Package org.uberfire.annotations.processors.exceptions

Examples of org.uberfire.annotations.processors.exceptions.GenerationException

            if ( !e.getModifiers().contains( Modifier.PUBLIC ) ) {
            if ( match != null ) {
                throw new GenerationException( "Multiple methods with @" + annotation.getSimpleName() + " detected." );
            match = e;
        if ( match == null ) {
            return null;
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            if ( !e.getModifiers().contains( Modifier.PUBLIC ) ) {
            if ( match != null ) {
                throw new GenerationException( "Multiple methods with @" + annotation.getSimpleName() + " detected." );
            match = e;
        if ( match == null ) {
            return null;
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        if ( associatedResources != null && associatedResources.size() > 0 ) {
            for ( final String resourceTypeName : associatedResources ) {
                final TypeElement type = processingEnvironment.getElementUtils().getTypeElement( resourceTypeName );
                if ( type.getAnnotation( ApplicationScoped.class ) == null ) {
                    throw new GenerationException( "The '" + resourceTypeName + "' must be ApplicationScope`d ." );

        final String onStartup1ParameterMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getOnStartupPathParameterMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                                         processingEnvironment );
        final String onStartup2ParametersMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getOnStartupPathPlaceRequestParametersMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                                                       processingEnvironment );
        final String onMayCloseMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getOnMayCloseMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                    processingEnvironment );
        final String onCloseMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getOnCloseMethodName( classElement,
                                                                              processingEnvironment );
        final String onShutdownMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getOnShutdownMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                    processingEnvironment );
        final String onOpenMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getOnOpenMethodName( classElement,
                                                                            processingEnvironment );
        final String onLostFocusMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getOnLostFocusMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                      processingEnvironment );
        final String onFocusMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getOnFocusMethodName( classElement,
                                                                              processingEnvironment );
        final String getDefaultPositionMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getDefaultPositionMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                                 processingEnvironment );
        final String getTitleMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getTitleMethodName( classElement,
                                                                             processingEnvironment );
        final String getContextIdMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getContextIdMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                     processingEnvironment );
        final ExecutableElement getTitleWidgetMethod = GeneratorUtils.getTitleWidgetMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                                processingEnvironment );
        final String getTitleWidgetMethodName = getTitleWidgetMethod == null ? null : getTitleWidgetMethod.getSimpleName().toString();
        final ExecutableElement getWidgetMethod = GeneratorUtils.getWidgetMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                      processingEnvironment );
        final String getWidgetMethodName = getWidgetMethod == null ? null : getWidgetMethod.getSimpleName().toString();
        final boolean hasUberView = GeneratorUtils.hasUberViewReference( classElement,
                                                                         getWidgetMethod );

        final boolean isWidget = GeneratorUtils.getIsWidget( classElement,
                                                             processingEnvironment );
        final String isDirtyMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getIsDirtyMethodName( classElement,
                                                                              processingEnvironment );
        final String onSaveMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getOnSaveMethodName( classElement,
                                                                            processingEnvironment );
        final String getMenuBarMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getMenuBarMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                 processingEnvironment );
        final String getToolBarMethodName = GeneratorUtils.getToolBarMethodName( classElement,
                                                                                 processingEnvironment );
        final String securityTraitList = GeneratorUtils.getSecurityTraitList( classElement );
        final String rolesList = GeneratorUtils.getRoleList( classElement );

