* otherwise I analyze the SVN log. This makes it also more tolerant to repositories
* that were moved from another location (e.g. the Apache incubation policy)
String repoRoot = fRepository.getRepositoryRoot(true).toString();
String repoUrl = fRepository.getLocation().toString();
SVNNodeKind trunk =
getEntryType(repoUrl.substring(repoUrl.indexOf(repoRoot) + repoRoot.length()) + "/"
+ SVNConnectorMessages.SVNConnector_trunk, -1, 'M');
SVNNodeKind tags =
getEntryType(repoUrl.substring(repoUrl.indexOf(repoRoot) + repoRoot.length()) + "/"
+ SVNConnectorMessages.SVNConnector_tags, -1, 'M');
SVNNodeKind branches =
getEntryType(repoUrl.substring(repoUrl.indexOf(repoRoot) + repoRoot.length()) + "/"
+ SVNConnectorMessages.SVNConnector_branches, -1, 'M');
if (!trunk.equals(SVNNodeKind.NONE) && !tags.equals(SVNNodeKind.NONE) && !branches.equals(SVNNodeKind.NONE)) {
fStandardSVNLayout = true;
} else {
for (SVNLogEntry logEntry : entries) {
Map<String, SVNLogEntryPath> changedPaths = logEntry.getChangedPaths();
if (!fCvsToSvn) {