JUnit 4 based unit test which verifies support of Spring's {@link Transactional @Transactional}, {@link TestExecutionListeners @TestExecutionListeners}, and {@link ContextConfiguration @ContextConfiguration} annotations in conjunctionwith the {@link SpringJUnit4ClassRunner} and the following{@link TestExecutionListener TestExecutionListeners}:
- {@link DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener}
- {@link DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener}
- {@link TransactionalTestExecutionListener}
This class specifically tests usage of @Transactional
defined at the method level. In contrast to {@link ClassLevelTransactionalSpringRunnerTests}, this class omits usage of @NotTransactional
@author Sam Brannen
@since 2.5
@see ClassLevelTransactionalSpringRunnerTests