Package org.stringtemplate.v4.misc

Examples of org.stringtemplate.v4.misc.ObjectModelAdaptor

    EvalTemplateEvent e = ((Wrapper)parent).event;
    return e.scope.childEvalTemplateEvents.size();

  public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {
    EvalTemplateEvent p = ((Wrapper)parent).event;
    EvalTemplateEvent c = ((Wrapper)parent).event;
        int i = 0;
        for (EvalTemplateEvent e : p.scope.childEvalTemplateEvents) {
            if ( == ) {
//        System.out.println(i);
//        System.out.println("found "+e.self+" as child of "+parentST);
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        viewFrame.trace.setText(Misc.join(trace.iterator(), "\n"));

        CaretListener caretListenerLabel = new CaretListener() {
            public void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e) {
                int dot = e.getDot();
                InterpEvent de = findEventAtOutputLocation(allEvents, dot);
                if ( de==null ) currentScope = tmodel.root.event.scope;
        else currentScope = de.scope;

        // update tree view of template hierarchy
        // compute path from root to currentST, create TreePath for tree widget
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      new Interpreter(groupThatCreatedThisInstance, locale, true);
    interp.exec(wr, this); // render and track events
    List<InterpEvent> events = interp.getEvents();
    EvalTemplateEvent overallTemplateEval =
    STViz viz = new STViz(errMgr, overallTemplateEval, out.toString(), interp,
                interp.getExecutionTrace(), errors.errors);;
    return viz;
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  protected void writeRecognizer(ST template, CodeGenerator gen) {
    if ( g.tool.launch_ST_inspector ) {
      STViz viz = template.inspect();
      if (g.tool.ST_inspector_wait_for_close) {
        try {
        catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          g.tool.errMgr.toolError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex);
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      boolean can_break = false;
      Object tok = tokens.get(i);
      if( tok instanceof Aggregate )
        Aggregate atok = (Aggregate) tok;
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> pairs : {
          if( pairs.getValue().equals("EOF") )
            can_break = true;
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        return entity.getTypeName();

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {

            EntityDescription entity = (EntityDescription) o;
            if ("docString".equals(propertyName)) {
              return jsDocString(entity.getDocString());

            else if ("canonicalName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return getPackageName(entity) + "." + upcase(entity.getTypeName());

            else if ("supertype".equals(propertyName)) {
              EntityDescription supertype = entity.getSupertype();
              if (supertype == null) {
                supertype = baseHasUuid;
              return supertype;

            else if ("properties".equals(propertyName)) {

              Map<String, Property> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                propertyMap.put(p.getName(), p);

              List<Property> sortedProperties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              Collections.sort(sortedProperties, new Comparator<Property>() {
                public int compare(Property p1, Property p2) {
                  return p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName());

              return sortedProperties;

            else if ("collectionProperties".equals(propertyName)) {
              return getSortedCollectionProperties(entity);

            else if ("uniqueTypeCollectionListProperties".equals(propertyName)) {
              List<Property> props = getSortedCollectionProperties(entity);
              Iterator<Property> iter = props.iterator();

              Set<String> seen = new HashSet<String>();
              while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Property prop =;
                String name = collectionNameForProperty(prop);
                if (!seen.contains(name)) {
                else {
              return props;

            else if ("validations".equals(propertyName)) {
              Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                List<String> validations = new ArrayList<String>();

                List<Annotation> docAnnotations = p.getDocAnnotations();
                if (docAnnotations != null) {
                  for (Annotation a : docAnnotations) {
                    String name = a.annotationType().getName();

                    String validation = validationMap.get(name);
                    if (validation != null) {
                      validation = "new " + validation + "(";
                      validation += getValidationParameters(a);
                      validation += ")";

                if (!validations.isEmpty()) {
                  map.put(p.getName(), validations);
              return map;

            else if ("validationRequires".equals(propertyName)) {
              Set<String> requires = new HashSet<String>();

              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                List<Annotation> docAnnotations = p.getDocAnnotations();
                if (docAnnotations != null) {
                  for (Annotation a : docAnnotations) {
                    String name = a.annotationType().getName();
                    String require = validationMap.get(name);
                    if (require != null) {

              return requires;

