Thymeleaf's basic implementation of Spring's {@link org.springframework.expression.EvaluationContext}interface.
This implementation adds Thymeleaf's own property accessors (see {@link org.springframework.expression.PropertyAccessor}) for accessing the {@link org.thymeleaf.context.VariablesMap} object in which variables are stored at thecontext.
Also, this evaluation context (which is usually instanced at the {@link org.thymeleaf.spring3.view.ThymeleafView} initialization) links the execution of expressionswith the available {@link BeanFactory} and {@link ConversionService} instances, used during evaluation.
Before executing a Spring EL expression using this evaluation context, it should be enriched with the variables to be made accessible (like #variableName), using a {@link ThymeleafEvaluationContextWrapper} object.
@author Daniel Fernández @since 2.1.0