* @param layoutId id of the layout used by the user
* @return a channel <code>InitialContext</code> value
private Context getChannelJndiContext(String sessionId, String userId, String layoutId) {
final IJndiManager jndiManager = JndiManagerLocator.getJndiManager();
final JndiTemplate jndiTemplate = jndiManager.getJndiTemplate();
final Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
final ClassLoader contextClassLoader = currentThread.getContextClassLoader();
try {
//Switch to the portal classloader to ensure the JNDI lookup works
final ClassLoader portalClassLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
// create a new InitialContext
final Context cic = new MemoryContext(new Hashtable<Object, Object>());
// get services context
final Context servicesContext = (Context) jndiTemplate.lookup("services", Context.class);
// get channel-ids context
final Context channel_idsContext = (Context) jndiTemplate.lookup("users/" + userId + "/layouts/" + layoutId + "/channel-ids", Context.class);
// get channel-obj context
final Context channel_objContext = (Context) jndiTemplate.lookup("users/" + userId + "/sessions/" + sessionId + "/channel-obj", Context.class);
cic.bind("services", servicesContext);
cic.bind("channel-ids", channel_idsContext);
cic.bind("channel-obj", channel_objContext);
cic.bind("portlet-ids", new ArrayList<Object>());