            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);


    group.registerModelAdaptor(Property.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        Property p = (Property) o;
        if ("docString".equals(propertyName)) {
          String docString = jsDocString(p.getDocString());

          List<String> enumValues = p.getType().getEnumValues();
          if (enumValues == null && p.getType().getListElement() != null &&
            p.getType().getListElement().getEnumValues() != null) {
            enumValues = p.getType().getListElement().getEnumValues();
          if (enumValues != null) {
            docString = docString == null ? "" : docString;
            docString += "\n\nPossible values: ";
            for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.size(); i++) {
              docString += enumValues.get(i);
              if (i < enumValues.size() - 1) docString += ", ";

          return docString;


        else if ("jsType".equals(propertyName)) {
          return jsTypeForType(p.getType());

        else if ("listElementEnum".equals(propertyName)) {
          if (p.getType() != null && p.getType().getListElement() != null &&
            p.getType().getListElement().getEnumValues() != null) {
            String enumVals = "";
            int idx = 0;
            for (String val : p.getType().getListElement().getEnumValues()) {
              if (idx != 0) {
                enumVals += ", ";
              enumVals += val;
            return enumVals;

        else if ("listElementKind".equals(propertyName)) {
          if (p.getType().getListElement() != null &&
            p.getType().getListElement().getName() != null) {
            return (packageName + "." + upcase(p.getType().getListElement().toString()));

        else if ("collectionName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return collectionNameForProperty(p);

        else if ("canonicalListElementKind".equals(propertyName)) {
          if (p.getType().getListElement() != null) {

            String collectionModelType = jsTypeForType(p.getType().getListElement());
            Property implied = p.getImpliedProperty();
            if (implied != null) {
              return "function(attrs, options) {\n" +
                "      return new " + collectionModelType + "(\n" +
                "        _(attrs).extend({ " + implied.getName()
                + " : self }), options);\n" +
                "    }";
            else {
              return collectionModelType;

        else if ("defaultValue".equals(propertyName)) {
          String defaultVal = "undefined";
          if (p.isEmbedded()) {
            defaultVal = "new " + jsTypeForType(p.getType()) + "()";
          if (p.getType().getJsonKind().equals(JsonKind.LIST) &&
            jsTypeForType(p.getType().getListElement()).equals("String")) {
            defaultVal = "[]";
          else if (p.getType().getJsonKind().equals(JsonKind.LIST) &&
            p.getType().getListElement().getName() != null) {
            defaultVal = "new " + collectionNameForProperty(p) + "()";
          else if (p.getType().getJsonKind().equals(JsonKind.MAP)) {
            return "{}";
          return defaultVal;

        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(String.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {

      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        final String string = (String) o;
        if ("chunks".equals(propertyName)) {
           * Split a string into individual chunks that can be reflowed. This implementation is
           * pretty simplistic, but helps make the generated documentation at least somewhat more
           * readable.
          return new Iterator<CharSequence>() {
            int index;
            int length = string.length();
            CharSequence next;


            public boolean hasNext() {
              return next != null;

            public CharSequence next() {
              CharSequence toReturn = next;
              return toReturn;

            public void remove() {
              throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            private void advance() {
              int start = advance(false);
              int end = advance(true);
              if (start == end) {
                next = null;
              } else {
                next = string.subSequence(start, end);

             * Advance to next non-whitespace character.
            private int advance(boolean whitespace) {
              while (index < length
                && (whitespace ^ Character.isWhitespace(string.charAt(index)))) {
              return index;
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            ApiDescription apiDescription = (ApiDescription) o;
            if ("endpoints".equals(propertyName)) {
              Set<EndpointDescription> uniqueEndpoints =
                  new HashSet<EndpointDescription>(apiDescription.getEndpoints());
              List<EndpointDescription> sortedEndpoints = new ArrayList<EndpointDescription>(
              Collections.sort(sortedEndpoints, new Comparator<EndpointDescription>() {
                public int compare(EndpointDescription e1, EndpointDescription e2) {
                  return e1.getPath().compareTo(e2.getPath());
              Iterator<EndpointDescription> iter = sortedEndpoints.iterator();
              while (iter.hasNext()) {
                EndpointDescription ed =;
                if (ed.getPath() != null && ed.getPath().contains("{path:.*}")) {
              return sortedEndpoints;
            else if ("flatpackEndpoints".equals(propertyName)) {
              List<EndpointDescription> sortedEndpoints = new ArrayList<EndpointDescription>(
              Collections.sort(sortedEndpoints, new Comparator<EndpointDescription>() {
                public int compare(EndpointDescription e1, EndpointDescription e2) {
                  return e1.getPath().compareTo(e2.getPath());
              Iterator<EndpointDescription> iter = sortedEndpoints.iterator();
              while (iter.hasNext()) {
                if (!hasCustomRequestBuilderClass( {
              return sortedEndpoints;
            else if ("requireNames".equals(propertyName)) {
              return entityRequires;
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            EndpointDescription end = (EndpointDescription) o;
            if ("docString".equals(propertyName)) {
              return jsDocString(end.getDocString());
            if ("methodName".equals(propertyName)) {