        logger.debug( "Package name: " + packageName );
        logger.debug( "Class name: " + className );
        logger.debug( "Identifier: " + identifier );
        logger.debug( "getContextIdMethodName: " + getContextIdMethodName );
        logger.debug( "Priority: " + priority );
        logger.debug( "Resource types: " + associatedResources );
        logger.debug( "Preferred Height: " + preferredHeight );
        logger.debug( "Preferred Width: " + preferredWidth );
        logger.debug( "onStartup1ParameterMethodName: " + onStartup1ParameterMethodName );
        logger.debug( "onStartup2ParametersMethodName: " + onStartup2ParametersMethodName );
        logger.debug( "onMayCloseMethodName: " + onMayCloseMethodName );
        logger.debug( "onCloseMethodName: " + onCloseMethodName );
        logger.debug( "onShutdownMethodName: " + onShutdownMethodName );
        logger.debug( "onOpenMethodName: " + onOpenMethodName );
        logger.debug( "onLostFocusMethodName: " + onLostFocusMethodName );
        logger.debug( "onFocusMethodName: " + onFocusMethodName );
        logger.debug( "getDefaultPositionMethodName: " + getDefaultPositionMethodName );
        logger.debug( "getTitleMethodName: " + getTitleMethodName );
        logger.debug( "getTitleWidgetMethodName: " + getTitleWidgetMethodName );
        logger.debug( "getWidgetMethodName: " + getWidgetMethodName );
        logger.debug( "isWidget: " + Boolean.toString( isWidget ) );
        logger.debug( "hasUberView: " + Boolean.toString( hasUberView ) );
        logger.debug( "isDirtyMethodName: " + isDirtyMethodName );
        logger.debug( "onSaveMethodName: " + onSaveMethodName );
        logger.debug( "getMenuBarMethodName: " + getMenuBarMethodName );
        logger.debug( "getToolBarMethodName: " + getToolBarMethodName );
        logger.debug( "securityTraitList: " + securityTraitList );
        logger.debug( "rolesList: " + rolesList );

        //Validate getWidgetMethodName and isWidget
        if ( !isWidget && getWidgetMethodName == null ) {
            throw new GenerationException( "The WorkbenchEditor must either extend IsWidget or provide a @WorkbenchPartView annotated method to return a", packageName + "." + className );
        if ( isWidget && getWidgetMethodName != null ) {
            final String msg = "The WorkbenchEditor both extends and provides a @WorkbenchPartView annotated method. The annotated method will take precedence.";
            processingEnvironment.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.WARNING,
                                                              msg );
            logger.warn( msg );

        //Validate onStartup1ParameterMethodName and onStartup2ParametersMethodName
        if ( onStartup1ParameterMethodName != null && onStartup2ParametersMethodName != null ) {
            final String msg = "The WorkbenchEditor has methods for both @OnStartup(Path) and @OnStartup(Path, Place). Method @OnStartup(Path, Place) will take precedence.";
            processingEnvironment.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.WARNING,
                                                              msg );
            logger.warn( msg );

        //Validate getTitleMethodName
        if ( getTitleMethodName == null ) {
            throw new GenerationException( "The WorkbenchEditor must provide a @WorkbenchPartTitle annotated method to return a java.lang.String.", packageName + "." + className );

        //Setup data for template sub-system
        Map<String, Object> root = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        root.put( "packageName",
                  packageName );
        root.put( "className",
                  className );
        root.put( "identifier",
                  identifier );
        root.put( "getContextIdMethodName",
                  getContextIdMethodName );
        root.put( "priority",
                  priority.toString().replace( ",", "" ) );
        root.put( "associatedResources",
                  GeneratorUtils.formatAssociatedResources( associatedResources ) );
        root.put( "preferredHeight",
                  preferredHeight );
        root.put( "preferredWidth",
                  preferredWidth );
        root.put( "realClassName",
                  classElement.getSimpleName().toString() );
        root.put( "onStartup1ParameterMethodName",
                  onStartup1ParameterMethodName );
        root.put( "onStartup2ParametersMethodName",
                  onStartup2ParametersMethodName );
        root.put( "onMayCloseMethodName",
                  onMayCloseMethodName );
        root.put( "onCloseMethodName",
                  onCloseMethodName );
        root.put( "onShutdownMethodName",
                  onShutdownMethodName );
        root.put( "onOpenMethodName",
                  onOpenMethodName );
        root.put( "onLostFocusMethodName",
                  onLostFocusMethodName );
        root.put( "onFocusMethodName",
                  onFocusMethodName );
        root.put( "getDefaultPositionMethodName",
                  getDefaultPositionMethodName );
        root.put( "getTitleMethodName",
                  getTitleMethodName );
        root.put( "getTitleWidgetMethodName",
                  getTitleWidgetMethodName );
        root.put( "getWidgetMethodName",
                  getWidgetMethodName );
        root.put( "isWidget",
                  isWidget );
        root.put( "hasUberView",
                  hasUberView );
        root.put( "isDirtyMethodName",
                  isDirtyMethodName );
        root.put( "onSaveMethodName",
                  onSaveMethodName );
        root.put( "getMenuBarMethodName",
                  getMenuBarMethodName );
        root.put( "getToolBarMethodName",
                  getToolBarMethodName );
        root.put( "securityTraitList",
                  securityTraitList );
        root.put( "rolesList",
                  rolesList );

