Package org.tmatesoft.svn.core

Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDirEntry

                lastCommitDate = timeString != null ? SVNDate.parseDateString(timeString) : null;

        SVNURL entryURL = parentURL.appendPath(repEntry.getName(), false);
        SVNDirEntry dirEntry = new SVNDirEntry(entryURL, getRepositoryRoot(false), repEntry.getName(), kind, size, hasProps, revision, lastCommitDate, lastAuthor, log);
        return dirEntry;
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                SVNRepository repository = createRepository(locations[0].getURL(), null, null, true);
                long revision = locations[0].getRevisionNumber();
                Collection entries = new ArrayList();
                repository.getDir("", revision, null, 0, entries);
                for (Iterator ents = entries.iterator(); ents.hasNext();) {
                    SVNDirEntry entry = (SVNDirEntry);
                    // add new copy source.
                    expanded.add(new SVNCopySource(SVNRevision.UNDEFINED, source.getRevision(), entry.getURL()));
            } else {
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                SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR, new ArrayList());

        for (Iterator ents = children.iterator(); ents.hasNext();) {
            SVNDirEntry child = (SVNDirEntry);
            SVNURL childURL = url.appendPath(child.getName(), false);
            String childPath = SVNPathUtil.append(path, child.getName());
            String displayPath = repos.getFullPath(childPath);
            displayPath = displayPath.substring(repos.getLocation().getPath().length());
            if (displayPath.startsWith("/")) {
                displayPath = displayPath.substring(1);
            if ("".equals(displayPath)) {
                displayPath = path;
            SVNLock lock = (SVNLock) locks.get(path);
            SVNInfo info = SVNInfo.createInfo(displayPath, root, uuid, url, rev, child, lock);
            if (depth.compareTo(SVNDepth.IMMEDIATES) >= 0 || (depth == SVNDepth.FILES &&
                    child.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.FILE)) {
            if (depth == SVNDepth.INFINITY && child.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
                pushDirInfo(repos, rev, SVNPathUtil.append(path, child.getName()), root, uuid, childURL,
                        locks, depth, handler);
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            if (SVNDepth.FILES.compareTo(depth) <= 0) {
                for (Iterator entries = children.iterator(); entries.hasNext();) {
                    SVNDirEntry child = (SVNDirEntry);
                    SVNURL childURL = url.appendPath(child.getName(), false);
                    String childPath = "".equals(path) ? child.getName() : SVNPathUtil.append(path, child.getName());
                    SVNDepth depthBelowHere = depth;
                    if (child.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR && depth == SVNDepth.FILES) {
                    if (depth == SVNDepth.FILES || depth == SVNDepth.IMMEDIATES) {
                        depthBelowHere = SVNDepth.EMPTY;
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        depth = depth == null ? SVNDepth.UNKNOWN : depth;
        long[] revNum = { SVNRepository.INVALID_REVISION };
        SVNRepository repos = createRepository(url, null, null, pegRevision, revision, revNum);
        url = repos.getLocation();
        SVNDirEntry rootEntry = null;
        SVNURL reposRoot = repos.getRepositoryRoot(true);
        String reposUUID = repos.getRepositoryUUID(true);
        String baseName = SVNPathUtil.tail(url.getPath());

        try {
            rootEntry ="", revNum[0]);
        } catch (SVNException e) {
            if (e.getErrorMessage() != null &&
                    e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
                // for svnserve older then 1.2.0
                if (url.equals(reposRoot)) {
                    if (depth.compareTo(SVNDepth.EMPTY) > 0) {
                        SVNLock[] locks = null;
                        if (pegRevision == SVNRevision.HEAD) {
                            try {
                                locks = repos.getLocks("");
                            } catch (SVNException svne) {
                                SVNErrorCode code = svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode();
                                if (code == SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ||
                                        code == SVNErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE) {
                                    locks = new SVNLock[0];
                                } else {
                                    throw svne;
                        } else {
                            locks = new SVNLock[0];

                        locks = locks == null ? new SVNLock[0] : locks;
                        Map locksMap = new SVNHashMap();
                        for (int i = 0; i < locks.length; i++) {
                            SVNLock lock = locks[i];
                            locksMap.put(lock.getPath(), lock);

                        pushDirInfo(repos, SVNRevision.create(revNum[0]), "", repos.getRepositoryRoot(true),
                                reposUUID, url, locksMap, depth, handler);
                    SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE,
                            "Server does not support retrieving information about the repository root");
                    SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
                SVNNodeKind urlKind = repos.checkPath("", revNum[0]);
                if (urlKind == SVNNodeKind.NONE) {
                    SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_ILLEGAL_URL,
                            "URL ''{0}'' non-existent in revision {1}",
                            new Object[]{ url, new Long(revNum[0]) });
                    SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
                SVNRepository parentRepos = createRepository(url.removePathTail(), null, null, false);
                Collection dirEntries = parentRepos.getDir("", revNum[0], null, SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_KIND |
                        SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_CREATED_REVISION | SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_TIME |
                        SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR, ( Collection )null);
                for (Iterator ents = dirEntries.iterator(); ents.hasNext();) {
                    SVNDirEntry dirEntry = (SVNDirEntry);
                    // dir entry name may differ from 'name', due to renames...
                    if (baseName.equals(dirEntry.getName())) {
                        rootEntry = dirEntry;
                if (rootEntry == null) {
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                                 SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_KIND | SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_CREATED_REVISION,

                final SVNDirEntry logEntry = handler.getParent();

                final List<TestVersionResult.Test> tests = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(handler.getChildren().size());
                for (final SVNDirEntry testDefFile : handler.getChildren()) {
                    if (testDefFile.getKind() != SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
                        LOGGER.warn(String.format("svn kind (%s) is not SVNNodeKind.DIR, skipping %s", testDefFile.getKind(), testDefFile.getURL()));
                    final String testName = testDefFile.getName();
                    final long testRevision;

