// With copy and original timestamps we pretend commit happens to an existing repository
// in a regular manner (it's unlikely to have commits within the same second in a real life)
// XXX Note, once we have more robust method to detect file changes (e.g. Java7), this
// approach shall be abandoned.
File repoLoc = RepoUtils.copyRepoToTempLocation("log-1", "test-commit-rollback");
final Path newFilePath = Path.create("xx");
final File newFile = new File(repoLoc, newFilePath.toString());
RepoUtils.createFile(newFile, "xyz");
HgRepository hgRepo = new HgLookup().detect(repoLoc);
HgDataFile dfB = hgRepo.getFileNode("b");
HgDataFile dfD = hgRepo.getFileNode("d");
assertTrue("[sanity]", dfB.exists());