        //Generate code
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        final BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( sw );
        try {
            final Template template = config.getTemplate( "activityEditor.ftl" );
            template.process( root,
                              bw );
        } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
            throw new GenerationException( ioe );
        } catch ( TemplateException te ) {
            throw new GenerationException( te );
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
                throw new GenerationException( ioe );
        logger.debug( "Successfully generated code for [" + className + "]" );

        return sw.getBuffer();
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        logger.debug( "securityTraitList: " + securityTraitList );
        logger.debug( "rolesList: " + rolesList );

        //Validate getWidgetMethodName and isWidget
        if ( !isWidget && getWidgetMethodName == null ) {
            throw new GenerationException( "The WorkbenchPopup must either extend IsWidget or provide a @WorkbenchPartView annotated method to return a", packageName + "." + className );
        if ( isWidget && getWidgetMethodName != null ) {
            final String msg = "The WorkbenchPopup both extends and provides a @WorkbenchPartView annotated method. The annotated method will take precedence.";
            processingEnvironment.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.WARNING,
                                                              msg );
            logger.warn( msg );

        //Validate onStartup0ParameterMethodName and onStartup1ParameterMethodName
        if ( onStartup0ParameterMethodName != null && onStartup1ParameterMethodName != null ) {
            final String msg = "Found multiple @OnStartup methods. Each class can declare at most one.";
            throw new GenerationException( msg );

        //Validate getTitleMethodName and getTitleWidgetMethodName
        if ( getTitleMethodName == null ) {
            throw new GenerationException( "The WorkbenchPopup must provide a @WorkbenchPartTitle annotated method to return a java.lang.String.", packageName + "." + className );

        //Setup data for template sub-system
        Map<String, Object> root = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        root.put( "packageName",
                  packageName );
        root.put( "className",
                  className );
        root.put( "identifier",
                  identifier );
        root.put( "realClassName",
                  classElement.getSimpleName().toString() );
        root.put( "onStartup0ParameterMethodName",
                  onStartup0ParameterMethodName );
        root.put( "onStartup1ParameterMethodName",
                  onStartup1ParameterMethodName );
        root.put( "onMayCloseMethodName",
                  onMayCloseMethodName );
        root.put( "onCloseMethodName",
                  onCloseMethodName );
        root.put( "onShutdownMethodName",
                  onShutdownMethodName );
        root.put( "onOpenMethodName",
                  onOpenMethodName );
        root.put( "getTitleMethodName",
                  getTitleMethodName );
        root.put( "getTitleWidgetMethodName",
                  getTitleWidgetMethodName );
        root.put( "getWidgetMethodName",
                  getWidgetMethodName );
        root.put( "isWidget",
                  isWidget );
        root.put( "hasUberView",
                  hasUberView );
        root.put( "securityTraitList",
                  securityTraitList );
        root.put( "rolesList",
                  rolesList );

        //Generate code
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        final BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( sw );
        try {
            final Template template = config.getTemplate( "popupScreen.ftl" );
            template.process( root,
                              bw );
        } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
            throw new GenerationException( ioe );
        } catch ( TemplateException te ) {
            throw new GenerationException( te );
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
                throw new GenerationException( ioe );
        logger.debug( "Successfully generated code for [" + className + "]" );

        return sw.getBuffer();
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        logger.debug( "securityTraitList: " + securityTraitList );
        logger.debug( "rolesList: " + rolesList );

