public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Map<String, Object> po = new HashMap<String, Object>();
po.put(DataAccessProvider.CFG_PROPERTY_MAPIO_LIMIT, 0);
final HgLookup hgLookup = new HgLookup(new BasicSessionContext(po , null));
final File rebaseFromRepoLoc = RepoUtils.cloneRepoToTempLocation(new File("/temp/hg/junit-test-repos/test-annotate"), "repo-lock-remote", false, true);
final File rebaseToRepoLoc = RepoUtils.cloneRepoToTempLocation(rebaseFromRepoLoc, "repo-lock-local", false, true);
final File remoteChanges = new File(rebaseFromRepoLoc, "file1");
// create commit in the "local" repository that will be rebased on top of changes