super(pos, expr);
public TypedValue getValueInternal(ExpressionState state) throws EvaluationException {
TypedValue context = state.getActiveContextObject();
Object targetObject = context.getValue();
TypeDescriptor targetObjectTypeDescriptor = context.getTypeDescriptor();
TypedValue indexValue = null;
Object index = null;
// This first part of the if clause prevents a 'double dereference' of the property (SPR-5847)
if (targetObject instanceof Map && (children[0] instanceof PropertyOrFieldReference)) {
PropertyOrFieldReference reference = (PropertyOrFieldReference)children[0];
index = reference.getName();
indexValue = new TypedValue(index);
else {
// In case the map key is unqualified, we want it evaluated against the root object so
// temporarily push that on whilst evaluating the key
try {
indexValue = children[0].getValueInternal(state);
index = indexValue.getValue();
finally {
// Indexing into a Map
if (targetObject instanceof Map) {
Object key = index;
if (targetObjectTypeDescriptor.getMapKeyTypeDescriptor() != null) {
key = state.convertValue(key, targetObjectTypeDescriptor.getMapKeyTypeDescriptor());
Object value = ((Map<?, ?>) targetObject).get(key);
return new TypedValue(value, targetObjectTypeDescriptor.getMapValueTypeDescriptor(value));
if (targetObject == null) {
throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(),SpelMessage.CANNOT_INDEX_INTO_NULL_VALUE);
// if the object is something that looks indexable by an integer, attempt to treat the index value as a number
if (targetObject instanceof Collection || targetObject.getClass().isArray() || targetObject instanceof String) {
int idx = (Integer) state.convertValue(index, TypeDescriptor.valueOf(Integer.class));
if (targetObject.getClass().isArray()) {
Object arrayElement = accessArrayElement(targetObject, idx);
return new TypedValue(arrayElement, targetObjectTypeDescriptor.elementTypeDescriptor(arrayElement));
} else if (targetObject instanceof Collection) {
Collection c = (Collection) targetObject;
if (idx >= c.size()) {
if (!growCollection(state, targetObjectTypeDescriptor, idx, c)) {
throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(),SpelMessage.COLLECTION_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, c.size(), idx);
int pos = 0;
for (Object o : c) {
if (pos == idx) {
return new TypedValue(o, targetObjectTypeDescriptor.elementTypeDescriptor(o));
} else if (targetObject instanceof String) {
String ctxString = (String) targetObject;
if (idx >= ctxString.length()) {
throw new SpelEvaluationException(getStartPosition(),SpelMessage.STRING_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, ctxString.length(), idx);
return new TypedValue(String.valueOf(ctxString.charAt(idx)));
// Try and treat the index value as a property of the context object
// TODO could call the conversion service to convert the value to a String
if (indexValue.getTypeDescriptor().getType()==String.class) {
Class<?> targetObjectRuntimeClass = getObjectClass(targetObject);
String name = (String)indexValue.getValue();
EvaluationContext eContext = state.getEvaluationContext();
try {
if (cachedReadName!=null && cachedReadName.equals(name) && cachedReadTargetType!=null && cachedReadTargetType.equals(targetObjectRuntimeClass)) {
// it is OK to use the cached accessor