTypeName().startsWith(HSQLInterface.AUTO_GEN_MATVIEW) ) {

            // Foreign Key
            } else if (const_type == ConstraintType.FOREIGN_KEY) {
                Table catalog_fkey_tbl = catalog_const.getForeignkeytable();
                String col_add = "";
                String our_columns = "";
                String fkey_columns = "";
                for (ColumnRef catalog_colref : catalog_const.getForeignkeycols()) {
                    // The name of the ColumnRef is the column in our base table
                    Column our_column = catalog_tbl.getColumns().getIgnoreCase(catalog_colref.getTypeName());
                    assert(our_column != null);
                    our_columns += col_add + our_column.getTypeName();

                    Column fkey_column = catalog_colref.getColumn();
                    assert(fkey_column != null);
                    fkey_columns += col_add + fkey_column.getTypeName();

                    col_add = ", ";
                sb.append(add + spacer + "CONSTRAINT " + catalog_const.getTypeName() + " " +
                                         "FOREIGN KEY (" + our_columns + ") " +
                                         "REFERENCES " + catalog_fkey_tbl.getTypeName() + " (" + fkey_columns + ")" );
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     * @throws Exception if the table does not define a primary key
    public static Index getPrimaryKeyIndex(Table catalogTable) throws Exception {

        // We first need to find the pkey constraint
        Constraint catalog_constraint = null;
        for (Constraint c : catalogTable.getConstraints()) {
            if (c.getType() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY.getValue()) {
                catalog_constraint = c;
        if (catalog_constraint == null) {
            throw new Exception("ERROR: Table '" + catalogTable.getTypeName() + "' does not have a PRIMARY KEY constraint");

        // And then grab the index that it is using
        return (catalog_constraint.getIndex());
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                m_recentErrorMsg = "UPSERT is support only with one single table: " + getOriginalSql();
                return null;

            Table tb = parsedStmt.m_tableList.get(0);
            Constraint pkey = null;
            for (Constraint ct: tb.getConstraints()) {
                if (ct.getType() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY.getValue()) {
                    pkey = ct;
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            // select/delete/update crud requires pkey. Pkeys are stored as constraints.
            final CatalogMap<Constraint> constraints = table.getConstraints();
            final Iterator<Constraint> it = constraints.iterator();
            Constraint pkey = null;
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Constraint constraint =;
                if (constraint.getType() == ConstraintType.PRIMARY_KEY.getValue()) {
                    pkey = constraint;
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Related Classes of org.voltdb.catalog.Constraint

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