              String path = end.getPath();
              String[] parts = path.split(Pattern.quote("/"));
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
              for (int i = 3, j = parts.length; i < j; i++) {
                String part = parts[i];
                if (part.length() == 0) continue;
                if (!part.startsWith("{") && !part.endsWith("}")) {
                  if (part.contains(".")) {
                    String[] dotPart = part.split(Pattern.quote("."));
                    for (String dot : dotPart) {
                  else {
                else {
                  sb.append(upcase(part.substring(1, part.length() - 1)));

              return sb.toString();

            else if ("methodParameterList".equals(propertyName)) {
              String path = end.getPath();
              String[] parts = path.split(Pattern.quote("/"));
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
              int paramCount = 0;
              for (int i = 3, j = parts.length; i < j; i++) {
                String part = parts[i];
                if (part.length() == 0) continue;

                if (part.startsWith("{") && part.endsWith("}")) {
                  String name = part.substring(1, part.length() - 1);
                  if (end.getPathParameters() != null
                    && paramCount < end.getPathParameters().size()) {
                    sb.append(", ");
              if (end.getEntity() != null) {
                if (paramCount > 0) {
                  sb.append(", ");

              return sb.toString();
            else if ("entityName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return getNameForType(end.getEntity());
            else if ("requestBuilderClassName".equals(propertyName)) {

              if (hasCustomRequestBuilderClass(end)) {
                return getBuilderReturnType(end);
              else {
                return "com.getperka.flatpack.client.JsonRequest";

            else if ("requestBuilderBlockName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return getBuilderReturnType(end) + "Block";

            else if ("pathDecoded".equals(propertyName)) {
              // URL-decode the path in the endpoint description
              try {
                String decoded = URLDecoder.decode(end.getPath(), "UTF8");
                return decoded;
              } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);


        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            ParameterDescription param = (ParameterDescription) o;
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        return entity.getTypeName();

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            ApiDescription apiDescription = (ApiDescription) o;
            if ("endpoints".equals(propertyName)) {
              List<EndpointDescription> sortedEndpoints = new ArrayList<EndpointDescription>(
              Collections.sort(sortedEndpoints, new Comparator<EndpointDescription>() {
                public int compare(EndpointDescription e1, EndpointDescription e2) {
                  return e1.getPath().compareTo(e2.getPath());
              return sortedEndpoints;
            else if ("importNames".equals(propertyName)) {
              Set<String> imports = new HashSet<String>();
              for (EndpointDescription e : apiDescription.getEndpoints()) {
                if (e.getEntity() != null) {
                  String type = objcTypeForType(e.getEntity());
                  if (isRequiredImport(type)) {
                if (e.getReturnType() != null) {
                  String type = objcTypeForType(e.getReturnType());
                  if (isRequiredImport(type)) {
              List<String> sortedImports = new ArrayList<String>(imports);
              return sortedImports;
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            EndpointDescription end = (EndpointDescription) o;
            if ("docString".equals(propertyName)) {
              return doxygenDocString(end.getDocString());
            else if ("methodName".equals(propertyName)) {
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

              sb.append("- (" + getBuilderReturnType(end) + " *)");


