MimeMessageHelper helper;
try {
helper = new MimeMessageHelper(mimeMessage, true, context.getEncoding());
catch(final MessagingException me) {
throw new MailPreparationException("Unable to create the mime message helper", me);
// apply the routing
final MailRouting mailRouting = context.getRouting();
if(mailRouting == null) {
throw new MailPreparationException("No email routing specified.");
try {
// sender
final NameEmail sender = mailRouting.getSender();
if(sender != null) {
helper.setFrom(sender.getEmailAddress(), sender.getName());
List<NameEmail> list;
// recipients
list = mailRouting.getRecipients();
if(list.isEmpty()) {
throw new MailPreparationException("No email recipients specified");
for(final NameEmail email : list) {
helper.addTo(email.getEmailAddress(), email.getName());
// ccs
list = mailRouting.getCcList();
if(list != null && list.size() > 0) {
for(final NameEmail email : list) {
helper.addCc(email.getEmailAddress(), email.getName());
// bccs
list = mailRouting.getBccList();
if(list != null && list.size() > 0) {
for(final NameEmail email : list) {
helper.addBcc(email.getEmailAddress(), email.getName());
catch(final UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
throw new MailPreparationException("Unsupported mime message encoding: " + uee.getMessage(), uee);
catch(final MessagingException me) {
throw new MailPreparationException("Trouble performing the initial mime message compose:" + me.getMessage(), me);
// do implemenation specific composing
composeImpl(helper, context);
// add attachments
try {
final List<Attachment> attachments = context.getAttachments();
if(!attachments.isEmpty()) {
for(final Attachment attachment : attachments) {
helper.addAttachment(attachment.getName(), attachment.getDataSource());
catch(final MessagingException me) {
throw new MailPreparationException("Unable to add email attachments:" + me.getMessage(), me);
return helper.getMimeMessage();