                        When a svn directory gets copied using svn cp source-dir destination-dir, the revision
                        returned by svn list --verbose directory is different from that of svn log directory/sub-dir
                        The revision returned by svn list is the revision of the on the source-dir instead of the destination-dir
                        The code below checks to see if the directory at the provided revision exists, if it does it will use this revision.
                        If the directory does does not exist, try and identify the correct revision using svn log.
                    final SVNLogEntry log = getMostRecentLogEntry(clientManager, testDefPath + "/" + testDefFile.getRelativePath(), svnRevision);
                    if (log != null && log.getRevision() != testDefFile.getRevision()) {
                        // The difference in the log.revision and the list.revision can occur during an ( svn cp )
                        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            LOGGER.debug("svn log r" + log.getRevision() + " is different than svn list r" + testDefFile.getRevision() + " for " + testDefFile.getURL());
                        testRevision = log.getRevision();
                    } else {
                        testRevision = testDefFile.getRevision();

                    tests.add(new TestVersionResult.Test(testName, String.valueOf(testRevision)));

                final String matrixRevision = String.valueOf(logEntry.getRevision());
                return new TestVersionResult(

            public StoreException handleException(final Exception e) throws StoreException {
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    private void doList(SVNRepository repos, long rev, final ISVNDirEntryHandler handler, boolean fetchLocks, SVNDepth depth, int entryFields) throws SVNException {
        SVNURL url = repos.getLocation();
        SVNURL reposRoot = repos.getRepositoryRoot(false);
        SVNDirEntry entry = null;
        SVNException error = null;
        try {
            entry ="", rev);
        } catch (SVNException svne) {
            if (svne.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) {
                error = svne;
            } else {
                throw svne;
        if (error != null) {
            SVNNodeKind kind = repos.checkPath("", rev);
            if (kind != SVNNodeKind.NONE) {
                if (!url.equals(reposRoot)) {
                    String name = SVNPathUtil.tail(repos.getLocation().getPath());
                    repos.setLocation(repos.getLocation().removePathTail(), false);
                    Collection dirEntries = repos.getDir("", rev, null, entryFields, (Collection) null);
                    repos.setLocation(url, false);
                    for (Iterator ents = dirEntries.iterator(); ents.hasNext();) {
                        SVNDirEntry dirEntry = (SVNDirEntry);
                        if (name.equals(dirEntry.getName())) {
                            entry = dirEntry;
                    if (entry != null) {
                        entry.setRelativePath(kind == SVNNodeKind.FILE ? name : "");
                } else {
                    SVNProperties props = new SVNProperties();
                    repos.getDir("", rev, props, entryFields, (Collection) null);
                    SVNProperties revProps = repos.getRevisionProperties(rev, null);
                    String author = revProps.getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.AUTHOR);
                    String dateStr = revProps.getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.DATE);
                    Date datestamp = null;
                    if (dateStr != null) {
                        datestamp = SVNDate.parseDateString(dateStr);
                    entry = new SVNDirEntry(url, reposRoot, "", kind, 0, !props.isEmpty(), rev, datestamp, author);
        } else if (entry != null) {
            entry.setRelativePath(entry.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR ? "" : entry.getName());
        if (entry == null) {
            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.FS_NOT_FOUND, "URL ''{0}'' non-existent in that revision", url);
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
        final Map locksMap = new SVNHashMap();
        if (fetchLocks) {
            SVNLock[] locks = new SVNLock[0];
            try {
                locks = repos.getLocks("");               
            } catch (SVNException e) {
                if (!(e.getErrorMessage() != null && e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)) {
                    throw e;
            if (locks != null && locks.length > 0) {
                SVNURL root = repos.getRepositoryRoot(true);
                for (int i = 0; i < locks.length; i++) {
                    String repositoryPath = locks[i].getPath();
                    locksMap.put(root.appendPath(repositoryPath, false), locks[i]);
        ISVNDirEntryHandler nestedHandler = new ISVNDirEntryHandler() {
            public void handleDirEntry(SVNDirEntry dirEntry) throws SVNException {
                dirEntry.setLock((SVNLock) locksMap.get(dirEntry.getURL()));

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        Collection entries = new TreeSet();
        entries = repository.getDir(path, rev, null, entryFields, entries);

        for (Iterator iterator = entries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            SVNDirEntry entry = (SVNDirEntry);
            String childPath = SVNPathUtil.append(path, entry.getName());
            if (entry.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.FILE || depth == SVNDepth.IMMEDIATES ||
                depth == SVNDepth.INFINITY) {
            if (entry.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR && entry.getDate() != null && depth == SVNDepth.INFINITY) {
                list(repository, childPath, rev, depth, entryFields, handler);
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                    if (mergeRange.getStartRevision() >= mergeRange.getEndRevision()) {
                        SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN, "range start >= end");
                        SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);
                    SVNDirEntry dirEntry =, mergeRange.getEndRevision());
                    if (mergeRangeContainsRevision(mergeRange, dirEntry.getRevision())) {
                        SVNURL fullURL = repository.getLocation();
                        if (path.startsWith("/")) {
                            path = path.substring(1);
                        fullURL = fullURL.appendPath(path, false);
                        SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.CLIENT_NOT_READY_TO_MERGE,
                        "At least one revision (r{0}) not yet merged from ''{1}''",
                        new Object[] { new Long(dirEntry.getRevision()), fullURL });
                        SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);
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    public void endTarget() {
        try {
            for (Iterator ents = myDirEntries.iterator(); ents.hasNext();) {
                SVNDirEntry entry = (SVNDirEntry);
            myDirEntries = null;
        } catch (SAXException e) {
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