              if (end.getEntity() != null) {
                if (end.getPathParameters() != null && end.getPathParameters().size() > 0) {
                  sb.append(" entity");
                String type = objcTypeForType(end.getEntity());
                sb.append(":(" + type + " *)");
                String paramName = type;
                if (type.startsWith(classPrefix)) {
                  paramName = downcase(type.substring(classPrefix.length()));

              return sb.toString();

            else if ("requestBuilderClassName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return getBuilderReturnType(end);

            else if ("requestBuilderBlockName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return getBuilderReturnType(end) + "Block";

            else if ("entityReturnType".equals(propertyName)) {
              String type = objcFlatpackReturnType(end.getReturnType());
              return type.equals("void") ? null : type;

            else if ("entityReturnName".equals(propertyName)) {
              if (end.getReturnType() == null) return null;

              String name = "result";
              if (end.getReturnType().getName() != null) {
                name = end.getReturnType().getName();

              if (end.getReturnType().getListElement() != null) {
                if (end.getReturnType().getListElement().getName() != null) {
                  name = end.getReturnType().getListElement().getName();
                name = pluralOf(name);

              return name;

            else if ("pathDecoded".equals(propertyName)) {
              // URL-decode the path in the endpoint description
              try {
                String decoded = URLDecoder.decode(end.getPath(), "UTF8");
                return decoded;
              } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {

            EntityDescription entity = (EntityDescription) o;
            if ("importNames".equals(propertyName)) {
              Set<String> imports = new HashSet<String>();
              String type = requireNameForType(entity.getTypeName());
              if (isRequiredImport(type)) {
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                String name = null;
                if (p.getType().getListElement() != null) {
                  name = objcTypeForType(p.getType().getListElement());
                else {
                  name = objcTypeForProperty(p);
                if (name != null && isRequiredImport(name)) {
              List<String> sortedImports = new ArrayList<String>(imports);
              return sortedImports;
            if ("docString".equals(propertyName)) {
              return doxygenDocString(entity.getDocString());
            else if ("payloadName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return entity.getTypeName();

            else if ("supertype".equals(propertyName)) {
              EntityDescription supertype = entity.getSupertype();
              if (supertype == null) {
                supertype = baseHasUuid;
              return supertype;

            else if ("requireName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return requireNameForType(entity.getTypeName());

            else if ("properties".equals(propertyName)) {

              Map<String, Property> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                propertyMap.put(p.getName(), p);

              List<Property> sortedProperties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              Collections.sort(sortedProperties, new Comparator<Property>() {
                public int compare(Property p1, Property p2) {
                  return p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName());

              return sortedProperties;

            else if ("entityProperties".equals(propertyName)) {

              Map<String, Property> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {

                // TODO if we decide to encode enum types, we'll want to remove the second condition
                if (p.getType().getName() != null) {
                  propertyMap.put(p.getName(), p);

              List<Property> sortedProperties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              Collections.sort(sortedProperties, new Comparator<Property>() {
                public int compare(Property p1, Property p2) {
                  return p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName());

              return sortedProperties;

            else if ("collectionProperties".equals(propertyName)) {
              List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                if (p.getType().getJsonKind().equals(JsonKind.LIST)) {
              List<Property> sortedProperties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              Collections.sort(sortedProperties, new Comparator<Property>() {
                public int compare(Property p1, Property p2) {
                  return p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName());
              return sortedProperties;

            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            ParameterDescription param = (ParameterDescription) o;
            if ("requireName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return upcase(param.getName());
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(Property.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        Property p = (Property) o;
        if ("docString".equals(propertyName)) {
          String docString = p.getDocString();

