} catch (Exception e) {
final int index = (namecnt-1)/2;
final VoltTableRow customer = customers.fetchRow(index);
final long c_id = customer.getLong(C_ID_IDX);
voltQueueSQL(getWarehouse, W_ID);
voltQueueSQL(getDistrict, W_ID, D_ID);
final VoltTable[] results = voltExecuteSQL();
final VoltTable warehouse = results[0];
final VoltTable district = results[1];
try {
System.out.println("WAREHOUSE PRE: " + warehouse.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
VoltTable warehouses = voltExecuteSQL()[0];
try {
System.out.println("WAREHOUSE PRE: " + warehouses.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
voltQueueSQL(updateWarehouseBalance, paymentAmount, W_ID);
voltQueueSQL(updateDistrictBalance, paymentAmount, W_ID, D_ID);
warehouses = voltExecuteSQL()[0];
try {
System.out.println("WAREHOUSE PRE: " + warehouses.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
//do stuff to extract district and warehouse info.
//customer info
final byte[] c_first = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_FIRST_IDX);
final byte[] c_middle = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_MIDDLE_IDX);
final byte[] c_last = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_LAST_IDX);
final byte[] c_street_1 = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_STREET_1_IDX);
final byte[] c_street_2 = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_STREET_2_IDX);
final byte[] c_city = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_CITY_IDX);
final byte[] c_state = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_STATE_IDX);
final byte[] c_zip = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_ZIP_IDX);
final byte[] c_phone = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_PHONE_IDX);
final TimestampType c_since = customer.getTimestampAsTimestamp(C_SINCE_IDX);
final byte[] c_credit = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_CREDIT_IDX);
final double c_credit_lim = customer.getDouble(C_CREDIT_LIM_IDX);
final double c_discount = customer.getDouble(C_DISCOUNT_IDX);
final double c_balance = customer.getDouble(C_BALANCE_IDX) - paymentAmount;
final double c_ytd_payment = customer.getDouble(C_YTD_PAYMENT_IDX) + paymentAmount;
final long c_payment_cnt = customer.getLong(C_PAYMENT_CNT_IDX) + 1;
byte[] c_data;
if (Arrays.equals(c_credit, Constants.BAD_CREDIT_BYTES)) {
c_data = customer.getStringAsBytes(C_DATA_IDX);
byte[] newData = (c_id + " " + D_ID + " " + W_ID + " " + D_ID + " " + W_ID + " " + paymentAmount + "|").getBytes();
int newLength = newData.length + c_data.length;
if (newLength > Constants.MAX_C_DATA) {
newLength = Constants.MAX_C_DATA;