* and planArrayFromBuffer wih no dummy "AdHocPlannedStmtBatch receiver" instance required.
public ByteBuffer flattenPlanArrayToBuffer() throws IOException {
int size = 0; // sizeof batch
ParameterSet userParamCache = null;
if (work.userParamSet == null) {
userParamCache = ParameterSet.emptyParameterSet();
} else {
Object[] typedUserParams = new Object[work.userParamSet.length];
int ii = 0;
for (AdHocPlannedStatement cs : plannedStatements) {
for (VoltType paramType : cs.core.parameterTypes) {
if (ii >= typedUserParams.length) {
String errorMsg =
"Too few actual arguments were passed for the parameters in the sql statement(s): (" +
typedUserParams.length + " vs. " + ii + ")";
// Volt-TYPE-Exception is slightly cheating, here, should there be a more general VoltArgumentException?
throw new VoltTypeException(errorMsg);
typedUserParams[ii] =
// System.out.println("DEBUG typed parameter: " + work.userParamSet[ii] +
// "using type: " + paramType + "as: " + typedUserParams[ii]);
// Each parameter referenced in each statements should be represented
// exactly once in userParams.
if (ii < typedUserParams.length) {
// Volt-TYPE-Exception is slightly cheating, here, should there be a more general VoltArgumentException?
String errorMsg =
"Too many actual arguments were passed for the parameters in the sql statement(s): (" +
typedUserParams.length + " vs. " + ii + ")";
throw new VoltTypeException(errorMsg);
userParamCache = ParameterSet.fromArrayNoCopy(typedUserParams);
size += userParamCache.getSerializedSize();
size += 2; // sizeof batch
for (AdHocPlannedStatement cs : plannedStatements) {
size += cs.getSerializedSize();
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(size);
buf.putShort((short) plannedStatements.size());
for (AdHocPlannedStatement cs : plannedStatements) {
return buf;