          List<String> enumValues = p.getType().getEnumValues();
          if (enumValues != null) {
            docString = docString == null ? "" : docString;
            docString += "\n\nPossible values: ";
            for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.size(); i++) {
              docString += enumValues.get(i);
              if (i < enumValues.size() - 1) docString += ", ";
          return doxygenDocString(docString);
        else if ("requireName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return requireNameForType(p.getType().getName());
        else if ("objcType".equals(propertyName)) {
          return objcTypeForProperty(p);
        else if ("modifiers".equals(propertyName)) {
          List<String> modifiers = new ArrayList<String>();
          String safeName = getSafeName(p.getName());
          if (p.getImpliedProperty() != null
            && p.getImpliedProperty().getType().getJsonKind().equals(JsonKind.LIST)) {
          else {
          if (p.getType().getJsonKind().equals(JsonKind.BOOLEAN)) {
            modifiers.add("getter=is" + upcase(safeName));
          if (p.getName().startsWith("new")) {
            modifiers.add("getter=a" + upcase(safeName));
          return modifiers;
        else if ("safeName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return getSafeName(p.getName());
        else if ("upcaseName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return upcase(getSafeName(p.getName()));
        else if ("listElementObjcType".equals(propertyName)) {
          return objcTypeForType(p.getType().getListElement());
        else if ("singularUpcaseName".equals(propertyName)) {
          if (p.getType().getListElement() != null) {
            String type = objcTypeForType(p.getType().getListElement());
            return type.substring(2);
          return upcase(p.getName());

        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(Type.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {

      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {

        if (propertyName.equals("name")) {
          return ((Type) o).getName();
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(String.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {

      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
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        return upcase(entity.getTypeName());

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            EndpointDescription end = (EndpointDescription) o;
            if ("className".equals(propertyName) || "methodName".equals(propertyName)) {
              // Convert a path like /api/2/foo/bar/{}/baz to FooBarBazMethod
              String path = end.getPath();
              String[] parts = path.split(Pattern.quote("/"));
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
              for (int i = 3, j = parts.length; i < j; i++) {
                try {
                  String part = parts[i];
                  if (part.length() == 0) {
                  StringBuilder decodedPart = new StringBuilder(URLDecoder
                      .decode(part, "UTF8"));
                  // Trim characters that aren't legal
                  for (int k = decodedPart.length() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
                    if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(decodedPart.charAt(k))) {
                  // Append the new name part, using camel-cased names
                  String newPart = decodedPart.toString();
                  if (sb.length() > 0) {
                    newPart = upcase(newPart);
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                  throw new RuntimeException(e);
              String name = sb.toString();

              return "className".equals(propertyName) ? upcase(name) : camelCaseToUnderscore(name);
            } else if ("pathDecoded".equals(propertyName)) {
              // URL-decode the path in the endpoint description
              try {
                String decoded = URLDecoder.decode(end.getPath(), "UTF8");
                return decoded;
              } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {

            EntityDescription entity = (EntityDescription) o;
            if ("payloadName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return entity.getTypeName();

            else if ("supertype".equals(propertyName)) {
              EntityDescription supertype = entity.getSupertype();
              if (supertype == null) {
                supertype = baseHasUuid;
              return supertype;

            else if ("simpleName".equals(propertyName)) {
              if (entity.getTypeName().equals("baseHasUuid")) {
                return "Flatpack::Core::" + BaseHasUuid.class.getSimpleName();
              return upcase(entity.getTypeName());

            else if ("requireName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return requireNameForType(entity.getTypeName());

            else if ("properties".equals(propertyName)) {
              List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                if (!p.isEmbedded()) {
              return properties;

            else if ("entityProperties".equals(propertyName)) {

              Map<String, Property> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {

                // TODO if we decide to encode enum types, we'll want to remove the second condition
                if (p.getType().getName() != null && p.getType().getEnumValues() == null) {
                  propertyMap.put(p.getName(), p);

              return propertyMap.values();

            else if ("embeddedEntityProperties".equals(propertyName)) {
              Map<String, Property> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                if (p.getType().getName() != null &&
                  p.getType().getEnumValues() == null && p.isEmbedded()) {

                  propertyMap.put(p.getName(), p);
              return propertyMap.values();

            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            ParameterDescription param = (ParameterDescription) o;
            if ("underscoreName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return camelCaseToUnderscore(param.getName());
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(Property.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        Property p = (Property) o;
        if ("attrName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return camelCaseToUnderscore(p.getName());

        else if ("requireName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return requireNameForType(p.getType().getName());
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(Type.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {

      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {

        if (propertyName.equals("name")) {
          return moduleName + "::" + modelModuleName + "::" + upcase(((Type) o).getName());
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(String.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {

