SQLStmt nextBatch[] = this.prefetchBatch;
ParameterSet nextParams[] = new ParameterSet[nextBatch.length];
VoltTable nextResults[] = new VoltTable[nextBatch.length];
int nextCounters[] = new int[nextBatch.length];
Collection<Column> outputCols = PlanNodeUtil.getOutputColumnsForStatement(this.catalog_stmt);
// Now if we add in the same query again with the same parameters, it
// should automatically pick up the prefetched result in the right location.
for (int batch = 0; batch < numBatches; batch++) {
nextCounters[0] = batch;
if (batch == expectedOffset) {
nextParams[0] = new ParameterSet(this.prefetchParams[0].toArray());
nextResults[0] = this.prefetchResult;
} else {
nextParams[0] = new ParameterSet(batch, BASE_PARTITION);
nextResults[0] = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(outputCols);
this.ts.initFirstRound(undoToken, nextBatch.length);
BatchPlanner nextPlanner = new BatchPlanner(nextBatch, this.catalog_proc, p_estimator);