        //Validate getWidgetMethodName and isWidget
        if ( !isWidget && getWidgetMethodName == null ) {
            throw new GenerationException( "The WorkbenchContext must either extend IsWidget or provide a @WorkbenchPartView annotated method to return a", packageName + "." + className );
        if ( isWidget && getWidgetMethodName != null ) {
            final String msg = "The WorkbenchContext both extends and provides a @WorkbenchPartView annotated method. The annotated method will take precedence.";
            processingEnvironment.getMessager().printMessage( Kind.WARNING,
                                                              msg );
            logger.warn( msg );

        //Validate getTitleMethodName and getTitleWidgetMethodName
        if ( getTitleMethodName == null ) {
            throw new GenerationException( "The WorkbenchContext must provide a @WorkbenchPartTitle annotated method to return a java.lang.String.", packageName + "." + className );

        //Setup data for template sub-system
        Map<String, Object> root = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        root.put( "packageName",
                  packageName );
        root.put( "className",
                  className );
        root.put( "identifier",
                  identifier );
        root.put( "realClassName",
                  classElement.getSimpleName().toString() );
        root.put( "onOpenMethodName",
                  onOpenMethodName );
        root.put( "getOnContextAttachPanelDefinitionMethodName",
                  getOnContextAttachPanelDefinitionMethodName );
        root.put( "getTitleMethodName",
                  getTitleMethodName );
        root.put( "getTitleWidgetMethodName",
                  getTitleWidgetMethodName );
        root.put( "getWidgetMethodName",
                  getWidgetMethodName );
        root.put( "isWidget",
                  isWidget );
        root.put( "hasUberView",
                  hasUberView );
        root.put( "securityTraitList",
                  securityTraitList );
        root.put( "rolesList",
                  rolesList );

        //Generate code
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        final BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( sw );
        try {
            final Template template = config.getTemplate( "activityContext.ftl" );
            template.process( root,
                              bw );
        } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
            throw new GenerationException( ioe );
        } catch ( TemplateException te ) {
            throw new GenerationException( te );
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
                throw new GenerationException( ioe );
        logger.debug( "Successfully generated code for [" + className + "]" );

        return sw.getBuffer();
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        if ( template.thereIsTemplateFields() ) {
            return template;
        throw new GenerationException( "The Template WorkbenchPerspective must provide a @WorkbenchPanel or @WorkbenchPart annotated field." );
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        wbPanel.setFieldName( element.getSimpleName().toString() );
        wbPanel.setWbParts( getWorkbenchPartsFrom( element ) );
        wbPanel.setPanelType( extractPanelType( element ) );
        if ( wbPanel.isDefault() ) {
            if ( shouldHaveOnlyOneDefaultPanel( template ) ) {
                throw new GenerationException( "The Template WorkbenchPerspective must provide only one @WorkbenchPanel annotated field." );
            template.setDefaultPanel( wbPanel );
        } else {
            template.addTemplateField( wbPanel );
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        try {
            Class<? extends Annotation> aClass = annotation.annotationType();
            Method identifier = aClass.getDeclaredMethod( annotationProperty );
            value = String.valueOf( identifier.invoke( annotation ) );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            throw new GenerationException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
        return value;
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                Method val = parameterMapping.getDeclaredMethod( "val" );
                map.put( String.valueOf( name.invoke( parameter ) ), String.valueOf( val.invoke( parameter ) ) );

        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            throw new GenerationException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
        return map;
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        String identifierValue;
        try {
            Method identifier = annotation.getDeclaredMethod( methodName );
            identifierValue = String.valueOf( identifier.invoke( element.getAnnotation( annotation ) ) );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            throw new GenerationException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
        return identifierValue;
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Related Classes of org.uberfire.annotations.processors.exceptions.GenerationException

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