      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
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        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown JsonKind " + type.getJsonKind());
        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            ApiDescription apiDescription = (ApiDescription) o;
            if ("endpoints".equals(propertyName)) {
              Set<EndpointDescription> uniqueEndpoints =
                  new HashSet<EndpointDescription>(apiDescription.getEndpoints());
              List<EndpointDescription> sortedEndpoints = new ArrayList<EndpointDescription>(
              Collections.sort(sortedEndpoints, new Comparator<EndpointDescription>() {
                public int compare(EndpointDescription e1, EndpointDescription e2) {
                  return e1.getPath().compareTo(e2.getPath());
              return sortedEndpoints;
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(EndpointDescription.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o, Object property,
          String propertyName) throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        EndpointDescription end = (EndpointDescription) o;
        if ("combinedArgs".equals(propertyName)) {
          // Return the path and query parameters together
          List<ParameterDescription> toReturn = new ArrayList<ParameterDescription>();
          if (end.getPathParameters() != null) {
          if (end.getQueryParameters() != null) {
          return toReturn;
        } else if ("javaName".equals(propertyName) || "javaNameUpcase".equals(propertyName)) {
          // Convert a path like /api/2/foo/bar/{}/baz to fooBarBazMethod
          String path = end.getPath();
          String[] parts = path.split(Pattern.quote("/"));
          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
          for (int i = stripPathSegments, j = parts.length; i < j; i++) {
            try {
              String part = parts[i];
              if (part.length() == 0) {
              StringBuilder decodedPart = new StringBuilder(URLDecoder.decode(part, "UTF8"));
              // Trim characters that aren't legal
              for (int k = decodedPart.length() - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
                if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(decodedPart.charAt(k))) {
              // Append the new name part, using camel-cased names
              String newPart = decodedPart.toString();
              if (sb.length() > 0) {
                newPart = upcase(newPart);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
              throw new RuntimeException(e);
          String javaName = sb.toString();
          if ("javaNameUpcase".equals(propertyName)) {
            javaName = upcase(javaName);
          return javaName;
        } else if ("pathDecoded".equals(propertyName)) {
          // URL-decode the path in the endpoint description
          try {
            String decoded = URLDecoder.decode(end.getPath(), "UTF8");
            return decoded;
          } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } else if ("hasPayload".equals(propertyName)) {
          return end.getEntity() != null;
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);
    group.registerModelAdaptor(EntityDescription.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o, Object property,
          String propertyName) throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        EntityDescription entity = (EntityDescription) o;
        if ("baseType".equals(propertyName)) {
          return baseTypes.contains(entity.getTypeName());
        } else if ("payloadName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return entity.getTypeName();
        } else if ("supertype".equals(propertyName)) {
          EntityDescription supertype = entity.getSupertype();
          if (supertype == null) {
            return entity.isPersistent() ? BasePersistenceAware.class.getCanonicalName()
                : BaseHasUuid.class.getCanonicalName();
          } else {
            return supertype;
        } else if ("simpleName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return typePrefix + upcase(entity.getTypeName());
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);
    group.registerModelAdaptor(ParameterDescription.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o, Object property,
          String propertyName) throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        ParameterDescription param = (ParameterDescription) o;
        if ("javaNameUpcase".equals(propertyName)) {
          return upcase(param.getName());
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);
    group.registerModelAdaptor(Property.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o, Object property,
          String propertyName) throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        Property p = (Property) o;
        if ("getterName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return upcase(p.getName());
        } else if ("needsImplied".equals(propertyName)) {
          // Returns true if the property has @Implies / @OneToMany and is a list
          return p.getImpliedProperty() != null && p.getType().getListElement() != null;
        } else if ("needsAdder".equals(propertyName)) {
          return JsonKind.LIST.equals(p.getType().getJsonKind());
        } else if ("needsPutter".equals(propertyName)) {
          return JsonKind.MAP.equals(p.getType().getJsonKind());
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);
    group.registerModelAdaptor(Type.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {

