if ( STGroup.trackCreationEvents ) {
if ( debugState==null ) debugState = new ST.DebugState();
debugState.addAttrEvents.map(name, new AddAttributeEvent(name, value));
FormalArgument arg = null;
if ( impl.hasFormalArgs ) {
if ( impl.formalArguments!=null ) arg = impl.formalArguments.get(name);
if ( arg==null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("no such attribute: "+name);
else {
// define and make room in locals (a hack to make new ST("simple template") work.)
if ( impl.formalArguments!=null ) {
arg = impl.formalArguments.get(name);
if ( arg==null ) { // not defined
arg = new FormalArgument(name);
if ( locals==null ) locals = new Object[1];
//else locals = Arrays.copyOf(locals, impl.formalArguments.size());
else {
Object[] copy = new Object[impl.formalArguments.size()];