// - Underscores ('_') in the key will be converted in whitespaces (' ') and
// will be used as Button's labels.
// - The value will be the text pasted into the editor when an element in the
// palette is selected. You can use a pipe ('|') to specify the place where
// the cursor should be put after pasting the element into the editor.
final ConfigGroup group = configurationFactory.newConfigGroup( ConfigType.EDITOR,
"" );
group.addConfigItem( configurationFactory.newConfigItem( WorkItemsEditorService.WORK_ITEMS_EDITOR_SETTINGS_DEFINITION,
"[\n" +
" \"name\" : \"MyTask|\", \n" +
" \"parameters\" : [ \n" +
" \"MyFirstParam\" : new StringDataType(), \n" +
" \"MySecondParam\" : new StringDataType(), \n" +
" \"MyThirdParam\" : new ObjectDataType() \n" +
" ], \n" +
" \"results\" : [ \n" +
" \"Result\" : new ObjectDataType(\"java.util.Map\") \n" +
" ], \n" +
" \"displayName\" : \"My Task\", \n" +
" \"icon\" : \"\" \n" +
"]" ) );
group.addConfigItem( configurationFactory.newConfigItem( WorkItemsEditorService.WORK_ITEMS_EDITOR_SETTINGS_PARAMETER,
"\"MyParam|\" : new StringDataType()" ) );
group.addConfigItem( configurationFactory.newConfigItem( WorkItemsEditorService.WORK_ITEMS_EDITOR_SETTINGS_RESULT,
"\"Result|\" : new ObjectDataType()" ) );
group.addConfigItem( configurationFactory.newConfigItem( WorkItemsEditorService.WORK_ITEMS_EDITOR_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_NAME,
"\"displayName\" : \"My Task|\"" ) );
return group;