      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o, Object property,
          String propertyName) throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        Type type = (Type) o;
        if ("flatTypes".equals(propertyName)) {
          return flatten(type);
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

      private List<String> flatten(Type type) {
        switch (type.getJsonKind()) {
          case ANY:
            return Collections.singletonList(Object.class.getCanonicalName());
          case BOOLEAN:
            return Collections.singletonList(Boolean.class.getCanonicalName());
          case DOUBLE:
            return Collections.singletonList(Double.class.getCanonicalName());
          case INTEGER:
            return Collections.singletonList(Integer.class.getCanonicalName());
          case LIST: {
            List<String> toReturn = new ArrayList<String>();
            return toReturn;
          case MAP: {
            List<String> toReturn = new ArrayList<String>();
            return toReturn;
          case NULL:
            return Collections.singletonList(Void.class.getCanonicalName());
          case STRING: {
            if (type.getName() != null) {
              return Collections.singletonList(typePrefix + upcase(type.getName()));
            } else if (type.getTypeHint() != null) {
              return Collections.singletonList(type.getTypeHint().getValue());
            } else {
              return Collections.singletonList(String.class.getCanonicalName());
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown JsonKind " + type.getJsonKind());
    group.registerModelAdaptor(String.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {

      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o, Object property,
          String propertyName) throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        final String string = (String) o;
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        return entity.getTypeName();

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            ApiDescription apiDescription = (ApiDescription) o;
            if ("endpoints".equals(propertyName)) {
              List<EndpointDescription> sortedEndpoints = new ArrayList<EndpointDescription>(
              Collections.sort(sortedEndpoints, new Comparator<EndpointDescription>() {
                public int compare(EndpointDescription e1, EndpointDescription e2) {
                  return e1.getPath().compareTo(e2.getPath());
              return sortedEndpoints;
            else if ("importNames".equals(propertyName)) {
              Set<String> imports = new HashSet<String>();
              for (EndpointDescription e : apiDescription.getEndpoints()) {
                if (e.getEntity() != null) {
                  String type = phpTypeForType(e.getEntity());
                  if (isRequiredImport(type)) {
                if (e.getReturnType() != null) {
                  String type = phpTypeForType(e.getReturnType());
                  if (isRequiredImport(type)) {
              List<String> sortedImports = new ArrayList<String>(imports);
              return sortedImports;
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            EndpointDescription end = (EndpointDescription) o;
            if ("docString".equals(propertyName)) {
              return doxygenDocString(end.getDocString());
            else if ("methodName".equals(propertyName)) {
              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

              sb.append("public function " + getMethodizedPath(end));

              if (end.getEntity() != null) {
                if (end.getPathParameters() != null && end.getPathParameters().size() > 0) {
                  sb.append(" entity");
                String type = phpTypeForType(end.getEntity());
                String paramName = type;
                if (type.startsWith(classPrefix)) {
                  paramName = downcase(type.substring(classPrefix.length()));
                sb.append("($" + paramName + ")");

               * if (end.getEntity() != null) { if (end.getPathParameters() != null &&
               * end.getPathParameters().size() > 0) { sb.append(" entity"); } String type =
               * phpTypeForType(end.getEntity()); sb.append(":(" + type + " *)"); String paramName =
               * type; if (type.startsWith(classPrefix)) { paramName =
               * downcase(type.substring(classPrefix.length())); } sb.append(paramName); }

              return sb.toString();

            else if ("requestBuilderClassName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return getBuilderReturnType(end);

            else if ("requestBuilderBlockName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return getBuilderReturnType(end) + "Block";

            else if ("entityReturnType".equals(propertyName)) {
              String type = phpFlatpackReturnType(end.getReturnType());
              return type.equals("void") ? null : type;

            else if ("entityReturnName".equals(propertyName)) {
              if (end.getReturnType() == null) return null;

              String name = "result";
              if (end.getReturnType().getName() != null) {
                name = end.getReturnType().getName();

              if (end.getReturnType().getListElement() != null) {
                if (end.getReturnType().getListElement().getName() != null) {
                  name = end.getReturnType().getListElement().getName();
                name = pluralOf(name);

              return name;

            else if ("pathDecoded".equals(propertyName)) {
              // URL-decode the path in the endpoint description
              try {
                String decoded = URLDecoder.decode(end.getPath(), "UTF8");
                return decoded;
              } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {

            EntityDescription entity = (EntityDescription) o;
            if ("importNames".equals(propertyName)) {
              Set<String> imports = new HashSet<String>();
              String type = requireNameForType(entity.getTypeName());
              if (isRequiredImport(type)) {
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                String name = null;
                if (p.getType().getListElement() != null) {
                  name = phpTypeForType(p.getType().getListElement());
                else {
                  name = phpTypeForProperty(p);
                if (name != null && isRequiredImport(name)) {
              List<String> sortedImports = new ArrayList<String>(imports);
              return sortedImports;
            if ("docString".equals(propertyName)) {
              return doxygenDocString(entity.getDocString());
            else if ("payloadName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return entity.getTypeName();

            else if ("supertype".equals(propertyName)) {
              EntityDescription supertype = entity.getSupertype();
              if (supertype == null) {
                supertype = baseHasUuid;
              return supertype;

            else if ("requireName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return requireNameForType(entity.getTypeName());

            else if ("properties".equals(propertyName)) {

              Map<String, Property> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                propertyMap.put(p.getName(), p);

              List<Property> sortedProperties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              Collections.sort(sortedProperties, new Comparator<Property>() {
                public int compare(Property p1, Property p2) {
                  return p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName());

              return sortedProperties;

            else if ("entityProperties".equals(propertyName)) {

              Map<String, Property> propertyMap = new HashMap<String, Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {

                // TODO if we decide to encode enum types, we'll want to remove the second condition
                if (p.getType().getName() != null) {
                  propertyMap.put(p.getName(), p);

              List<Property> sortedProperties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              Collections.sort(sortedProperties, new Comparator<Property>() {
                public int compare(Property p1, Property p2) {
                  return p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName());

              return sortedProperties;

            else if ("collectionProperties".equals(propertyName)) {
              List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              for (Property p : entity.getProperties()) {
                if (p.getType().getJsonKind().equals(JsonKind.LIST)) {
              List<Property> sortedProperties = new ArrayList<Property>();
              Collections.sort(sortedProperties, new Comparator<Property>() {
                public int compare(Property p1, Property p2) {
                  return p1.getName().compareTo(p2.getName());
              return sortedProperties;

            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

        new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
          public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
              Object property, String propertyName)
              throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
            ParameterDescription param = (ParameterDescription) o;
            if ("requireName".equals(propertyName)) {
              return upcase(param.getName());
            return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(Property.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {
      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
        Property p = (Property) o;
        if ("docString".equals(propertyName)) {
          String docString = p.getDocString();

          List<String> enumValues = p.getType().getEnumValues();
          if (enumValues != null) {
            docString = docString == null ? "" : docString;
            docString += "\n\nPossible values: ";
            for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.size(); i++) {
              docString += enumValues.get(i);
              if (i < enumValues.size() - 1) docString += ", ";
          return doxygenDocString(docString);
        else if ("requireName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return requireNameForType(p.getType().getName());
        else if ("phpType".equals(propertyName)) {
          return phpTypeForProperty(p);
        else if ("modifiers".equals(propertyName)) {
          List<String> modifiers = new ArrayList<String>();
          String safeName = getSafeName(p.getName());
          if (p.getImpliedProperty() != null
            && p.getImpliedProperty().getType().getJsonKind().equals(JsonKind.LIST)) {
          else {
          if (p.getType().getJsonKind().equals(JsonKind.BOOLEAN)) {
            modifiers.add("getter=is" + upcase(safeName));
          if (p.getName().startsWith("new")) {
            modifiers.add("getter=a" + upcase(safeName));
          return modifiers;
        else if ("safeName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return getSafeName(p.getName());
        else if ("upcaseName".equals(propertyName)) {
          return upcase(getSafeName(p.getName()));
        else if ("listElementphpType".equals(propertyName)) {
          return phpTypeForType(p.getType().getListElement());
        else if ("singularUpcaseName".equals(propertyName)) {
          if (p.getType().getListElement() != null) {
            String type = phpTypeForType(p.getType().getListElement());
            return type.substring(2);
          return upcase(p.getName());

        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(Type.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {

      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {

        if (propertyName.equals("name")) {
          return ((Type) o).getName();
        return super.getProperty(interp, self, o, property, propertyName);

    group.registerModelAdaptor(String.class, new ObjectModelAdaptor() {

      public Object getProperty(Interpreter interp, ST self, Object o,
          Object property, String propertyName)
          throws STNoSuchPropertyException {
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Related Classes of org.stringtemplate.v4.misc.ObjectModelAdaptor

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